Justifying actions of others soon to be illegal.
rebound | 05.08.2005 13:58
Tony wishes to make it illegal to justify suicide bombings and, as such remove any debate as to their validity. Suicide bombings are abhored by our society because they remove the possibility and hence 'satisfaction' to punish those who perpetrate the act. It goes against our societies (and my) idea and tenet that there is something greater than life itself.
However suicide as protest is not new as demonstrated by buddhist monks previously
and as a means of combat ie. during the second world war
by an enemy that saw only a futile death in a normal approach
Many natives during colonialization ran into onslaughts of weaponary in the full knowledge that they would not themselves survive, often it was done with great dignity.
For those people at that time perhaps suicide was the best option. The kamikazi pilots knew they had no chance in a normal attack so why not use their life for something.
I don't attempt to justify the suicide bombings on innocent civilians because I cant, but it should not be illegal for people to attempt to justify anything if freedom of speech
is to be retained in this country.
Civilians are not a legitimate target, but what is a legitimate target? Could Tony provide a list of them so that we know?
I don't think a police station is a legitimate target, neither is a bank nor even a Labour office, nor even Tony Blair's office itself. Perhaps a military installation but how would they realistically attack one? At each of the following they only attack an element of the system and innocent people, cleaners, cashiers, daft idiots guarding barracks become the targets.
None of these are legitimate... or put another way if a bomber is intent on attacking the system, they are equal in their legitimacy as targets. Attacking Tony is more prone to failure than attacking a london bus, and they clearly understand they are amateurs. Following such logic the attack they perpetrate is understandable as they have the choice of a failed attack on one element of the system or a successful attack on another.
Perhaps Tony would like would be bombers to go to Iraq to fight to keep the fight fair and above board. they may as well give themselves up as terrorists at Heathrow airport. Clearly it would be dim witted.
Personally I hope we can rein in Tony Blair before he gets out of hand, these laws he is proposing the lists he is drawing up, the bookshops he wishes to ban. I have bought some radical muslim essays out of curiosity in the past
does that make me a criminal? I read widely about the Nazis too.
Is learning about the other peoples way of thinking more dangerous than not learning?
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