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BNP Tosser resigns

Crolt Bopper | 16.03.2005 17:59 | Anti-racism | Education | Social Struggles

After a long campaign local fascist is pursuaded to move out of Bolton business.

It pays off - Just keep at it.

thanks for the support everyone


ps your plaque is in the post XXX

Crolt Bopper


Hide the following 13 comments

At least the BNP don't riot like you anti-capitalists!

17.03.2005 11:59

At least the BNP don't cause riots like you anti-capitalist hooligans! You lot are the same as football hooligans causing trouble and violence where-ever you go! Why don't you grow up and get a job!!!!

Member of the public

Twat alert!

17.03.2005 13:31

They don't "cause riots" 'cos they don't have enough supporters, FUCKWIT.

Instead they get off on beating up lone Asian people in groups of about six, the bravehearts.

Two more points a) I have a fucking job, as do most people who oppose capitalism. Your weedy stereotypes are only fooling yourself, shit for brains.

b) Cops cause riots, not democratic protesters. I've seen it happen. You haven't. You just wait for the right wing press to tell you what to think.

Now fuck off. I've got work to do.

Non-brainwashed worker

what about the Bradford riots?

17.03.2005 13:43

If the BNP don't cause riots what was all that mayhem in Bradford a couple of years ago?

Truth is the BNP are a fascist party who like all fascist parties use violence and threats to try to silence anyone who dares speak against them. Their leaders and core membership have a string of convictions for violent offences and incitement to hatred.

More info here:
(Stop the BNP / Searchlight)

Unite Against Fascism:


Member of the public

18.03.2005 11:40

I riot, i have a decent job, a relationship and a house, but i would love to come to your house and put your windows through and tar and feather you, just on the off chance that you are probably going to vote for Robert Kilroy Silk of Veritas :-)

Herbert Read

The Arm of the Law

18.03.2005 18:28

Fortunately, Mr Cropper, your little campaign is now being investigated by Greater Manchester Police for racially aggravated harassment. 5 years jail awaits- and not a day too long.



Assume - Ass U & ME

18.03.2005 19:47

Oh shit do you get sent down for posting on indy now?

Well done bolton - No BNP standing in your borough - never have so I see.

We could all learn from bolton

A Pillock of the Community

At least we don't riot...?

22.03.2005 00:59

Never mind whether we 'riot' or not, at least we don't have prominent Northern organisers with convictions for gang-raping teenage girls...

Yorkshire RASH Skin says "Deport the BNP!"

news article

24.03.2005 18:23

Well done all flyposterers!

news article linked to in original post has moved - to save you the time I spent finding it, here it is:
First published on Wednesday 16 March 2005:

Director resigns over BNP links

A BUSINESSMAN has quit his family firm because of his links with the far right British National Party.

Stewart Clough resigned from the well known Clough's Opticians on Newport Street, Bolton, where he had been a director of the company.

Mr Clough, who stood as a BNP candidate in the local elections in Bury, has decided to pursue an 'alternative career' after a meeting with family members.

A spokesman for the company said: "The management totally deplores the policies of the British National Party.

"Stewart Clough, formerly a director, no longer has any role or financial interest in the business.

"Following a family meeting he has amicably agreed to pursue an alternative career. Many of our 25,000 customers and some past and current employees are from a range of cultures and ethnic backgrounds.

"Clough's has given the local community friendly and professional service for more than 50 years and looks forward to continuing in the same peaceful and harmonious way."

Mr Clough's departure from the company comes after a hate campaign against him. Posters daubed with swastikas and bearing his photograph and home address have appeared on bus shelters and lamp-posts around the town centre.

Other posters have appeared in Bolton and Bury town centres over the last three weeks.

Police are treating the matter as incitement of racial hatred and confirmed that they had received a complaint.

A spokesman for the BNP confirmed that Mr Clough, of Summerseat, near Bury, was intending to contest a seat in a Bury ward at this year's council elections.

Dave Jones, North-west spokesman for the BNP, said that he had seen copies of the posters, some of which he said had the word "nazi" scrawled on them.

He added: "The posters are illegal because they are not carrying the name of the printer or publisher This is a particular pernicious way of behaving which has implications not only of boycotting Mr Clough's business, but also of inflaming and inciting people to carry out an attack on his business.

"We have left the matter in the hands of the police and we are working on leads about who might have a grudge against Stewart."

He added that Mr Clough was "incensed and annoyed" by the posters.

Last year, Mr Clough won 663 votes for the BNP, finishing in seventh place, when he stood for election in the ward of Tottington in Bury.

Insp Martin Freschini, of Bolton police, said: "We received a complaint that offensive racist posters had been seen in the Bolton and Bury area that could incite racial hatred.

"We informed the council who removed them from bus shelters and lamp-posts.

"The matter was investigated but we were unable to ascertain the origin of the posters."

The BNP spokesman added that no candidates were expected to stand in Bolton this year as the party "could not guarantee success."

Mr Clough was unavailable for comment.

employed grown-up reposter

Nice to see some good news for once - congratulations Bolton!

26.03.2005 11:30

Long may you hound those scum out of town

Smash the Fash

mr clough a hero

31.05.2005 06:23

Mr Clough is a hero. Note the phrase hate campaign against him and his business- thats the only way so-called anti-fascists operate. Don't let the bastards grind you down. Up the BNP,they carry the hopes of the native British

long time no see

well done BNP

12.07.2005 16:23

well done BNP thanks for creating some suicide bombers give yourselves a big FUCKING PANT ON THE FUCKING BACK ASSHOLES

no body

Silly people living in fantasy land

01.08.2005 22:41

Pretending that the BNP caused the bradford riot will bear little fruit in the future. Unless we get to grips with the alienation within the Muslim community - the ones who caused the riots, probalems will arise again. Stop passing the blame to an easy alternative and look at answers for future problems.


a fellow asian

26.08.2005 10:23

ryte the bnp are a bunch of fat bastards that hate asianz i got a big problem with them and i think they did start the riots by beatin tht other asian guy up and in my opinion if any one of them starts with me they face the concequences i have already been insulted by members so they can fuck them selves!

fuck ur self