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London Bombing - What can we do?

pentos | 17.07.2005 09:51

Let us act

An alternative scenario, every bit as plausible as 'four lads from Leeds went nuts and blew themsleves up':

Through a system of targetting under the cover of observing muslim radicals in the UK, three or four likely candidates are selected.
Early on the morning of the blasts they are 'arrested' and whisked away to a holding facility somewhere. They are asked to participate in an 'identity parade' wearing backpacks 'like the suspects' and asked to pose beneath CCTV cameras. (The image published of the alleged bus bomber incidentally, shows only him alone in a tiled, artificially-lit environment, with no other people in shot -unusual, you might say for the height of the rush hour). Once the images are stored, the men are murdered, their clothing and ID taken from them, and planted for incrimination at the bombsites.
The video is seemlessly spliced into extant footage, for the more pedestrian plods to 'find'.

Doubtless we poor mugs will never see it in its original format for scrutiny, any more than we ever saw any of the 'evidence' left by the alleged perpetrators of 911 or Osama Bin Scapegoat.

I too was thinking for some time that the bus blast was an error, until I did a little more delving:
It seems that in 1898 the first zionist chief (publicly anyway) was one Chaim Weizmann, a chemist residing in Bloomsbury. It was here he drafted the Balfour Declaration which ultimately led to Britain lending its weight to the creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. His address? 77 Great Russell St, a stones throw from where the bus actually exploded. The blasts were on 7/7/7 (2005 resolves to 7 - 2+0+0+5=7).
Given that zionism and freemasonry are inseparable and that to these people numerology is of great import, one cant help but wonder.
How many for instance, knew that the Madrid bombings took place exactly 911 days after september 11th 2001? - Fact! not conjecture or 'loony theory'.

Is it possible that the bus bomb was intended to detonate
outside 77 Great Russell St, in order to provide a clear example that the 'arabs' attack was at once, an assault on London AND Israel?
Ask yourself how many times since the bombings have pudits appeared on TV, radio and in the press drawing comparisons with Israel?

The parents of one of the victims of the bus blast, interviewed shortly after he was identified, were puzzled as to why he was on the right bus, but going, in their words, in the opposite direction. The bus was the only one diverted at that point - who I wonder, ordered the diversion?
Had the bus bomb not gone off when it had, would the bus's diverted route have taken it down Great Russell St?

And Richard Jones, the eyewitness said to have seen the bus bomber fiddling with the package and 'annoying me' to the extent he got off the bus seconds before it exploded.
Who is he? Why does his testimony appear differently depending which source you look at?
"Everybody is standing face to face and this guy kept dipping into this bag," Richard Jones, 61, of Berkshire, told the BBC.
Standing is allowed on the lower deck on London buses but not on top.
If the bomber was sitting at the back on the top deck as we are told, how does Jones know he was 'dipping into his bag?'

We are told the police's first lead to Yorkshire was the boy's parents reporting him missing thursday evening following the bombings.
His parents then, presumably knew he was in london that day - what was his stated reason for being there?

And the published claims that the bus CCTV system had not been operating since June, have apparently been roundly derided by bus drivers.

1.Does anyone know Richard Jones? Who is he?

2. A.Does anyone know the driver of the bus?
B.What was his diverted route - Would it have taken him down Gt Russell St?
c. Who ordered the diversion?

3. Does anyone know any of the other Stagecoach drivers from the same depot as the No30, and if so what's the truth about the CCTV 'inspectors' having spent more than 20 hours there the previous weekend?

4. the Atlanta Journal - Constitution says that "Police arrested a relative of one of the suspects and brought him to London for questioning."
A. Who was this individual.
B. To whom are they said to be related?

5. What was the supposed reason for the men to have travelled to London? The reason told to their parents?

6. What is the common denominator? How did these four know each other?

We can expect no help from the media cartels in whose interest complete belief in the official story lies. We need to establish answers to these questions INDEPENDENTLY if we are to begin to pick truth from this haystack of lies.



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"every bit as plausible " ???

17.07.2005 10:09

Your view is not "every bit as plausible". It is conjecture and fabrication based on the fact you don't want to accept what many in the UK are having to come to terms with.

These men were not Iraqi militants making a statement about the war in Iraq, they were not Afghan fighters attempting to change public opinion about the troops in Kabul, neither were they Palestinians trying to force a solution to the problems in Israel and the Occupied Territores.

These men were British Muslims who seek an extreme form of Islam to be the rule in the UK, they have little in common with mainsteam Muslim opinion (which like Christianity before it is becoming increasingly secular) rather they have been persueded to follow a doctrine of the Middle Ages.

The "fault" here is not with British military operations overseas (which are both illeagal and moraly indefensible) but with those in the Muslim community who have failed to control overseas extreme elements from influencing their younger members. Not a popular view but one that is increasingly becoming to be recognised in the Mulsim Community.

BTW. My wife is a Muslim

my view

A Call to action

17.07.2005 10:35

If you want to beleive the same lap-dog media who told us there were WMD in Irag, who didt demur when Afghanistan was linked to Al Quaida on the flimsiest of pretexts, who dont bother to publish any of the discrepancies over the official story of 911, who completely omit the Istanbul Tribunal, and who are all too ready to pin the blame for the london bombings on four very unlikely suspects, you go right ahead.

What Im suggesting here is that as a network of (at least allegedly) independent thinkers and possibly activists, we use our resources to answer some questions that have a direct bearing on the tale we are being asked to beleive.

If you'd rather not, thats fine, go back to sleep - your government is in control.


Hey Pentos

17.07.2005 11:12

Sorry to say Pentos old mate, your article does rely heavily on conjecture and supposition.
Differentiating between Anti-Zionism and Anti-semitism is every bit as suspect and innacurate as the current official line which differentiates between good Islam and a hardcore evil ideology within the Muslim community. Both points of view are biased and have an inherent agenda. There is in fact no way that extremists or hidden conspirators from either camp would be able to gain power by these actions. Oh what a tangled web we weave.
Clearly we do not know what is going on and this uncertainty extends to the official investigation.
To be respected as an independent investigator it would be prudent to stick to what can actually be proven with unequivocal evidence. Leave a contact email and I'll get some first hand sources to you.

Be seeing you.

Hi Magoo!

A. Lexicon

forget the conjecture, look at the call to action

17.07.2005 12:46

Hey Lex,

Youre quite right, much of my piece was conjecture - it was meant to be.

The point is that we have an army (perhaps not the best choice of words )of people both in terms of those who post and those who read here, who are already looking for alternatives to mainstream media (except of course those whose only interest in posting here is to reinforce the mainstream agenda - you know who you are).

Im suggesting that among us are quite probably those in a position to ask these questions directly.
Let's bypass the media-cartels' truth filter.

Somebody ask the parents of the alleged bomber why he was in London.
Somebody ask the driver of the diverted bus where he was going next.

As I've already pointed out elsewhere, Zionism & Judaism are NOT the same thing.
Those who would have you believe otherwise are trying to manipulate you.

However it is my belief that Zionism and the neocon/NWO/PNAC agenda are one and the same, and therefore yes, I do stand opposed to them.

my email -


the audiolingual method

17.07.2005 18:36

To be respected as an independent investigator it would be prudent to stick to what can actually be proven with unequivocal evidence.

To be respected as an independent investigator it would be prudent to stick to what can actually be proven with unequivocal evidence.

To be respected as an independent investigator it would be prudent to stick to what can actually be proven with unequivocal evidence.

To be respected as an independent investigator it would be prudent to stick to what can actually be proven with unequivocal evidence.

To be respected as an independent investigator it would be prudent to stick to what can actually be proven with unequivocal evidence.

Student pentos: please complete the following.

To be ________ as an independent investigator it would be prudent to stick to what can actually be _____ with _________ evidence.

Prof. Magoo