Support the July 7th survivor's online petition for a Public Inquiry
.. | 16.12.2005 17:54 | Anti-militarism | Repression | Social Struggles | London | World
"Apparently it will 'take too long', 'be too expensive' and 'only tell us things we already know.' We have spent a thousand days in Iraq and £3.1 billion. Is that too long? Is that too expensive? Is the link between Iraq and July 7th what we already know?" - Rachel, London Bombings survivor
"Rachel North", a July 7th survivor, has started an online petition demanding a full and comprehensive independent inquiry into the London bombings:
Writing in response to the government's suggestion that a "narrative" of events would suffice, she says to Tony Blair:
"How dare you presume you know our questions and how dare you presume that they can be answered by a 'narrative of what happened', as if we are children to be placated with a story. I know what happened, I want to know why. I want a debate, Mr Blair, I want a dialogue."
Quoted on the same blog is another survivor, Amy:
"How dare Tony Blair say there shouldn’t be one. He is the one that got us into this mess by agreeing to go to war.
Also they knew about the bombers a year beforehand. I reckon that is why they are not doing a public enquiry. If they did then a lot of crap would come out that they just don't want anyone to hear. I think we should air our views on this or some of us should. This country always seems to put up and shut up and it is time we did something about it. We are all angry and hurt with the government and what they are doing."
Fiona, who also survived the attacks, says:
"We are constantly reminded that this is the worst peace time bombing London has ever seen, for something that bad there should be an inquiry. People died, families lost someone they loved and hundreds are still suffering. You can't put a price on that but apparently the government can.
Is it any wonder no one in this country votes any more? Is it any wonder we have lost faith in politicians when they do things like this?"
And another survivor, Kirsty, says:
"‘It seems to me that there is a huge case of double standards going on.....if the threat of terrorism is so great that they are prepared to try & introduce laws that seriously threaten our civil liberties....then surely it is important enough to have a public enquiry.....laws aren't going to stop this happening again....but understanding why it happened might just begin to on the other hand..."
The text of the petition reads as follows:
We, the British Public, call for a fully comprehensive Public Inquiry into the July 7th 2005 London Bombings.
Only this can provide us with the information we need as to what actually happened, how it happened and why it happened so that we will be better prepared to prevent such a tragedy happening again.
We, the Public were attacked. We, the Public have questions. We, the Public want our questions answered, independently, transparently and honestly.
To join the survivors in their call for a proper examination of the full truth, click here:
For more information on the campaign, click here:

Writing in response to the government's suggestion that a "narrative" of events would suffice, she says to Tony Blair:
"How dare you presume you know our questions and how dare you presume that they can be answered by a 'narrative of what happened', as if we are children to be placated with a story. I know what happened, I want to know why. I want a debate, Mr Blair, I want a dialogue."

Quoted on the same blog is another survivor, Amy:
"How dare Tony Blair say there shouldn’t be one. He is the one that got us into this mess by agreeing to go to war.
Also they knew about the bombers a year beforehand. I reckon that is why they are not doing a public enquiry. If they did then a lot of crap would come out that they just don't want anyone to hear. I think we should air our views on this or some of us should. This country always seems to put up and shut up and it is time we did something about it. We are all angry and hurt with the government and what they are doing."
Fiona, who also survived the attacks, says:
"We are constantly reminded that this is the worst peace time bombing London has ever seen, for something that bad there should be an inquiry. People died, families lost someone they loved and hundreds are still suffering. You can't put a price on that but apparently the government can.
Is it any wonder no one in this country votes any more? Is it any wonder we have lost faith in politicians when they do things like this?"
And another survivor, Kirsty, says:
"‘It seems to me that there is a huge case of double standards going on.....if the threat of terrorism is so great that they are prepared to try & introduce laws that seriously threaten our civil liberties....then surely it is important enough to have a public enquiry.....laws aren't going to stop this happening again....but understanding why it happened might just begin to on the other hand..."
The text of the petition reads as follows:
We, the British Public, call for a fully comprehensive Public Inquiry into the July 7th 2005 London Bombings.
Only this can provide us with the information we need as to what actually happened, how it happened and why it happened so that we will be better prepared to prevent such a tragedy happening again.
We, the Public were attacked. We, the Public have questions. We, the Public want our questions answered, independently, transparently and honestly.
To join the survivors in their call for a proper examination of the full truth, click here:

For more information on the campaign, click here:

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