The Dark Political Alleys of Torture
richard kobzey | 25.11.2005 12:03 | Globalisation | Repression | Social Struggles | World
What makes me worthy not to be tortured in some CIA prison, if I will not stand vehemently opposed to such evil? Will I stand up when it is too late?
If they are trying to decide if they should charge you with a crime, let them investigate the matter on their own time.
We are not required to submit to privacy with those who might possibly be exploiting their position in order to lead us into a dark political alley. So many people get screwed over for speaking without family, friends, witnesses, or lawyers present. With witnesses it is much more difficult for politically deployed agents to twist your testimony around in court. Let them deal with this difficulty, rather than you incurring the difficulty of disproving what your nervous psyche supposedly uttered in some dark political alley.
Whether or NOT one is charged with a crime, when one is alone, one should not speak but verbalize this determination and firmly expect the agents to refrain from intimidation or further questioning. Until one is charged with a crime, it is one’s right to continue walking. If you have the desire to be helpful invite them to a popular coffee spot.
Remember too, that your psychological state is yours to maintain and yours to protect yourself from legal disadvantages.
Torture is an absolute abomination of the Fifth Amendment. If torture is overlooked when people are suspected of terrorism, corrupt politicians will be looking to label dissenters terrorists. I am afraid that this is already happening. Democracy must organize itself to cut off the lifeblood of those who hold such gruesome command.
Those who are illegally detained by US and international authorities rightly ought to be defended in the International Criminal Court, and deserving of restitution. When such crimes become the order of any democratic administration, democracy receives a deadly wound.
Are innocent people serving time while being tortured?
Who is at all interested in preventing government sanctioned torture from coming to his or her neighborhood?
If anyone needs help deciding if I am guilty of demanding that the game of politics must be made to remain transparent and fair at any attention-getting cost, they will have to decide that in court.
Let my accuser choose between meeting with me in court, or joining Michael Moore, Cindy Sheehan and I for a long overdue dialogue.
When the great terrorist comes charging at me, what will I be charged with?
Who will scuttle me away into the dark alley where the abomination of desolation begins?
What makes me worthy not to be tortured in some CIA prison, if I will not stand vehemently opposed to such evil? Will I stand up when it is too late?
NOTE: Feel free to incorporate this, or any other of my writings into your own publications at Independent Media (
There might even be an serving your region. You can publish locally or internationally. Most Independent Media websites are quite lenient with their anonymous publishers; in fact they will even save the crazy rants at a link called ‘Hidden Posts’ or ‘Hidden Articles’.
If you have problems publishing at the main website, try any of the other regions listed down the left side of its opening URL:
Greetings from Canada...
Google us:
~yezbok drahcir / richard kobzey
We are not required to submit to privacy with those who might possibly be exploiting their position in order to lead us into a dark political alley. So many people get screwed over for speaking without family, friends, witnesses, or lawyers present. With witnesses it is much more difficult for politically deployed agents to twist your testimony around in court. Let them deal with this difficulty, rather than you incurring the difficulty of disproving what your nervous psyche supposedly uttered in some dark political alley.
Whether or NOT one is charged with a crime, when one is alone, one should not speak but verbalize this determination and firmly expect the agents to refrain from intimidation or further questioning. Until one is charged with a crime, it is one’s right to continue walking. If you have the desire to be helpful invite them to a popular coffee spot.
Remember too, that your psychological state is yours to maintain and yours to protect yourself from legal disadvantages.
Torture is an absolute abomination of the Fifth Amendment. If torture is overlooked when people are suspected of terrorism, corrupt politicians will be looking to label dissenters terrorists. I am afraid that this is already happening. Democracy must organize itself to cut off the lifeblood of those who hold such gruesome command.
Those who are illegally detained by US and international authorities rightly ought to be defended in the International Criminal Court, and deserving of restitution. When such crimes become the order of any democratic administration, democracy receives a deadly wound.
Are innocent people serving time while being tortured?
Who is at all interested in preventing government sanctioned torture from coming to his or her neighborhood?
If anyone needs help deciding if I am guilty of demanding that the game of politics must be made to remain transparent and fair at any attention-getting cost, they will have to decide that in court.
Let my accuser choose between meeting with me in court, or joining Michael Moore, Cindy Sheehan and I for a long overdue dialogue.
When the great terrorist comes charging at me, what will I be charged with?
Who will scuttle me away into the dark alley where the abomination of desolation begins?
What makes me worthy not to be tortured in some CIA prison, if I will not stand vehemently opposed to such evil? Will I stand up when it is too late?
NOTE: Feel free to incorporate this, or any other of my writings into your own publications at Independent Media (
There might even be an serving your region. You can publish locally or internationally. Most Independent Media websites are quite lenient with their anonymous publishers; in fact they will even save the crazy rants at a link called ‘Hidden Posts’ or ‘Hidden Articles’.
If you have problems publishing at the main website, try any of the other regions listed down the left side of its opening URL:

Greetings from Canada...
Google us:
~yezbok drahcir / richard kobzey
richard kobzey
Hide the following 3 comments
Sorry For This Sermon, But...
26.11.2005 03:26
We have always been torn by a commanding passion for irreproachable justice. We also have been torn deciding whether or not anonymity would be a more prudent and free platform to carry out our quest to pluck the wings off of the dragon.
The dragon followed the stars, wherever they did shine, but now without its wings, the poor thing must slither back into the garden – lest truth should stomp on its head.
At this point, God will still not be reduced to suppresser, but give mercy to those who confess that they too were confused by Babylon – that crafty old whore of human conscience.
You are marked if you contribute to suppression others.
You are marked if you live heavily burdened, because you suppress your third eye. Without knowing so, humankind has been spiritually irresponsible and so strangely afraid of the marvelous wonders that lie in store.
“Come”, let us truly reason together and seal up the serpent and the dragon and the beasts that they have brought alive, in their traditions of death and crosses and other such deterrents of dialogue...
Evil has nothing to fear, but the inability to cause fear.
Babylon is falling very, very quickly. Let us open the other “eye of Horus” and escape the wrath of blindness.
Let us put that blinding fruit back in its place and condemn that old serpent for telling us that it would open our eyes.
What shall We the People have? Shall we endure a great tribulation, or worldwide celebration? Go ask Bob Geldof, or Bono, or any other of these Bad Boys – and GIRLS!
Let the Godhood, that we have not known, be merciful unto us all… Amen and AMEN.
Note: As we journey back to the garden, make a note of Akhnaten’s temple of stargazers.
yezbok drahcir
let the camera be true to the bloodstained screen
27.11.2005 03:13
but an eye defect of blue was seen
let the camera be true
to the bloodstained screen
of Solomon’s silver
and Babylon’s queen
doesn't anyone care to comment here?
30.11.2005 04:42
This is a copy of an original posting. I feel urged to pass it on here. I hope that you feel the urge to do likewise.
We might consider the Internet to be the solid foundation and medium of the 1st degree.
Those who maintain interactive websites are the mediums of the 2nd degree.
Post initiators are the mediums of the 3rd degree.
Post respondents are the mediums of the 4th degree.
The witnesses of post respondents are the mediums of the 5th degree.
The 6th degree ultimately begins to oppose the freedom of the 1st degree, by going after the 2nd then the 3rd degree (individual), preferring not to bear witness to the 4th and the 5th degree. Suppressing the fifth degree is where the warfare and selective labeling breeds.
These are the 6 mediums of the permitted realm of expression and suppression.
The 7th medium is a witness before the world that declares ‘We the People’ are the media and ‘thee the oppressor’ will not suppress our assemblies and marches for world peace and the rapid, thunderous dialogue that We Truly Do Require. The people, out of free will, must call forth the 7th medium for the adoption and protection of divine innocence.
About Torture of the Mind, Body and Spirit
(OUR apologies to those named herein, but law requires that charges can only be mediated between living entities. The term ‘Locus Standi” has been clothed in sackcloth. Shall libel once again trump locus standi?)
Open Letter to the Vatican, President G.W. Bush and the Council for National Policy and All other Government Institutions that Will Not Partake of “Babylon”:
“You People” would have us think that democracy needs to be rescued from the state, but in the interest of the oppressed multitudes, as history does testify, democracy needs to be rescued from your theocracy. What has changed in the last two thousand years?
“You People” hide behind a veil while you chip away at the wall separating church and state. This is why “You People” gather in some secret “holy place” three times yearly, to devise plans – not to educate the public as a viable 501 (c) 3 charity.
“Your” Mother is “Babylon”. She is a tax shelter. She is a shelter of serpents and the mighty merchants of the Earth. This is why You People keep that Old “Whore” on life-support.
Through censorship, humiliation, threats of libel, or fear of crucifixion, “You People” hold back the publicity that would tie a millstone around the neck of “Babylon” and cast Her into the abyss. What has changed in the last two thousand years?
To be mightier than the sword, the pen must be mightier than the blue pencil. This is why prophets write riddles, and false prophets like “You” ancient Papal Representatives of the Council for National Policy are unable to interpret them in ways that render them meaningful to the hopeful.
Given the right incentive, “You People” will back down from your religiously disguised tyranny without raising the sword. Moreover, without raising the sword, the right incentive will appear to “You People”.
“You People” cannot come forward and defend your “Harlot” Mother in court, and thereby incriminate yourselves before the world, without a constitutional amendment to protect your sorry souls from judgment.
Libel, from Latin libellus “little book”
“If we did not believe in their book, they would not listen to us. So now we invite them to come have a look at what we’ve done with their wonderfully mysterious book.”
“That which leads into captivity will go into captivity.” *
Open Letter to Pope Benedict XVI, Tim LaHaye, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell and the Council for National Policy, Rev. Sun Myung Moon, and All other Religious Institutions that Will No Longer Partake of “Babylon”:
About Religious Torture
When the false prophet stands up to speak, he accuses the enlightened one of either fulfilling (as anti-Christ) or attempting to fulfill written prophecy.
When the false prophet stands up to speak, he closes his eyes and ears lest he should see for himself that the messianic need not wait for written words to become manifest.
When the false prophet stands up to speak, the eyes and the ears of his congregations remain closed.
When the false prophet stands up to speak, he incites tribulation, whereas the enlightened one stands up to speak so that the days of written prophecies will be shortened and the sting of death will no longer “wear out the saints of the Most High”.
When the enlightened one stands up to speak, he will arrive at the judgment throne before the Accuser is able to.
When the enlightened one stands up to speak, he publicly invites the false prophet to join him before the judgment throne and the congregations of the differing peoples.
When the enlightened one who is protected by the wings of providence stands up to speak, the eyes and the ears of the world become opened.
[Paste ‘censor_this.gif’ here:]
LIBEL MUST BE IMPOSED UPON THE LAWS that fail world security and uphold the right to remove the rights of others and spit in the face of the universally accepted golden rule which summarizes ancient and modern, religious and social, policies and speculation (prophecy).
“A true prophet in any nation is a true prophet for every nation.”
The “Devil’s” policy is the same in every nation: “Tear down that wall between church and state, so that the world may never bring me to justice.” Oh, but he couldn’t wait for the saints to remove the veil first. It is no wonder that the peacemakers have been so frustrated trying to deal with religiously misplaced spirituality. It is no wonder they go mad within the confines of fighting the blue pencil of “Babylon”. Oh what tales that blue pencil does tell.
“Shut out Truth.
Silence the Host.
Play the part of the Holy Ghost.
Control the knowledge that they need most.
Then rape their god “fearing” souls from coast to coast.”
The false prophet emerges from behind the veil. He stands before the congregations warning them of what is to come. Then he returns to the secret chamber to formulate the fulfillment of his words.
None will save “Babylon” but those who work in the dark secrecy of Her “most holy” place.
“Messiah” is not someone that the dragon can destroy. “Messiah” is a song of jubilee.
“Messiah” is not something that the serpent can deploy. “Messiah” is a song of jubilee.
If they say that “He” is here on earth in a destructible form, “believe it NOT”!
“That which leads into captivity will go into captivity.” *
Together we will say, rise up and come away.
This is a copy of an original posting.
[Paste ‘tw_anim_public_domain.gif’ here]
(Always make your URL link to the place you will publish or copy and paste to next. Feel free to replace these URL links as the ‘little book’ becomes polished in the waters and sunshine of Public Domain. And decide with friends and family whether or not you should FORWARD THE JUDGMENT.)
[Replace links here]
[Replace links here]
From the Dark Political Alleys to the Light of Independent Media and then Dependent Media
If they are trying to decide if they should charge you with a crime, let them investigate the matter on their own time.
We are not required to submit to privacy with those who might possibly be exploiting their position in order to lead us into a dark political alley. So many people get screwed over for speaking without family, friends, witnesses, or lawyers present. With witnesses it is much more difficult for politically deployed agents to twist your testimony around in court. Let them deal with this difficulty, rather than you incurring the difficulty of disproving what your nervous psyche supposedly uttered in some dark political alley.
Whether or NOT one is charged with a crime, when one is alone, one should not speak but verbalize this determination and firmly expect the agents to refrain from intimidation or further questioning. Until one is charged with a crime, it is one’s right to continue walking. If you have the desire to be helpful invite them to a popular coffee spot.
Remember too, that your psychological state is yours to maintain and yours to protect yourself from legal disadvantages.
Torture is an absolute abomination of the Fifth Amendment. If torture is overlooked when people are suspected of terrorism, corrupt politicians will be looking to label dissenters terrorists. I am afraid that this is already happening. Democracy must organize itself to cut off the lifeblood of those who hold such gruesome command.
Those who are illegally detained by US and international authorities rightly ought to be defended in the International Criminal Court, and deserving of restitution. When such crimes become the order of any democratic administration, democracy receives a deadly wound.
Are innocent people serving time while being tortured?
Who is at all interested in preventing government sanctioned torture from coming to his or her neighborhood?
If anyone needs help deciding if I am guilty of demanding that the game of politics must be made to remain transparent and fair at any attention-getting cost, they will have to decide that in court.
Let my accuser choose between meeting with me in court, or joining Michael Moore, Cindy Sheehan and I for a long overdue dialogue.
When the great terrorist comes charging at me, what will I be charged with?
Who will scuttle me away into the dark alley where the abomination of desolation begins?
What makes me worthy not to be tortured in some CIA prison, if I will not stand vehemently opposed to such evil? Will I stand up too late?
NOTE: Feel free to incorporate this, or any other of my writings into your own publications at Independent Media (
There might even be an serving your region. You can publish locally or internationally. Most Independent Media websites are quite lenient with their anonymous publishers; in fact they will even save the crazy rants at a link called ‘Hidden Posts’ or ‘Hidden Articles’.
If you have any problems publishing at the main website, try any of the other regions listed down the left side of its opening URL:
Please bookmark this page now, so that you can come back and compare notes:
Thank you.
Cause those who would orchestrate fear and personal contempt to look to the light of the peacemakers, and the international support thereof.
What is a threat?
We the People, who recognize that we have been made spiritually irresponsible by confusion of doctrine and the necessary twofold aspect of our true liberties, have no choice but to desire more than just a First Amendment right, to remove the abomination from the democratic media temple – the abomination that causes desolation.
We have always been torn by a commanding passion for irreproachable justice. We also have been torn deciding whether or not anonymity would be a more prudent and free platform to carry out our quest to pluck the wings off of the dragon.
The dragon followed the stars, wherever they did shine, but now without its wings, the poor thing must slither back into the garden – lest truth should stomp on its head.
At this point, God will still not be reduced to suppresser, but give mercy to those who confess that they too were confused by Babylon – that crafty old whore of collective conscience.
You are marked if you contribute to the suppression of others. You are marked if you live heavily burdened, because you suppress your third eye. Without knowing so, humankind has been spiritually irresponsible and so strangely afraid of the marvelous wonders that lie in store.
“Come”, let us truly reason together and seal up the serpent and the dragon and the beasts that they have brought alive, in their traditions of death and crosses and other such deterrents of dialogue...
Evil has nothing to fear, but the inability to cause fear.
Babylon is falling very, very quickly. Let us open the other “eye of Horus” and escape the wrath of blindness.
Let us put that blinding fruit back in its place and condemn that old serpent for telling us that it would open our eyes.
What shall We the People have? Shall we endure a great tribulation, or worldwide celebration? Go ask Bob Geldof, or Bono, or any other of these Bad Boys – and GIRLS!
Let the Godhood, that we have not known, be merciful unto us all… Amen and AMEN.
Messiah is not someone that the dragon can destroy. Messiah is a song of Jubilee.
Messiah is not something that the serpent can deploy. Messiah is a song of Jubilee.
The dragon guards the serpents’ diddle, so the prophet must write a riddle.
What is libel? Who should be sheltered by libel?
What is a threat? Who should be sheltered from threats? Pat Robertson? George Bush? Hugo Chavez? (Did you notice the polite ordering of names?) Should the Council for National Policy be sheltered? Stephen Harper? Or should we be more concerned about a world conscience that is being subjected to the terrorism of haphazard politics and religion, and the flawed laws upon which they hinge?
Let us cut the crap, stop looking for a scapegoat, and get to the dialogue of liberty and justice for all nations which have been intermingled under this foolish umbrella the keeps the rains of G_d from nurturing our thirsting universal spirit.
Let us now dedicate our honor of unity and jubilee to the late Pope John Paul II, and invite Pope Benedict XVI to help us empower our throng, in a march away from the shelter of “Babylon” and every detestable Reich that She brings upon humankind.
Cause those who would orchestrate fear and personal contempt to look to the light of the peacemakers, and the international support thereof.
Show us some Intelligent Redesign of Religion, and we will show you Intelligent Design.
~ Dedicated and forwarded to Hugo Chavez, Americans United for Separation of Church and State, the LGBT community, the Seventh Day Adventist World Church and Liberty Magazine, the ACLU, the Anti-Defamation League, the BCCLU, Marc Emery of Canada, and dedicated to the generations that lie ahead. And thanks to the RCMP who’s reticence inspired us to go forward with this message.
[Place Relevant Foundation Here]
And The Foundation for Arab - Israeli Reconciliation
Seeking accountability
“And the voice which I heard from heaven spake unto me again, and said, Go and take the little book which is open in the hand of the angel which standeth upon the sea and upon the earth.” Revelation 10:8 KJV
In the mean time, help SPARKY the star key witness. One spark can warm up this planet to a temperature that the unjust cannot endure or impede. For now, we will go out to watch and report what enters in…
The judgment of the ‘little book’ arrives by the hour now…