No Borders Demonstration Harmondsworth Pictures
Peter Marshall | 08.04.2006 19:26 | April 2006 No Borders Days of Action | Anti-racism | Migration | Repression | London | World
Band prepare to play. Colnbrook Detention Centre in background
Outside Harmondsworth Detention Centre
The detainees thanked the demonstrators for coming and told how they were being prevented from hearing what was happening. There had been some assaults on detainees and they were refusing food and water. At one point a small group inside sang over the phone for those outside.
Around one o'clock the police penned in a group of around 60 demonstrators on the main road, holding them for some time. They held one NUJ member, refusing to accept his Press Card was genuine, then going on to argue that press who got close to the demonstrators and went to a lot of demonstrations should be treated as demonstrators. Eventually they released him. At this point I had to leave before the demonstration finished
More pictures on My London Diary shortly.
Peter Marshall
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no borders is nonsense!
09.04.2006 08:50
g love
dear g love,...
09.04.2006 13:30
"Immigration controls are a very recent invention" No they are not!
09.04.2006 17:12
10.04.2006 11:17
That's alright then
We'd gladly support the hundreds of thousands or even millions till they found their feet and filled the vast numbers of employment vacancies in the UK.
Accommodation wouldn't be a problem as we'd just build several more cities.
They'd all be honest so there wouldn't b a surge in crime among people surrounded by wealth but unable to access it. There'd be no friction in the de-industrialised areas ,so the BNP wouldn't get massive working-class support and come to power in a coalition with the Tories.
No borders no probs!