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Northern Class War Organising - May 1st

North East Class War | 23.03.2006 10:15 | Mayday 2006 | Anti-racism | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements | Sheffield

Utilising the Haymarket martyrs anniversary and the 80th anniversary of the start of the General Strike. Class War are inviting Northern unaffiliated anarchists and working class activists to a day long event in Doncaster - celebrating the finest rebellious working class traditions.

Here's an event that northern anarchists may want to be involved in - those from Sheffield, Bradford, Leeds, etc can travel easily to this event.

Class War and others are organising practical politics up north, and have some things planned for the summer and beyond.

Monday 1st MAY

Miners Lock-out and General Strike

80 th Anniversary Commemoration

Monday 1st MAY

The Woolpack Pub’ Market Place.



Film: The Miners Film (Cinema Action)

Presentation: The bitter lock-out, Days of hope in the General Strike, and the betrayal by the TUC.
David Douglass. National Union Mineworkers.

Debate and discussion - 21st Century class war .

Folk Music Social: with Toe'in'the Dark.

Organised by Mining Communities Advice Service in conjunction with the National Union of Mineworkers,
The Industrial Workers of The World (IWW)
Doncaster Class War and
North East Class War.

North East Class War
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23.03.2006 19:48

mmmh this event seems symbolic of the left, mired in the past and missing out on what is going on. The miners strike, important as it was, was twenty years ago. Where is the looking to the future? As France kick off and people around the UK fight against the destruction of jobs, people, plants and animals and getting persecuted for it, as Blair & co bring in ever more repressive laws, people should be out fighting those bottles than looking back to 'glory days' of the 'working class' struggle.

I also dislike the association of anarchism with what was essentially a struggle lead by authoritarian left against the right. Anarchism is a much broader church than this and people should not fetishize the working class in the way events as this do.

As an anarchist and an environmentalist, I find it hard also to sympathise with a body of people, as much as I have sympathy with the oppression they suffered, when today I campaign against the use of fossil fuels and their destruction of the environment.

Artie Shaw
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28.03.2006 17:49

Is this event for real, or is it a piss take?!


Silly Children should try to relate to their elders

21.04.2006 16:51

Pedro - Obviously you are not real. Try saying that shite in former mining villages, and I'd be surprised if you came out unscathed. As for Artie Shaw, actually I don't give a toos what a few environmental youngsters think, I'm more concerened with the millions for whom the miners strike and class oppression was and is a lived reality. You haven't got a clue how these people think. SO, everybody is invited to this Doncaster event on Mayday, and I'm sure we'll be planning practical politics which stand a chance of getting many many more people involved/interested - despite the scepticism of inexperienced youth.

Class Justice
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