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Kids Take the Power Back With Mobiles

Blacks | 22.08.2005 08:13 | Culture | Repression | Social Struggles | London

As the school year starts, school admins and scotland yard find out that the kids have decided to use their devices for things other than those intended.

The Metro Police report that there has been a large spike in juvenile delinquency resulting from students and teenagers documenting themselves performing acts of sabotage, breaking the rules at school and shoplifting. Whether this is only temporary or not remains to be seen, but it is exemplary of the type of shift we can expect to see, following the same path as blogging. The uses of new technologies with the biggest impact will be those that are not intended. This is a news brief, to be followed by further investigation into what may be a phenomenon or simply a side effect to arming the kids with two centimeter cameras. Of course they might just be banned in class (like that would work), but in the malls too? On the road? No chance.



Display the following 5 comments

  1. nice — zcat
  2. this is wos going on! — Avatar Feather
  3. Subversive? — Emma
  4. not really a good idea — jools
  5. Smart stuff — Zorro