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Fallujah and New Orleans

Long John | 04.09.2005 18:32

Blair and Bush destroyed Fallujah.
Nature destroyed New Orleans.
The refugees are still the same.

From Fallujah to New Orleans
From Fallujah to New Orleans

From Fallujah to New Orleans
From Fallujah to New Orleans

Refugee in Fallujah
Refugee in Fallujah

Bush plays golf yesterday
Bush plays golf yesterday

We took little pity on the refugees from Fallujah when Blair and Bush sent the bombers to destroy them and their city.

Maybe we can now se what suffering Blair visited on them.

It's time we got us some proper leaders who would not go out and murder civilians.

Long John


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  1. darkness falls — twilight
  2. New Orleans a Mossad trick! — Semas