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BNP Tosser resigns

Crolt Bopper | 16.03.2005 17:59 | Anti-racism | Education | Social Struggles

After a long campaign local fascist is pursuaded to move out of Bolton business.

It pays off - Just keep at it.

thanks for the support everyone


ps your plaque is in the post XXX

Crolt Bopper


Display the following 13 comments

  1. At least the BNP don't riot like you anti-capitalists! — Member of the public
  2. Twat alert! — Non-brainwashed worker
  3. what about the Bradford riots? — awake
  4. Member of the public — Herbert Read
  5. The Arm of the Law — Freeman
  6. Assume - Ass U & ME — A Pillock of the Community
  7. At least we don't riot...? — Yorkshire RASH Skin says "Deport the BNP!"
  8. news article — employed grown-up reposter
  9. Nice to see some good news for once - congratulations Bolton! — Smash the Fash
  10. mr clough a hero — long time no see
  11. well done BNP — no body
  12. Silly people living in fantasy land — Max
  13. a fellow asian — fuck ur self