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Incinerator Public Meeting - Public Bodies pull out!

Jon Beresford | 08.04.2006 16:53 | Ecology

NAIL - Nottingham Against Incineration and Landfill were invited to speak at a Radio Nottingham Groundswell debate, chaired by the presenter John Holmes on Tuesday 11 April. Although the Public meeting still happened, the two public bodies, the Environment Agency and the City Council pulled out. We feel that it is extremely sad state of affairs when in a democracy, two Public Bodies who should be answerable to the public, won't even meet them to listen to their views and concerns!

Event photos
Listen to thefull debate (1hr 20mins - 32kbs, 19Mb)
See poster | previous article

Jon Beresford
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09.04.2006 09:53

The meeting starts at 7pm Tuesday 11 April.

Please come along, although the City Council and the Enviroment Agency refuse to listen to the public, whop they should be accountable to, we will make ourselves heard!

Jon Beresford
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Pictures and audio from the meeting

15.04.2006 19:44

Report Pictures and audio from the meeting

now posted at:

see wot the BBC missed

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