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7/7: The war comes home - a comment from Bristol

Bristol activists | 11.08.2005 15:01 | Analysis | Repression | Social Struggles | Terror War

Bristol activists from a number of groups have come together independently to produce a critique & comment on the recent bombs in London and the British state's response. We'll be printing several thousand flyers & posters to ditribute around Bristol.

You can download the whole flyer in pdf format from this link now:

The headers for the double-sided flyer are as follows:
Side A:
"The War Comes Home - the bombs in London has their fuses lit way before July 7. The attacks were a terrorist answer to the terrorist foreign policy of the UK Government..."

Side B:
" War On Terror Or War On Freedom? Terrorism is good for governments. July 7 provided a useful pretext for more state repression and control..."

Neither capitalism nor theocracy, the struggle continue!

Bristol activists
