South Bristol Anarchists Storm Blair's Flats
South Bristol Anarcho | 06.07.2005 23:28 | G8 2005 | Social Struggles
Militants, The South Bristol Anarchists, stormed Tony Blair's luxury apartments in Bristol today in support of Black Bloc G8 actions in Scotland.
The group took control of the luxury flats in the upmarket apartment complex 'The Panoramic' in the centre of Bristol at around 6pm this evening.
Flat-footed Avon & Somerset coppers were taken entirely by surprise, having mobilised their large numbers to police a peaceful demonstration elsewhere in the city.
A communique issued by the South Bristol Anarchists said: "We have taken control of Blair's million pound flats in an act of solidarity with militant black bloc comrades in Scotland.
"Blair is a hypocrite who claims he is "making poverty history" whilst sitting on personal investment property worth millions of pounds in our city.
Flat-footed Avon & Somerset coppers were taken entirely by surprise, having mobilised their large numbers to police a peaceful demonstration elsewhere in the city.
A communique issued by the South Bristol Anarchists said: "We have taken control of Blair's million pound flats in an act of solidarity with militant black bloc comrades in Scotland.
"Blair is a hypocrite who claims he is "making poverty history" whilst sitting on personal investment property worth millions of pounds in our city.
South Bristol Anarcho
Hide the following 9 comments
Stirling effort
07.07.2005 06:57
You're there though, perhaps you could give me some examples of what has been smasked up
07.07.2005 06:58
Dispossess the rich
07.07.2005 11:17
"There are but two powers in the world: the sword and the mind.
In the long run the sword is always beaten by the mind."
1769 -1821 - Napoleon Bonaparte
Trevor Goodger-Hill
a Class War operation...
07.07.2005 14:12
Alex Jones: So back in 1991, you get into MI5 and you're there working for them, when did you first start to get inklings of what was really going on?
David Shayler: Well I worked in the section that dealt with Communists and Trotskyists, and so on, which was a bit of a hangover from the Cold War. Bear in mind that at that time the Cold War had been over for two years and that these sections still existed, and I saw how they manipulated political protest groups. How they penetrated legitimate groups like the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, and other... and all the mainstream political groups...
AJ: Where they trying to radicalise and get them to provocateur?
DS: There was certainly cases of that. There was one case in an anarchist group called Class War, which was virtually being run by an agent of the state. He was actually a full time policeman, who lived six days as an anarchist and one day as a policeman. He was running Class War essentially. Without him the organisation would have been incapable of doing anything at all.
AJ: We've found that here too.
DS: So that was the first tip off that something was wrong...
deep down the rabbit hole
07.07.2005 15:22
07.07.2005 19:40
mi5 black block
07.07.2005 19:45
I see the same procedure as in Genova the Left
Movement is going to be taken apart by some rumors
that all tha blac bloc activists are actually governmently
run. You know that the purpose of this is taking
away solidarity between peaceful activists and militant
resistance. But I hope you won't take it too serious
because there is sympathy on both sides for each other.
The CIRCA and all the others do accept the method of black
an blue block and the other way around the black and blue bloc
has a lot of sympathy and comprehension for the actions of
the pink and silver block.
A finger alone can be broken
but you cant break a fist.
german activist
nothing new here
11.07.2005 13:12
class war 'anarchists'
06.04.2008 11:35
Are these guys still pretending to be anarchists?!
You lot don't know the first thing about anarchism and never will.
Just a bunch of ignorant elitist fools who contribute to popular misunderstanding of anarchism. Well done dickheads...Sticking a poster up with a childish slogan that took you hours to think up WOW REVOLUTIONARY. NOT. Get a life. You're like confused teenagers in old mens bodies. Hilarious hahaha