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PROSECUTE NEPHEW TOM TREVOR PHILLIPS | 04.10.2005 21:01 | Analysis | Anti-racism

The new Blair state move against the Asians and the Muslims and the role of nephew Tom Trevor Phillips in inciting race hate and xenophobia by fronting attacks on Muslims at every turn as he did in Blackpool on 3 October 2005. The role of the DAILY MAIL which has once against promoted Nephew Tom Trevor Phillips' latest assault on the Muslims in the UK as being the paper's front page splash of incitement on Tuesday 4 October 2005. The DAILY MAIL had appeased Hitler and the Nazi racist dogmas in the 1930s...


The following is taken from the preamble to the PROSECUTE NEPHEW TOM TREVOR PHILLIPS [PNTP] under the 1976 Race Relations Act and the Public Order Act which was formed at the weekend which had an emergency meeting on Tuesday 4 October 2005


Is the UK being returned to the age of slavery by the Blair-use of the army of indentured mental slaves installed in
plausible sounding posts of state authority and prestige? As has been exhibited in the past year since Tony Blair actually fulfilled the prophecies against racist state strategies in Britain made 30 years ago by appointing the real life nephew Tom Trevor Phillips as chairman of the Commission for Racist Enslavement.

How far does the Hitler-appeasing Daily Mail have to go down the road of revivalist fascistic attacks on the mainly Asian Muslim population in the UK before right thinking people in this country realise what is happening?

That all the aims, all the slogans, all the claims of the 1930s Black Shirts, the 1970s NF and the 1990s BNP are now being openly presented on the BBC outlets and their counterparts on smaller broadcasting and media networks on a daily basis as the ‘national’ ideals, standards and as the ‘British nationally desirable’ policies?

How more brazen does the career mental slave Trevor Phillips have to do before all people of decent thought see what Blair is doing with this glorified mental slave against all people of all racial backgrounds?

Isn’t there enough evidence on the record already to actually prosecute this mental slave incite of racist hatred under both the Public Order Act and under the ordinary common criminal law?

Isn’t there also enough evidence to prosecute the whole bunch of mental slaves kept in service with more than £15 million each year at the organisation called the CRE, which should be identified for what it has been, the Commission for Racist mental Enslavement ?.....”

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