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Cuban to be new Pope

Julian | 03.04.2005 10:41

Cardinal Jaime Ortega, the Archbishop of Havana is the strongest contender for the osition as Pope.

Word from Rome is that the Cuban Cardinal Jaime Ortega, the Archbishop of Havana is the front runner as new Pope. Italian television is calling him "Pope in waiting" and the Mondo Times in the US is calling him a "near certainty".

Ortega has trod a delicate path in his position as head of the Cuban Church, the Cuban government bans all religion but despite that over 80% of Cubans are thought to be practising Catholics. Ortega spent a year in one of Castro's forced labour camps for his preaching on human right issues and calls for religious freedom and was known to be close to John Paul II who himself fought the Nazis in his youth and saw his homeland rise up against the horrors of Communism in later life.

Although the appointment of Ortega will prove an embaresment to Castro it is not thought he will be able to stop Ortega traveling to Rome to accept the position.



Display the following 15 comments

  1. Shurely shum mishtake? — Aunty Beeb
  2. Banned — Jose
  3. Anti-Cuban Nonsense — Joe Hall
  4. LOL — open your eyes
  5. In reply... — Joe Hall
  6. Oh and also.... — Joe Hall
  7. Will this be a 'Poland Mk2'? Bush wishes, but not necessarily gonna happen coz — Barry K the pointless Speculator
  8. How much are they paying you Joe — Husband of Cuban exile
  9. Cuban Government Communique — Carlos
  10. Do I not have a fourth option? — Joe Hall
  11. Translation — Hermes
  12. ... — Hermes
  13. Sad to see this statement from Cuba ... — BlackPope
  14. ... — Hermes
  15. Thise who have not "lived" the tortures of Castro should remain silent. — Carlos