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Support the July 7th survivor's online petition for a Public Inquiry

.. | 16.12.2005 17:54 | Anti-militarism | Repression | Social Struggles | London | World

"Apparently it will 'take too long', 'be too expensive' and 'only tell us things we already know.' We have spent a thousand days in Iraq and £3.1 billion. Is that too long? Is that too expensive? Is the link between Iraq and July 7th what we already know?" - Rachel, London Bombings survivor

"Rachel North", a July 7th survivor, has started an online petition demanding a full and comprehensive independent inquiry into the London bombings:

Writing in response to the government's suggestion that a "narrative" of events would suffice, she says to Tony Blair:

"How dare you presume you know our questions and how dare you presume that they can be answered by a 'narrative of what happened', as if we are children to be placated with a story. I know what happened, I want to know why. I want a debate, Mr Blair, I want a dialogue."

Quoted on the same blog is another survivor, Amy:

"How dare Tony Blair say there shouldn’t be one. He is the one that got us into this mess by agreeing to go to war.
Also they knew about the bombers a year beforehand. I reckon that is why they are not doing a public enquiry. If they did then a lot of crap would come out that they just don't want anyone to hear. I think we should air our views on this or some of us should. This country always seems to put up and shut up and it is time we did something about it. We are all angry and hurt with the government and what they are doing."

Fiona, who also survived the attacks, says:

"We are constantly reminded that this is the worst peace time bombing London has ever seen, for something that bad there should be an inquiry. People died, families lost someone they loved and hundreds are still suffering. You can't put a price on that but apparently the government can.
Is it any wonder no one in this country votes any more? Is it any wonder we have lost faith in politicians when they do things like this?"

And another survivor, Kirsty, says:

"‘It seems to me that there is a huge case of double standards going on.....if the threat of terrorism is so great that they are prepared to try & introduce laws that seriously threaten our civil liberties....then surely it is important enough to have a public enquiry.....laws aren't going to stop this happening again....but understanding why it happened might just begin to on the other hand..."

The text of the petition reads as follows:

We, the British Public, call for a fully comprehensive Public Inquiry into the July 7th 2005 London Bombings.

Only this can provide us with the information we need as to what actually happened, how it happened and why it happened so that we will be better prepared to prevent such a tragedy happening again.

We, the Public were attacked. We, the Public have questions. We, the Public want our questions answered, independently, transparently and honestly.

To join the survivors in their call for a proper examination of the full truth, click here:

For more information on the campaign, click here:

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16.12.2005 22:31

I'm a bit cynical about petitions in general, and on-line ones in particular
The Mob in Control will disregard them as much as they care for the well-being of the herd in general
Still, here's Rachel, a victim who won't lie down and be a victim, a proper survivor who's keen to take back control and who needs all the support she can get
So, there's no hesitation about this one
Blair, Clarke and associates and backers , are complicit in this, blood of the victims not only on their hands but dripping from their lips.
They know they'll find it hard to find compliancy from the judiciary, who, though brotherhood, are wary of being exposed as cover-up agents like Hutton et al yet again
Better Blair goes down they think
Hence no enquiry
Sign this petition and shout it from the rooftops
Why I think I might even take Rachel's advice and start emailing that maudlin bunch of tossers in the Palace of Westminster on this



17.12.2005 13:43

An enquiry is not needed because we already know the only 'acceptable' conclusion : that there was a solid steel link between Iraq and 7/7. Any other 'conclusion' would be whitewash etc etc....


That's a whitewash too

17.12.2005 17:26

" there was a solid steel link between Iraq and 7/7"
Such a conclusion merely confirms and supports the official story behind the attack, or soon to be 'narrative'
The same people create the conditions, including staged events, used to justify war and conflict, and then usually fund both sides
The ongoing internal conflict in Iraq is sustained in much the same fashion, witness those SSR mercenaries in Arab dress with a car full of explosives arrested in Basra in September, then bust out of jail by British tanks


A lie oft repeated...

17.12.2005 19:08

"those SSR mercenaries in Arab dress with a car full of explosives arrested in Basra in September, then bust out of jail by British tanks"

You must have info we don't:

The SRR is a bona fide uk regiment; not mercenaries.

The shemagh is standard Spec Ops kit in such places.

There are no credible reports of explosives being found.

So, it wasn't the negotiating team that got busted out by tankies???

Can we have an end to all this conspiracy loon tosh? It isn't news.


It was like I say, M

17.12.2005 20:04

You obviously weren't watching the news channels when the shoot-out and arrests at an Iraqi police roadblock occurred. The earliest reports said that the car was packed with explosives.
SRR is known to pull retired ex-SAS out of retirement and pay them big money for black propaganda jobs - Section 14Int is renowned for pulling the dirtiesty of dirty tricks
It was the operatives pulled out of jail, simultaneously releasing some 120 alleged Sunni insurgents
What would the British military care about that so long as its secrets are safe?
And thanks to your concern, no - I think I'll stick around a while



17.12.2005 21:17

I hardly watch any TV. I haven't seen any reports that detail what these explosives (supposedly) were and how they were prepped. In fact, no-one seemed to follow the lone Chinese News story (quoting a partisan source) that seems to have originated the idea. There is a world of a difference between MoD C4 and some homebrew. There are no explosives photographically documented, which strikes me as indicating they never existed.

As far as I can tell, the "disguise" extends only as far as a shemagh and a wig. They were according to most sources carrying M16s and laser targetting equipment, waving a British flag at the checkpoint guards. This starting to sound increasingly silly for a covert professional unit pretending to be insurgents? I know standards have been slipping, but we haven't sunk to the level of the Yanks yet. I mean, since when did the "insurgents" have an airforce and since when did they start carring M16s?

I would be very interested to know how you can be so sure they are SRR. I know the kit strongly suggests SRR (SAS/SBS/etc) but there have been to my knowledge no comments on the specifics of their role. And surely the obvious western kit negates the idea of a "false flag", no? Notleast, the irony of the guys actually possessing and waving a Union Jack?

I'd also be very interested if you shared more detailed info regarding your insight on SRR recruitment (who have only been operational for a matter of months AFAIK) Or are you imposing the FRU/Det paradigm on the SRR as an assumption of "business as usual"?

My problem is that as plausible as some assumptions may be, they aren't newsworthy without something to back them up. If anyone has evidence, I'd want to hear it. But, please leave the conspiracy theories off site?


Hi M

18.12.2005 00:19

the brutish have openly stated that they have been using IED's as a weapon in their 'peacekeeping' armoury. The two 'hard men' as in hard to believe, were caught red-handed in their disgraceful behaviour. These two men represent everything that is the basest and worst in human or in their case - sub-human behaviour, the killing for a fee of innocents. Just like the marines who were recently shopped by one of 'their own' by virtue of a clandestine candid video recording. This was an example of sub-bestial behaviour, whereas animals do not subject each other to ritualised peer torture games. These sub animals are much better off D - E - A - D.


the photo

18.12.2005 09:38

the photo (taken by the iraqi authorities)
the photo (taken by the iraqi authorities)

Containing guns, ammo, explosives, detonators, remote control equip for cars, mobile phones and the appropriate recievers for detonators, trip wires, sattillite phones, false documents and disguises.

The car in which they were travelling was unmarked and not issued through the appropriate authorites (ie untracable). When challanged by iraqi authrities, the car bolted, gunfire was exchanged and subsequently one policeman was killed.

Following their arrest, the two were taken to the local police station but later moved to a complex outside - but next to- the station to prevent any attempt by insugents or their supportes within the police service from exacting revenge.

The reports that they were handed over to insurgents was based on the the fact that the british authorities had been recruiting shia militias as 'auxillaries'. It was to these iiregulars that the men were handed over to, to ensure their safety.

The british response was to send in tanks, APCs and helicopters to shoot up the police station (were they weren't) and then panic.

The men have been identified since by various sources loosely connected to the military and now working as journalists as decommissioned officers from the sas (ie working as hard to track mercenaries).

The trruth is hard to take sometimes isn't it?

mr proof

That's a fine story, but...

18.12.2005 12:07

Is this based on the general sway of reportage or what??? You offer prrof with nothing but a poor quality image with no annotation. Please point out everything you have listed in the photo and cross refer it to clearer images where possible.

All I can see clearly is an M16 another SMG that I can't readily identify; a trolly jack; batteries for a cordless drill. A bag containing possibly jump leads and a tow rope; a radio pack; possibly a voltmeter and I'm guessing the thing that looks like a set of bathroom scales is a laser targetting thingy; a kevlar vest; several machine gun clips; a shoulder held mini missile/ anti tank weapon???; hand held radios and some other odds and sods I can't make out.

Where is all the stuff you listed? Please advise!

Even if your list was correct, it's hardly the equipment of a convincing insurgent cell is it?

Car not tracable: what do you expect for a covert regiment, their badge and motto sprayed on the doors?

Positive ID: I haven't seen anything but speculative comment and at that rate certainly none that tallies with "false flag".

The most consistent story I have heard is that they were kidnapped by militia (moved close by) and a negotiating team were also taken (in the jail/police station) so the MoD went apeshit. You'll note that this story still sidesteps the issue of what 2 special forces bods were doing getting caught in the first place.

I have no proof whatsoever, but my guess is that they were involved in some sort of mission regarding an air strike. Given the timing possibly targetting an Iranian target either this or that side of the border. But, again pure and utter speculation on my behalf.

False flag: someone on a diet of Steven Seagal & Chuck Norris could plan a better mission with more appropriate equipment!

As for the rest of your allegations: more proof Mr Proof!


Some back-up

18.12.2005 20:16

Thanks Mr Proof for supplying some supporting evidence though even here we can't be sure that what is shown is what was found - we have a puppet polive in an invaded country and what ever temporary conflicts might arise, in the end collusion and control will assert themselves

Here's a couple of stories backing my original conclusions

The guy investigating the debacle dies mysteriously


which rightly ties the activities of these people right back into the midst of the Irish conflict, which can be increasingly be seen as a manipulated conflict with infiltrating agents provocateurs, various sections of army, police and intelligence staging or allowing terrorist events to occur, a whole bunch of framed people having to be released under the Good Friday agreement

To bring it back closer to the original thread topic, it would appear that these same group of dirty tricks operatives were instrumental in the Menezes killing. They are known to pretend to be Police by the neat trick of wearing baseball caps which say "Police" on the front


Eugene Hasenfus

20.12.2005 13:04

Although unrelated to the Basra incident, the story of Eugene Hasenfus (do a search for the name) reveals the extent and depth of how far the 'offical story' can be discounted in regards to its continual denial of involvement in terrorist activities designed to fracture and destroy indigenous political/social movements.

A member of the Iraqi national assembly at the time, Fattah al-Shaykh (do a search for the name), seemed to have no trouble reporting to various news outlets that the car, in which the two diguised british agents were travelling, was carrying explosives and that the occupants exchanged fire with (so called) legitimate policemen - killing one of them.

Sheik Hassan al-Zarqani (do a search for the name), a spokesman for Al-Sadrs Mahdi Army militia:

"What our police found in their car was very disturbing" ... "weapons, explosives, and a remote control detonator. These are the weapons of terrorists. We believe these soldiers were planning an attack on a market or other civilian targets"

The very same militia entrusted and enjoined by the british occupying forces to help 'maintain stability and improve security' were now seen as untrustworthy and against the british military forces for merely guarding the two suspects - who awaited the, supposed due process of law ... a process thought to be good enough for the other 150+ detainies at the facility (subsequently to escape when their prison walls were flatened by expensive helicopter mounted missles and repeated ramming by up to ten APC's and tanks.

It is interesting to note the ease with which [m] extends our knowledge of military equipment with [his] superior expertese in the matter. One wonders where [he] aquired such an interesting appreciation of the finer points of military supplies!?!

In order to prevent accidental exchanges between friendly forces, all vehicles used for the transport of men and equipment must be registered and signed off daily with the appropriate authorities ... clearly not the case here.

That, [m] cannot see evidence for false flag activities is no suprise. Were one to attatch definative proof to an elephant and dangle all day before [his] nose, one doubts whether the packyderm would register at all!

Waiting around for some mysterious, but friendly, authority to provide [one] with proof for the ill intentions of british, amerikan and isreali imperialist aspirations is a lonely - and pointless - endeavour.

Go with your gut feeling and assimulate the available evidence (which is substantial enough for those not with their head up their arses or burdoned by the weight of admiration and indentification with the guilty parties).

Oil and israel are the best discriminating filters by which to see the true nature of the events unfolding in this war against terra ... an unswerving love of justice and the belief in the innate equality of all lifeforms will be our saviours ... there ain't no 7th cavalry waiting to charge (unless that is you are a Fallujan!).

mail e-mail:


20.12.2005 23:25

"a whole bunch of framed people having to be released under the Good Friday agreement"

I think you'll find that a whole bunch of people who weren't framed were released too. And quite a lot of them seemed quite proud of what they did!

Paranoid Pete


20.12.2005 23:25

"a whole bunch of framed people having to be released under the Good Friday agreement"

I think you'll find that a whole bunch of people who weren't framed were released too. And quite a lot of them seemed quite proud of what they did!

Paranoid Pete