London bombers just like BNP
Barry Bagel | 09.08.2005 07:28
Forget Iraq. Forget MI5. Forget the Neo-Cons. The reason why London's Underground was bombed is because Islamists are just like fascists - at least according to Searchlight... so it's time the government censored the internet.
The political Islamists who carried out the bombings have a lot in common with the fascists of the British National Party and other similar organisations, as we explain in these pages. So much in fact that the last time a bombing in London killed people, it was carried out by a former BNP member. While they would no doubt like to see themselves as opponents, in fact these groups offer the same antisemitic world conspiracy theory to their followers in place of a political explanation. The hatemongers also play precisely the same role in their own communities; fomenting communalism and railing against the cosmopolitan nature of our cities which they believe embodies everything they are opposed to.
The only way that racial divisions can be defeated is by combating the racism that creates the divisions in the first place. This means that we need to shake people out of the complacency which allows the BNP to organise in our communities in the name of “white” people. It also means that those who preach hatred among Muslims must no longer be tolerated either.
Bombings, like racial attacks, are the end result of a political odyssey of hate. It starts with leaflets and the internet, with material that could easily be dismissed – and often is by the authorities – as the ravings of madmen. But the reality is that these small sects on the fringes of society provide the catalyst for unbalanced individuals to turn the words of hate into deeds. We ask again, when will the government take action against the websites of hate, particularly the Redwatch site, which targets anti-fascists by printing their personal details?
Barry Bagel
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