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Kids Take the Power Back With Mobiles

Blacks | 22.08.2005 08:13 | Culture | Repression | Social Struggles | London

As the school year starts, school admins and scotland yard find out that the kids have decided to use their devices for things other than those intended.

The Metro Police report that there has been a large spike in juvenile delinquency resulting from students and teenagers documenting themselves performing acts of sabotage, breaking the rules at school and shoplifting. Whether this is only temporary or not remains to be seen, but it is exemplary of the type of shift we can expect to see, following the same path as blogging. The uses of new technologies with the biggest impact will be those that are not intended. This is a news brief, to be followed by further investigation into what may be a phenomenon or simply a side effect to arming the kids with two centimeter cameras. Of course they might just be banned in class (like that would work), but in the malls too? On the road? No chance.



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22.08.2005 12:33



this is wos going on!

22.08.2005 18:57

ya this is the new underground thing, they call it drewing, like i just got drewn with the lady in class. by september this is going to be all up and down the road...can't wait.

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22.08.2005 19:06

A work colleague's child had their hair set on fire and filmed in the classroom. Really subversive stuff, like the kid dying who got filmed on a mobile.


not really a good idea

23.08.2005 14:52

Data for the cancer risk from mobile phone radiation are increasing - new catalogue of guidelines advises cautious contact with mobile phones.

Wien (OTS) - The Vienna Doctor's Chamber (Wiener ärztekammer) warns expressly against excessive mobile phone use especially by children. The reason for this is the recently presented "Reflex Study" (Reflex-Studie) in which a definite genotoxic effect of mobile phone radiation was proven. The first consequence is that the Doctor's Chamber (ärztekammer) has now drawn up a catalogue of guidelines, which stipulates specific rules of behaviour for use of mobile phones.

NB: Unfortunately, the "MyMo" mobile phone aimed for young children which was removed from the market by the main distributers Communic8, has returned to the market under the brand name "The Owl". The sole target of this phone is 4 to 8 year old children, and with the current research pointing towards the effects mentioned in this article this is immoral behaviour on the part of the new marketing company, Eazytrack. For the full Telegraph article, please click here.

The Reflex Studie (Reflex Study), which was supported by the EU at a cost of more than two million Euros, was carried out at various important research centres in Europe - including the Wiener AKH. In the course of this study, the so-called mutagenicity of a substance, in this case in by electromagnetic field, was tested. They looked for changes in the genes which are the possible beginning of a cancer disease. One part of the study tests was carried out on human promyelocytes - a preliminary stage of the cells of blood formation. A mutation of such cells can as a further consequence lead to leukaemia and similar illnesses of the blood forming system.

Researchers in Israel have found a significant increase in eye damage from microwave radiation

lots more here....

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Smart stuff

23.08.2005 18:30

"students and teenagers documenting themselves performing acts of sabotage, breaking the rules at school and shoplifting"

Can we read that instead as "recording evidence of their crimes and misdemeanours on a device that reveals their location and identity"?

New technologies are often disruptive to business as usual but very rarely subversive to business itself. I can only hope that the original poster who regards shoplifting and breaking school rules as subversive is young enough not to know better.
