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Tips on how to 'divert' student radicals

GOOD MORNING FASCISM!!!! | 25.09.2005 11:49 | Education | Repression

"Glees and Pope make a number of recommendations including the screening of student applications, having a constant police presence on campus, reviewing all course content to check it doesn't harm national security and the close monitoring of students societies"
Phil Chamberlain in Big Issue North Sept 19-25 (586)

Whilst tomorrows trial of the George Fox 6 ( and the frogmarching of Middlesex Universities SU President off campus last week ( worrying trends, a report by Anthony Glees and Chris Pope, due to be published on Monday 26th September, indicates that Ruth Kelly's call for Universities to "clamp down on extremism" is set to give rise to new levels of extremism amongst the Vice-chancellors of British Unis.

Needless to say, sweeping measures such as those proposed by Glees et Pope, will very swiftly be used against other student activities as well.

"When students turn to terror" (

Federation of Student Islamic Societies response: (

Mainstream Media links:,15935,1571610,00.html



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the logic of the dictator, and the distraction of the movies

25.09.2005 18:24

1) If Blair states that he is right, then, by HIS definition, everyone that disagress with him is wrong.

2) If Blair states that being right is essential to the wellbeing of the country, then, by his definition, being wrong is to the detriment of the country.

3) If Blair states that acts carried out to the detriment of the country are wicked, and should be dealt with, then being wrong, by HIS definition, makes one wicked, and in need of being dealt with.


Actually, Blair DOESN'T believe this (he is fully aware of how evil his purpose is, and how much pain he is bringing to the people of the Earth). However, Blair presents this logic (as every dictator must) to the masses, via the Mass Media, in order to justify the atrocities that he is going to commit against every human freedom.

To a wider point, the logical sequence I gave above is always a problem within democratic politics. Democracy clashes with the seeming need for politicians to be correct in their aims and actions to actually serve a useful purpose. Anyone who watched the (childish) cycle of recent Star Wars movies witnessed this very problem played out in front of them.

Put simply, democracy if a nice idea that we really cannot afford when democratic governments seem to be failing to solve key problems. Unfortunately, the films had Darth Blair secretly manipulating events beyond the perception of the masses to make democracy seem weak, and ineffective. Darth Blair, careful to distance himself publically at first from any DIRECT control of events, has himself 'reluctantly' put forward as the man-of-the-hour, the politician with the sad duty to cast aside a few Human Rights, so that he might better allow the forces of 'order' to better combat the TERRORIST forces of 'disorder'. As democratic politics starts playing an ever diminishing role, Darth Blair make the 'obvious' suggestion that he should be given absolute power to allow process of defeating 'terrorism' to occur as quickly as possible.

All through his rise to power, Darth Blair is careful to appear humble, modest, and decrepit, giving the continuing impression that at any moment Darth Brown (one of his secret followers) might step in, and take over his job. This serves to lull the masses into a false sense of security, both by having them enjoy the apparent fallibility of Darth Blair, and also having them indulge in the belief that his reign will be short.

Of course, in reality, Darth Blair's grip on power is always growing (and visibly so, which is why one cannot fathom the idiocy of those that cannot see this), until finally it is revealed as the iron grip of a full blown dictator.

The wars that democracy and Darth Blair have been fighting are revealed to be nothing but Blair's manipulation. The weapons and armies raised by Blair to fight these false wars are, of course, the very forces that will serve Darth Blair, and maintain his power, when he becomes emperor of the galaxy. Oh yeah, a bunch of power-crazed 'good guys' that were SUPPOSED to stop all this- jews or jedis or somesuch, become the biggest dupes of all, and are mostly all killed.

Anyway, where was I? Damn, I seemed to have really lost the thread, talking about films. I know I had a point to make, but I can't seem to remember it!!!


Aspergers is such a diffilcult condition

26.09.2005 09:10

open publishing mental health outfit

Strangely apt

26.09.2005 18:43

This is absolutely terrible. Once the mechanisms are in place to vet students on any basis relating to their political ideology, we are definitely moving towards a society of overt totalitarianism.

Twilight your response is strangely apt, considering that most undergraduates these days probably de-rationalize all political issues and struggles into movie analogies, if and when they don't simply ignore them. I can speak with a little authority since I am one :)
