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7/7: The war comes home - a comment from Bristol

Bristol activists | 11.08.2005 15:01 | Analysis | Repression | Social Struggles | Terror War

Bristol activists from a number of groups have come together independently to produce a critique & comment on the recent bombs in London and the British state's response. We'll be printing several thousand flyers & posters to ditribute around Bristol.

You can download the whole flyer in pdf format from this link now:

The headers for the double-sided flyer are as follows:
Side A:
"The War Comes Home - the bombs in London has their fuses lit way before July 7. The attacks were a terrorist answer to the terrorist foreign policy of the UK Government..."

Side B:
" War On Terror Or War On Freedom? Terrorism is good for governments. July 7 provided a useful pretext for more state repression and control..."

Neither capitalism nor theocracy, the struggle continue!

Bristol activists


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My govt wouldnt do this to us

11.08.2005 16:16

the bombs in London has their fuses lit way before July 7. The attacks were a terrorist answer to the terrorist foreign policy of the UK Government..."

End Quote;

I dont want to wet your fuse,though i have to say,the terrorist attack may have actually come from the UK government.......

This is where ones group should concentrate ones thinking...go over it in every detail.....

Richard Jones
Bruce Lait testomony
french anti terrorist officer basically saying military precision bombs and on floor or under.....

no point in chasing Arab terrorists if they dont exist,just keeps one away from the real terrorists....

Everything else is distraction

stop unfounded thoughts of "My Govt wouldnt do this to us" Operation Northwoods springs to mind.

key word search


deputy dog

Bombings happened because MI5 probably let it happen,not because of Arabs

11.08.2005 18:19

This comment from says it much better.

It is easy to react to this article and say "Of course, the London bombings are related to Iraq! The Arabs are angry because of the US, British, and Israeli presence in the Middle East!"

But the London bombings were very likely the work of British intelligence, MI5, done in order to scare the British population into supporting the "war on terror". So what we see is a clever game of phony debate that appears to be based "on the facts", but which is actually moving us further and further away from the truth.

No doubt that many Arabs are angry at the way the US, Britain, and Israel are invading, bombing, murdering and destroying their countries and people. It would be quite normal, as Dyer argues, for these people to blame the policies and actions of these countries for their troubles. And no doubt that some of these angry people would wish to fight against this injustice. There is a large resistance movement in Iraq doing just that, fighting against the forces that are occupying their country, killing their people, and seeking to establish a permanent puppet regime to permit the continued exploitation of Iraq.

But where do the so-called "suicide bombers" or "terrorists" fit? Anyone with two neurons firing knows that the official story of 9/11 is full of holes. Many people take it further than that and suspect that either the US government knew about it and allowed it to happen or that members of the US government and Israel were actively involved in its planning and execution, perhaps manipulating Muslim patsies.

The bombings in London fit the same pattern: using patsies to accomplish the aims of the government. For an excellent fictional account of how this can be done, watch the film Arlington Road, even if in the film it is the "terrorists" who are the manipulators and not the government.

The evidence from many different countries and "terrorist" campaigns shows that so-called terrorist groups are manipulated by the intelligence agencies of the governments they seek to harm when they are not the actual creations of the intelligence agencies themselves. We are horrified when civilians are killed, when "innocent" people, including women and children, are blown apart by bombs. The "terrorist attack" is a sure-fire way of galvanising public opinion against the perpetrator, and intelligence agencies the world over are willing to use this by carrying out false flag operations that they then blame on their enemies in order to paint them as less than human, as savages, which then justifies the bloody "reprisals" that were the goal all along. Then, as we see with Blair and the controversy over whether or not the attacks are "understandable", that is, the logical effect of the political or military cause, the debate accepts that the attacks were carried out by the victims and turns around whether it is cause and effect or whether they are just crazy and inhuman, when they subject of the debate wasn't involved at all!

Very clever.

Another result is the potential creation of real terrorist groups in the West, inspired by the false flag operations, groups that may try to carry out bombings and who then will retroactively be used to justify the campaigns of hate.

deputy dog

Bristol activists

12.08.2005 06:45

Don't mind 'Dog' (a.k.a PsyOps) he's our paranoid court jester...
