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KHOODEELAAR demands Tower Hamets chief executive resignation

© The Author / CBRUK /KHOODEELAAR / LAWMEDIA 2006 | 31.01.2006 15:56 | Analysis | Social Struggles | London | World

In the legal communication sent earlier today to Tower Hamlets Council chief executive Christine Gilbert, the KHOODEELAAR legal affairs unit tells her : "your failure to comply with your legal duties and because of your disregard for the upholding of standard on the Council and because of your disappointing collusion with the illegitimate interests who now hold control on the Tower Hamlets Council, the KHOODEELAAR campaign must give expression to the legitimate and democratic imperative and need and necessity to call for your immediate resignation and [in the event that you refuse or fail to resign] for your being democratically and constitutionally removed from your office as your continued holding of that position is in contravention of your legal duties and as it is jeopardising the operation of the lbth council as the democratic representer of the local community in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets"


Legal communication to Christine Gilbert on lbth council 'role' on Crossrail hole 31-1-2006

Dear Ms Gilbert

Re: KHOODEELAAR campaign meeting 22 January 2006 – the ultimatum to the council to pass full council resolution opposing the Crossrail hole, and the role so far of the controlling group on tower hamlets council

This is to confirm at 1400 Hrs GMT Tuesday 31 January 2006 that

1. You, still occupying the position of chief executive in the london borough of tower hamlets council [lbth] which position you occupied on 6 October 2004 when the KHOODEELAAR campaign members and supporters observed the formal meeting of the lbth council cabinet that went through an agenda item on the lbth council’s role on the Crossrail hole plan, have not either acknowledged or replied to or in any legally acceptable or evident way acted in acknowledgement of the demands contained in our communication to you on 23 January 2006,

2. You had written a letter to cbrukcentral in October 2004 in response to the CBRUK questionnaire sent to you [and otherwise published by KHOODEELAAR in the local community in tower hamlets and on the worldwide web] in which the CBRUK organisation stated that cllr Michael Keith, then chairing the lbth council’s regeneration committee, had misled the local community about the lbth council’s formal role and informal role in promoting the interests of the Crossrail hole scheme promoters. In that letter you had questioned the CBRUK central position and you also claimed that you had made notes or that you had had access to the actual notes of the meeting of 6 October 2004 and that those notes and your own recollections contradicted the CBRUK central position about Michael Keith having misled the local community on the role played so far by Michael Keith himself and by the controlling group on tower hamlets council in promoting the interests of those who wanted to dig a hole in the brick lane london e1 area.

3. You failed to answer the further questions, analyses and dissection that were then put to you by KHOODEELAAR and by the CBRUK central committee showing you the findings of all KHOODEELAAR investigations into the behaviour of cllr Michael Keith upto that time in promoting the Crossrail hole –pluggers’ interest and you were sent those in demonstrable accordance with the highest known and recognised standards of forensic pathology

4. You neglected to answer the questions or to deal with the evidence or to respond to the later and the newer and the more elaborate allegations the KHOODEELAAR campaign was making against the role you had played in allowing the violations of the constitutional duties and in tolerating or overlooking the illegalities being committed and perpetrated by sitting controlling councillors against the local community and against the local electorate and the local electorate on the matter of the Crossrail hole prompters and interests

5. You have continued in the past nine days [since the KHOODEELAAR campaign ultimatum of 22 January 2006] to show disregard for the law, to show contempt for the legal duties and the rule of law that you ought to have been following prior to the ultimatum of 22 January 2006 and you have done all of those and you have continued to fail to conduct yourself as the impartial, law-abiding, constitution-respecting holder of the publicly-paid position of chief executive because you have been in collusion yourself against the interests of the local community that is the target of the Crossrail hole attacks plan bill and that that collusion, that disrespect to the local community on your part is at odds with the statement which you published in the past 30 days after your having been included in Tony Blair’s ‘honours list’.

6. You have contradicted your own alleged affinity with the democratic rights and interest of the local community and on your alleged loyalty and your alleged respect to the local community in the London borough of tower hamlets

7. You have allowed your office to be abused again by the very interests that are threatening the local community in the London borough of tower hamlets.

8. You have according to the plans of the anti-social, anti-east end interest, pretended that you have not received our communication of 23 and 25 January 2006.

9. You have thus caused another hindrance against the community ands you have also taken part in another illegitimate but gigantic corruption of the powers and the remits of the LBTH Council in the illegal and the corrupting misleading of and via the relevant [mainly Council-funding related] elements in the local community by taking part de facto in endorsing the criminal interference with the democratic representation of the local community’s lawful and constitution demands that is contained in and symbolised by the single motion which Mr Muhammad haque put to the meeting of 22 January 2006 and which was unanimously passed by that meeting.

10. Because of your failure to comply with your legal duties and because of your disregard for the upholding of standard on the Council and because of your disappointing collusion with the illegitimate interests who now hold control on the Tower Hamlets Council, the KHOODEELAAR campaign must give expression to the legitimate and democratic imperative and need and necessity to call for your immediate resignation and [in the event that you refuse or fail to resign] for your being democratically and constitutionally removed from your office as your continued holding of that position is in contravention of your legal duties and as it is jeopardising the operation of the lbth council as the democratic representer of the local community in the London borough of Tower Hamlets.

End of the legal communication to Christine Gilbert Chief Executive of the LBTH COUNCIL London e14 2bg at 1450 hrs GMT on Tuesday 31 January 2006

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Hide the following 7 comments

KHOODEELAAR has no news conference on 31 Jan 2006

31.01.2006 17:31

The KHOODEELAAR the Brick Lane London e1 Area campaign against the Crossrail hole Bill has no news conference anywhere on Tuesday 31 January 2006.

To view the full statement, please visit

KHOODEELAAR the Brick Lane London E1 Area campaign against Crossrail hole
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Galloway is alreday missing the key point

31.01.2006 19:20

The SOCIALIST WORKER ONLINE has shown again today that George Galloway is not the political capital that they had been pretending.

The SOCIALIST WORKER website is leading with the headline' let's drive respect to victory in May' instead of saying 'let's drive the local community to victory against the corrupt and undemocratic and unrepresentative local council in tower Hamlets'

The SOCIALIST WORKER ONLINE has shown again today that George Galloway is not the political capital that they had been pretending.

The SOCIALIST WORKER website is leading with the headline' let's drive respect to victory in May' instead of saying 'let's drive the local community to victory against the corrupt and undemocratic and unrepresentative local council in tower Hamlets'

Back to the local community and our own resources. We can’t trust any party.

We have to beat Crossrail hole and not rely on some patchy promises from another group.

I would say that the best guarantee against Crossrail hole is the local community, not these overrated punters who will not show their commitment to the local community even before the election.

Fat chance of their showing any care after the election in May 2006


Galloway must stop the ticket-selling pranks and toutish behaviour

31.01.2006 21:21

Galloway must stop the ticket-selling pranks and toutish behaviour. Or he will be laughed out of public life for good.

If he hasn't got the message yet, that the public do not approve of sleazy tendencies, then of course the pubic of the4 Bethnal Green and Bow constituency had better be prepared for an even more ridiculous George Galloway than what he treated us to via the C4 sleaze house

It really is time for Galloway to get down to addressing the serious issues of the constituents.

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getting desperate

31.01.2006 23:30

I see the New Labour trolls are getting worried. I hope you get smashed in the local elections. It will serve you right for trying to decimate a community on the behest of big business. I'm going to vote for a party that opposes crossrail.

community activist

Call for a second Tower Hamlets pro-Crossrail hole employee to resign

01.02.2006 16:57


Khoodeelaar! the Brick Lane London E1 Area campaign against the Crossrail hole Bill has today demanded the dismissal from office in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets Council of an employee who has been illegally active towards frustrating the community’s demand of 22 January 2006 for Tower Hamlets Council to pass a simple, single resolution opposing the Crossrail hole Bill.

The demand comes within days of the KHOODEELKAAR demand for Tower Hamlets Council’s chief executive Christine Gilbert to resign.

Both demands are in keeping with the KHOODEELAAR Manifesto 2006 which had been launched before the 22 January 2006 public meeting held in the Hanbury Street in support of the KHOODEELAAR campaign against the Crossrail hole plan.

The ultimatum is due to expire at the weekend.

KHOODEELAAR CAMPAIGN AGAINST CROSSRAIL HOLE BILL organiser Muhammad Haque spoke in the Brick Lane London E1 Area today. He said that the biggest public meeting held in a long time in the Hanbury Street in support of a very local demand left no one in any doubt as to the legal and the political consequences of the controlling group on Tower Hamlets Council continuing to try to sabotage the community’s wish and demand.

He said, “We the community gave the ruling group on Tower Hamlets Council a very reasonable way out of the serious mess they had created. We gave them the reasonable way out so that they could save face and also retain some legitimacy in the local community. Now they are showing signs that they have not learnt from the community as to how to behave with dignity while still occupying elected positions.”

“In the TEN days since the meeting in the Hanbury street, the ruling group on tower hamlets council has behaved like sleazy cabal intent on faking
Every element of very genuine fact in sight, as long as the fakery is perceived at least by them as the same thing as the community’s democratic demand. We have no alternative but to press on with the full agenda of the KHOODEELAAR PROGRAMME UNTIL THE Council act in accordance with the community’s lawful and valid demand and are seen to be doing so. In time. On time. Not after the procedural time limit has been allowed to be missed. This was all specified in the motion that I moved at the meeting on 22 January 2006 which became the community’s ultimatum to the Council.”

In the legal notice served on the employee concerned by KHOODEELAAR legal affairs unit today, the campaign states the facts and grounds as follows,

“KHOODEELAAR has seen a copy of a statement by you sent to a destination in the Brick Lane London E1 area by fax from a fax number other than the one advertised as being located in your operational unit in the London borough of Tower Hamlets Council, in which you have repeated in effect words and representations that continue your illegal negligent and wrongful past utterances and statements.

This is a serious breach of your legal duties, contrary to your terms of employment or contract and contrary to the job speciation under which you are employed or contracted.

You are not entitled to tell lies, you are not entitled to retell lies, and you are not entitled to retail lies on behalf of any member of the Council or on behalf of any employee or agent of the Council. You are most empathically not entitled to tell or retell or retail lies for an outside agency or interest external to the duly constituted legal entity of the London borough of Tower Hamlets Council.

You are either acting as an agent for the Crossrail hole plotters or you are an employee of the London Borough of Tower Hamlets Council. You cannot be acting for both at the same time. The London Borough of Tower Hamlets Council is in existence to serve the lawful, the legitimate, the democratic needs and demands and interests of the local people. It is not in existence as an instrument for corrupt elements and interests.

The Crossrail hole promoters are by definition and on the facts corrupt elements.

Any promoter of any of those plotters' lines and their lies, arguments or suggestions or fabrications is a corrupt element.

Both are liable to prosecution for criminal offences.

Do you understand this?

If you do not, you must consult an appropriate knowledgeable legally competent person without delay.

Your statement dated 26 January 2006 is an additional insult to the community who gave the LBTH Council the emphatic ultimatum to pass a simile, single resolution and to do so within 2 weeks from the date of the meeting of 22 January 2006.

You are particularly implicated in any additional wrongdoing perpetrated in the name of the Lbth Council and for the maintenance of the Crossrail hole plot Bill status quo since 22 January 2006 that is found to have been engaged in by anyone in the present Council.

Your previous circular ‘TO ALL COUNCILLORS’ [19 September 2005] was read out in relevant part to the meeting. The thrust, the implication, the meaning of that circular was also emphatically rejected.

In the motion that the meeting then adopted – which contained the ultimatum - you [singular and collective] were told loudly and clearly that should you persist in engaging in anti-democratic misconduct and misinformation, you would be treated to a programme of education under the democratic auspices of a democratised Tower Hamlets Council so that you would become acquainted with the process of democracy and would be disposed to respecting the legitimate wishes and preferences of the local community.

We can confirm that KHOODEELAAR the Brick Lane London E1 area campaign against the Crossrail hole Bill has today reaffirmed its rejection of your role and has separately sent a formal demand to the Chief Executive for your immediate dismissal from the Council on grounds of illegality and misconduct.

You are hereby and herewith served with the notice that any further falsification and lying on your part either on behalf of any illegally active councillor or councillors or on behalf of any other employee or employees or on behalf of any identifiably active Crossrail promoting interests located outside or inside of the LBTH Council, will be treated by the campaign as a your deliberate negligent and callous act of criminal al provocation against the community.

You are also warned against abusing the resources of the LBTH Council in any way seeking to achieve the aims and objects of the Crossrail plotters against the local community.

The resources include the time and the tools that are used in the name of the LBTH Council which are supposed to be solely applied to serve the local community.

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Christine Gilbert's 'reply' to KHOODEELAAR will be published on 7February 2006

07.02.2006 10:54

Christine Gilbert's 'reply' to KHOODEELAAR will be published on 7February 2006

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Khoodeelaar repoorts lack of standards on Tower Hamlets Coiuncil

18.02.2006 09:45

Due to the volume of demand and requests for the KHOODEELAAR Report ion the Tower Hamlets Council' and its role in the Crossrail tunnel hole disaster. We have arranged for a summary of the report ton be published on the internet.

That will be published in then week beginning on Monday 20 February 2006. Please visit

At or after 0100 Hrs on Monday 20 February 2006

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