Long John |
04.09.2005 18:32
Blair and Bush destroyed Fallujah.
Nature destroyed New Orleans.
The refugees are still the same.
We took little pity on the refugees from Fallujah when Blair and Bush sent the bombers to destroy them and their city.
Maybe we can now se what suffering Blair visited on them.
It's time we got us some proper leaders who would not go out and murder civilians.
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darkness falls
04.09.2005 22:04
Remember that even now, those US organisations that provided medicine to the people of Iraq during the long, illegal sanctions (the sanctions were maintained using lies carefully produced by the UK government working with Israel and rogue Iraqi traitors that falsely stated that Saddam had not met his post-Kuwait invasion UN obligations) are being heavily fined in the US courts for their humanitarian work!
Blair is a MASS MURDERING MONSTER, but, like Hitler before him, presents this as his major quality, and makes no effort to hide his true nature. Like Hitler, he guides a civilised and law-abiding country into an ever more horrifyingly authoritarian regime, with ever more of its citizens criminalised for reasons of RACE or THOUGHT-CRIMES. As real crime historically diminishes, a greater number of citizens are imprisoned, for old and new laws that carry progressively longer and longer sentences. And, of course, more laws are created, at an ever increasing rate.
By the way- Blair is about to send consenting Adult Britons to prison for THREE YEARS, when they enjoy images of other consenting Adult Humans engaging in consentual Sado-Masochistic sex. This despite the fact that significant numbers of Blair's Elite engage in sado-masochistic sexual acts themselves, in the UK and the rest of the world. Again, this parallels Hitler EXACTLY, when Hitler famously used the persecution of homosexuality throughout the German Empire to exert control of the male power hierarchy, despite the fact that MANY powerful Nazis were homosexual themselves. The irony is that people in the UK will almost certainly live to see Blair re-introduce legal sado-masochistic RAPE into British schools (under the guise of school corporal punishment). The Europeans actually abolished school corporal punishment, once they understood the sado-masochistic impulse in adults, and realised that non-parental physical punishment of children was, in almost all circumstances, serious sexual abuse. It is NO coincidence that Bush has ALWAYS championed sado-masochistic rape in US schools, to the extent of giving EXPLICIT legal backing to the worst offenders, private 'christian' 'reformatories', where parents pay to have young men and women kidnapped (LITERALLY) and locked up in environments that practise horrific psychological and physical abuse. Is it any wonder that Blair stands so proudly, shoulder to shoulder with his (albeit greatly inferior) soulmate Bush?
When will things get better? When we get rid of Blair! However, when did the Chinese people get rid of Mao, or the Russians get rid of Stalin, or the Germans get rid of Hitler. Things are looking insanely bad. Even those people around Blair (including the internal security people reading this post) know that Blair is bad in a way unlike ANY leader Britain has ever seen. However, this same useless understanding always exists during a tyrant's rise to true power- useless because no-one will act on it.
The Chinese are reputed to curse you by saying 'may you live in interesting times'. We live in the most 'interesting times' the Earth has seen, since the days of our careful extermination of the other intelligent ape descended humanoid species that we once shared the planet with. Blair intends to be 'Lord' of the nuclear and biological wars that he in now certain he can inflict on the peoples of our world. Those in denial of Blair's true nature should do a little research into the psychology of known serial killers, and the way in which their whole lives were lived to achieve their horrific crimes. What happens when a leader arises amongst us with self-same sickness within his soul? Would a normal serial killer use a rope, or a drill, or pliers, or a syringe full of bleach, if they had access to armies full of amoral unthinking men armed with tanks, and guns and bombs?
The world was about to destroy all smallpox until Blair arrived on the scene. Now Blair has access to unprecedented amounts of weaponised smallpox. The world was rethinking its need for nuclear weapons with the fall of communist USSR, but now Blair PROMISES the use of nuclear weapons under a growing list of circumstances- including had Iraq defended itself against Blair's genocidal invasion (around a third of a million dead and growing - although other posters on indymedia use the holocaust-denying trick of saying that MAM's- military aged males, ie., any male under ANY circumstance older than a toddler- don't count) using non-existent chemical weapons.
With Blair in power, things ARE going to go from WORSE to A LIVING HELL. However, Blair has to get his power from us, just as Hitler had to get HIS power from the German people. Strange, isn't it? All we have to do is withdraw our support from Blair (and not voting for him DOES NOT COUNT as this) and he is over. The Poll Tax Riots finished Thatcher- not because of the numbers involved, but because those that took part had the wide support of British people people who instinctively understood how ferociously that monster clawed onto her power, and thus what it would take to dislodge her. Blair is vastly smarter than Thatcher, but also knows that true tyrants must arise from the LEFT in the West if they want real power. Blair ensures that the ONLY significant protests against him are the ones he arranges himself, even if that involves one million+ Britons marching impotently against war in London!
It must amuse Blair that the methods of his psy-ops are happily 'exposed' in mainstream TV documentary shows (as with the last election), and yet still people think they have freedom to actually oppose him. In reality, we can spot the last remnants of ANY effective action, because Blair passes actual laws against it. To be boring, this AGAIN was the same with Nazi Germany, where anti-Hitler/anti-Nazi protest WAS allowed, so long as that protest was state organised and state controlled (all pressure cookers NEED steam release valves). Any real protest, however, meant prison, concentration camp, or the guillotine (yes- that WAS the method of death penalty), under an endless series of Tony Blair type laws.
New Orleans a Mossad trick!
05.09.2005 12:25