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London bombers just like BNP

Barry Bagel | 09.08.2005 07:28

Forget Iraq. Forget MI5. Forget the Neo-Cons. The reason why London's Underground was bombed is because Islamists are just like fascists - at least according to Searchlight... so it's time the government censored the internet.

The political Islamists who carried out the bombings have a lot in common with the fascists of the British National Party and other similar organisations, as we explain in these pages. So much in fact that the last time a bombing in London killed people, it was carried out by a former BNP member. While they would no doubt like to see themselves as opponents, in fact these groups offer the same antisemitic world conspiracy theory to their followers in place of a political explanation. The hatemongers also play precisely the same role in their own communities; fomenting communalism and railing against the cosmopolitan nature of our cities which they believe embodies everything they are opposed to.

The only way that racial divisions can be defeated is by combating the racism that creates the divisions in the first place. This means that we need to shake people out of the complacency which allows the BNP to organise in our communities in the name of “white” people. It also means that those who preach hatred among Muslims must no longer be tolerated either.

Bombings, like racial attacks, are the end result of a political odyssey of hate. It starts with leaflets and the internet, with material that could easily be dismissed – and often is by the authorities – as the ravings of madmen. But the reality is that these small sects on the fringes of society provide the catalyst for unbalanced individuals to turn the words of hate into deeds. We ask again, when will the government take action against the websites of hate, particularly the Redwatch site, which targets anti-fascists by printing their personal details?

Barry Bagel
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BNP are fascists

09.08.2005 08:55

The BNP are fascists. They are followers of Hitler who want the ethnic minorities out of this country or if not they will implement their own version of the holocaust. They have killed people, David Copeland was a member he was known as the Brixton bomber and his stated aim was to cause a race war in this country. To the person who says they are not are you part of their inner-circle? or just a mislead voter? if the latter don't do it again and give these neo-nazis credence.

adrian cannon

Damn It...

09.08.2005 09:41

Damn it guys, he's right you know.

We've been kidding ourselves on this whole 'peace' tip. Now I can see this long, graceful line of heroic, selfless interventions, I shall be sleeping with my St George's flag tucked right in between my thighs.



bang! bang! you're dead fascist!

09.08.2005 09:46

I guess that Searchlight would have to conclude that shooting Brazilians on the underground is justified in the fight against fascist bombers.


The truth about Searchlight...

09.08.2005 09:59

And yes, the BNP are fascists!

Mr AntiFascist
- Homepage:

No proof of islamist terrorism 7/7 only More facist Blair BS

09.08.2005 09:59

Forget Iraq. Forget MI5. Forget the Neo-Cons. The reason why London's Underground was bombed is because Islamists are just like fascists...

I still see no evidence that islamists carried out 7/7 We have only Tony Blair and his cronies word for it.And of course we all know the lovely Tony is as honest as they come...not

The only eye witness we have that says it was suicide bombers is that of Richard Jones.
He cant get his story straight.He says he was downstairs next to said clean shaven(actually bearded according to propaganda release photos) Terrorist....He gets off bus and immediately
bus blows up.

As we know, bomb went off upstairs,how did said terrorist teleport upstairs.DUH!!

Bruce lait bomb victim/survivor says he was shown hole in the FLOOR by policeman who said thats where bomb was........represents to those with eyes to see that the charge ws UNDER the train......

The gaurdian Interviewed survivors on another underground line who mentioned the tiles and the floors ripped up into the air......Another sign that the charges where placed under the train.....And lets not forget the coincidental terrorist training exercises on the same day at the same stations...Underground security israeli company,erm cough cough,and the innocent Brazilian shot by israeli trained facist cops.

The facists are certainly in power and using fear to get the sheeples support.

"You are either with us or you are with the terrorists" Simply means you accept our disgusting acts,and if yopu dare seek the are a terrorist.........

For people living on a spinning ball in what is called space,there sure are a lot of brainwashed , shells.

Sorry to upset the facist dream by wanting truth......

deputy dog

Islamophobia and antisemitism are two sides of the same coin.

09.08.2005 10:03

Spot on. No race, colour or creed has a monopoly on hate and violence. The crimes, real or imagined, of individual members of a particular community, can never justify indiscriminate attacks on that community. In no country in the world is it right to kill unarmed civilians. Islamophobia and antisemitism are two sides of the same coin.

Friar tuck

are the BNP Nazis?

09.08.2005 10:17

Let's try to tackle this tricky question. Look at this pic of late unlamented BNP founder John Tyndall and see if you can spot any subtle clues:

Mr Spoon

Excellent post

09.08.2005 11:01

Excellent post, Barry, well said.

Laura Nere
mail e-mail:

and Respect

09.08.2005 12:24

George Galloway is not a fluffy bunny as he wants people to think he is, remembering him shaking hands with saddam reminds me when the British royal family members who did the same handshake with Hitler before he started WW2.Not everyone who is with the BNP are fascists, they just like the common sense the BNP say and think.


Reply to jim

09.08.2005 13:49

What part of the BNP litany of neo-nazi policies do you think is common sense. Sending all imigrants out of the country or exterminating them? the denial of the holocaust? attacking people because they are not white? introducing a state like Nazi Germany? As for Respect being fascist because one member shook the hands of a secular dictator is hogwash look at what they stand for!

adrian cannon

your wrong

09.08.2005 16:04

Its clear you dont have a clue about what the bnp stands for, no more immigration, britain is FULL - 500,000 new homes needed in the south east alone in the short term future, any more population grow would be detrimental to the environment, being interested in nature i see birds and butterflies declining due to human development and disturbance. every new home built needs water gas electricity and of course thats not finite, look how buggered we are if we have a dry winter? Lets hope we have a wet one this time cos next year looks bleak.

there is no holocaust denial, any holocaust denial (and ignorance) comes in the form of the far left who never admit how many lost their lives under stalin/trotsky/pol pot tossers. I dunno why there is this similarity made between the BNP and Hitler, and all the silly German lingo used with it, small minded people like you still think Germans are nazis today! Hitler wasnt interested in other countries existance, the BNP are the opposite. Anyway my tea is almost ready and read it all for yourself if u please. Good link below which has a bit of common sense stuff.


scuse me editors!

10.08.2005 16:35

Our new friend Jim has just posted up a link to the BNP website, as well as attempting to justify their poisonous politics of hate and race war.

Since I don't think you can get much more hierarchical than Fascism I'm really pretty confident this breaches the guidelines and should be deleted.

Oh, and btw, in reply to Jim's challenge for evidence the BNP are Nazis, I think you might find the odd subtle clue in this pic of late and unlamented BNP founder John Tyndall:

Mr Spoon