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Mrs. Menzez, Bombs As Plants?

Jordan Thornton | 29.09.2005 05:46

Sorry for the repost. Just wanted this here while this poor man's mother is in the UK. Who were the men photographed coming out of the station? Who did they work for? Where was your son working that morning? Where are the CCTV images? What did he witness, for he was most certainly silenced for it.

The recent exposure of an SAS False Flag in Basra certainly sheds new light on this situation ...

London: Bombs as Plants?
by Jordan Thornton
Email: pilgrim112 (nospam) (verified)
27 Jul 2005

Ignore the Downing Street Minutes, the LIES that led to an ILLEGAL War of Aggression for Profit, Karl Rove/Dick Cheney's TREASONOUS leak of a CIA operative, the Mossad agents in the Pentagon's OSP, AIPAC indictments, and calls for IMPEACHMENT, investigation, and prosecution, growing in both popularity and volume.

Keep your eyes fixed upon "ze terrorists" ...

Since none of 7/21's devices exploded, despite their detonators being triggered, and the LIAR Blair says that this stroke of luck will provide investigators with forensic evidence which will help to identify the culprits, does it not stand to reason that these were possibly intended as plants? It seems that care went into ensuring that nobody was hurt, but that this "orgy of evidence" was left for investigators.

The devices used on 7/7 contained military explosives, but much work has gone into flushing that fact down the Memory Hole, as seen in the "Egyptian Chemist" fable. The police used explosives in the apartment of one of the people being blamed for 7/7, thus contaminating the scene, then tarped the area off entirely.

No CCTV footage caught the bombers in the act, or riding the trains for 25 minutes from Luton to King's Cross, and we're supposed to believe what a pack of LIARS say, again without any independently-verifiable evidence, as was the case with "911"?

Other tapes (released in order to distract from the SAS False Flag being exposed in Basra, Iraq) show the men walking, on other days, as they probably take that route regularly as a part of their daily lives, but suddenly we're supposed to believe this was "practice"?

Why not simply show us the evidence which is still missing, which would prove these men had anything to do with 7/7 ... ? Does it, perhaps, simply not exist?

It feels as if the devices of 7/21, much like the almost-funny "rental car" filled with explosives and ID were left behind by someone eager to frame a certain target, and point investigators in a specific direction, possibly towards one of the PNAC target countries.

I'm not saying that I know this for a fact, it simply fits a certain pattern and tactic which HAS been employed in the past.

If it turns out that these devices point to Iran, Syria, etc., I simply would hope that people will THINK about today, before they rush to believe what a pack of proven LIARS wants them to think, based upon this "evidence" alone.

Especially if those LIARS attempt to use this as an excuse to wage another war that they've already got planned and at the ready.

And in the case of the Brazillian electrician, shot five times in the head by still-unidentified men, it would appear that he saw them doing something he should not have, and was silenced for it.

There is simply no other plausible reason to shoot a man this many times in the head ...

Jordan Thornton


Hide the following 14 comments

Another pile of crap from Jordan.

29.09.2005 11:05

Takes a big fat liar to know a big fat liar eh Jordan?

You still have the audacity to post here after being exposed as a fraud and blatantly lying about so MANY things; most recently the Basra incedent.

Stop spamming this place with your medacious crap.

"contained military explosives" liar!
"No CCTV footage caught the bombers in the act" liar!
"SAS False Flag being exposed in Basra" liar!
"they probably take that route regularly as a part of their daily lives" All from different parts of the country hahahahaha! Liar!

You make everyone here look like idiots by posting this shit.

Give up!

The Spook Troll sheeple's Liberation front

reposts get hidden - stop wasting bandwidth and drive space

29.09.2005 11:58

Not only is it a repost but it is out-of-date. Why can't you write your own article?


Thanks, Jordan...

29.09.2005 17:27

It's a pity people won't listen to valid reasoning. Or can't see fascism coming until its too late...

Wish there were more like you.


the hills are alive

29.09.2005 18:51

with the bleatings of the troll. A sure sign that the nail is being hit on the head. The 7/7 smoke and mirrors circus is not going to go away, no matter how much the trolls chirp and squeal. Music to my ears, thanks for your corroboration.



29.09.2005 19:38

All the bauxite in Fort William won't protect your skull from the ranting voices. Your theories don't add up! Go away and seek treatment.


Thanks magoo

29.09.2005 19:40

You're the greatest Magoo. And I'm not a sock puppet honest!!!

Not magoo

Anyhow ...

29.09.2005 23:53

Um ... if you're going to say "liar", then the onus is upon you to support those claims. See, when I expose LIARS, such as the people you're obviously here on behalf of, I support my statements.

It is the complete lack of key pieces of evidence, which would surely exist if the "Iraq has WMD!!!" guys' Conspiracy Theory, upon which they've seized for themselves questionable powers denied them by the courts of four years, were true.

I have several close friends within law enforcement, and there is no situation which would make them empty a clip at a prone man, especially not five times in the head. This man was obviously silenced for something he saw.

As he was an electrician, I simply want to know where he was working that morning. Seems an acceptable question, no?

And regarding Basra, you seem to forget the leaked documents which prove the US/UK were looking to pursue that old Colonail trick of "Divide & Rule". Hell, the documents detail how easy this would be to accomplish in Iraq.

That, and the Cover Story from the "Saddam could attack in 45 minutes!!" guys didn't arrive until the following day, and was contradicted by their earlier statements.


Up to your old, tired ans pathetic tricks Jordan

30.09.2005 09:21

* The obvious lack of WMD's are irrelevant to my accusations. It was obvious well before Telic.

* There is NO verified reports of military explosives.

* You have no idea what CCTV is in the hands of the Met.

* The SRR unit taken into cutody in Iraq were carrying nothing but standard equipment. There are no verified reports of any explosives. No, Chinese News doesn't count as verified.

* The number of shots fits the STK rule and the the number of misses indicates it probably wasn't special forces. 1 shot in the head= probably dead; 5= almost CERTAINLY dead.

Normal law enforcement officers aren't taught to shoot for the head. It's easy to miss and there is high chance of death, which doesn't sit well with democratic justice in most situations.

I believe the press has reported widely about the electricians job that day.

I have already proved you a liar about the spook allegations and who really is the troll here. I'm not the one who turns up at phsyics forums babbling on about PNAC!

"he people you're obviously here on behalf of"

Now I have to get back to my handlers. As anyone knows, it's the chickens that keep us! And they have decreed a bigger run is to built for them.

Now piss off back to Prisonplanet and stop spamming this place with bogus advertainment.

A B Normal

Trolls, Jordan

30.09.2005 10:17

are notoriously hard of thinking, and are generally flummoxed when called upon to depart from the script. It might get back after .......a while.


Do I Detect Desperation?

01.10.2005 07:19

Indeed ... and I find it very interesting to note on what subjects the Spooks/Trolls spend the most energy. It's also interesting to observe what other issues they support/defend.

We should all be taking very detailed notes during this period, as the supporters/drivers of this Neo-Fascism are exposing themselves like never before, because their Useful Idiots have, for the most part, woken up, and only the hardcore haters now remain.

"* The obvious lack of WMD's are irrelevant to my accusations."

Not at all. This speaks volumes to the character of the criminals we are discussing. For more on Psychopathy, please visit . You don't ignore a criminal's past when discussing current crimes ... same thing.

Their statements without compelling evidence to support them are suspect at best.

"* There is NO verified reports of military explosives."

Sure there are, just as there are verified reports of Netanyahu receiving warnings the morning of 7/7. It's just that the media scrubbed their reporting of these issues. Both of my parents, who worked within the news media, were appalled that these stories were so quickly buried.

"* You have no idea what CCTV is in the hands of the Met."

Neither do you, but this consistent pattern of "missing" video, which would support the empty claims of the known LIARS making them, from 911 to 7/7, is just a bit too much to swallow.

Especially in the world's most heavily-surveilled city ...

I DO know that the same Israeli "security company" that failed to catch the alleged 911 culprits boarding any of the planes that morning was contracted in 2004 to operate these systems for the London Underground.

"* The SRR unit taken into cutody in Iraq were carrying nothing but standard equipment."

That's not true. They were found with explosives AND remote detonators. There are pictures, taken by Iraqi police, and it was interesting to see the media show pictures taken at the same time, but avoid showing the corresponding shot showing the explosives.

"* The number of shots fits the STK rule"

Prove it. My sources in law enforcement refute that claim.

"and the the number of misses indicates it probably wasn't special forces."

No, all that means is that there was desperation behind those shots, perhaps someone carrying out this killing before any others could stop him or respond.

That doesn't answer the question: Who was the shooter, and who does he work for?

"I believe the press has reported widely about the electricians job that day."

Nope. Not where he was working. They were too busy repeating the unsupported claims - later proven to be LIES - of the people who said Saddam could attack in 45 minutes.

"I have already proved you a liar about the spook allegations"

No, you haven't. You ARE a compulsive liar, aren't you? You simply didn't follow up on the evidence I pointed you to.

But it was interesting to see you identify and ridicule me even when I posted others' material, without comment, or my name ...

"I'm not the one who turns up at phsyics forums babbling on about PNAC!"

I was invited. Then I returned to counter the Spook/Troll who took up residence there. Friend of yours ... ? And what of my discussions of PNAC, the illegitimate, fascist organization running the USA (

"Now I have to get back to my handlers. As anyone knows, it's the chickens that keep us!"

Indeed ... But I'm sure you mean the animal. I don't.

And again, Becoming Indignant is Disinformation. It doesn't mean you aren't here "officially". How's the coffee?

Brazilian Family: Tapes Prove Police Lied

Met chief tried to delay shooting probe

British hand over control of Basra

British Terrorism in Iraq

Don't Fall for the PsyOps

The liar who just can't stop himself

01.10.2005 14:19

LMAO! You have been proven as a liar time and time again.

" I find it very interesting to note on what subjects the Spooks/Trolls spend the most energy"

Again, you have been proven to be liar in your accusations of spooks/trolls. If you did anything more than spam your crap in here you may realise that the people you denounce do not merely follow your startlingly predictable egocentric self around. Inadevertantly you have resolved yourself to be a spammer/troll.

I'm not indignant, I find you quite dull and boring. That's the most you inspire from me.

The reason MSM do not carry your points is because they are total crap. Nothing to do with any Grand Zionist/PNAC conspiracy; it's cause they are just the wank fantasies of the impotent mixed in with the odd dash of historical truth to make them seem clever and plausible. Like those crappy Channel 5 movies "Blah Blah- The Blah Blah Story. Based on real events"

Now fuck off you loon and waste someone else's resources.

The Iron Chicken


03.10.2005 13:11

I thought offensive comments were not not permitted on IMC UK well I would have thought that
Now fuck off you loon and waste someone else's resources.
was / is very offensive.

I dunno who is arguing the other side of the issue but anyway he / she / they are not being offensive and
and I for one am very interested in alternative information on the execution at Stockwell tube other than
that coming from corporate main stream sources.
Sure it all has to be taken with a pinch of salt and checked out but it's interesting to note that there has been a
pro met police lobby commenting on all the articles regarding this story since about half an hour after the event.
Posters of stories stating that an innocent man had been gunned in stockwell tube were given a severe slagging, duing which time the heavy jacket , jumping the barrier and all the other cop hoo haa were circulating.
Then there was the guy from the PR firm stating that his firm were running a training run (for bombers ?)
and nothing much has been heard of him since ...

at one stage a certain A.B Normal
* The number of shots fits the STK rule and the the number of misses indicates it probably wasn't special forces. 1 shot in the head= probably dead; 5= almost CERTAINLY dead.

I mean get a grip mate are you reading from your boys own manual or just making it up as you go along
try T.D ARSE unless you care to quote your source better leave this kind of drivel off the wire
and the rest of your points were also out of science fiction realms ..

Hot Dog

I Denote Desperation

04.10.2005 05:29

Thanks, Dog.

All I'm pointing out is that many of the claims made by the "Iraq has WMD!!!" criminals have yet to be supported by compelling evidence.

The rest of Spooky Magoo's comment is BS, and he knows it ...

Otherwise, he would respond on-point.

Just as I do.

Don't Fall for the PsyOps

Hot Dog

05.10.2005 09:15

Ah I see. Swearing is offensive, but calling people who disagree with you spook and trolls isn't. Thanks for that unbaised point hahaha! The rest of your points fit Jordan's MO so I can assume you are just one of his sock puppets if not Jordan himself.

So you too could do us all a favour and "reproduce with yourself" at another location at their expense! That better granny?

As for Jordan always posting on topic. See above.

Iron Chicken