Animal Liberation Resources
friend of animals | 09.01.2005 21:28 | Animal Liberation
below you will find links regarding:
SF Bay Area & National | IMCs/News | Vegetarianism/Veganism | Communities | Offline Reading
SF Bay Area/Northern California Organizations
Animal Legal Defense Fund

For nearly a quarter-century, the Animal Legal Defense Fund has been pushing the U.S. legal system to end the suffering of abused animals from Petaluma, California.
Animal Protection Institute

Founded in 1968, API's national mission is to advocate for the protection of animals from cruelty and exploitation. Based in Sacramento, California, maintains a primate sanctuary in Dilley, Texas.
The Animals Voice

Features animal rights news, multimedia, calendar, victories, editorial, graphic and compelling photography, and in-depth investigative reports. Based in Chico, California.
Bay Area Vegetarians

Monthly social & advocacy events to connect, support, and build the vegetarian & animal rights community in the SF Bay Area. Ultimate Guide to SF Bay Area Living. Advocacy Rewards Program. Veggie Mentor Program. Several email lists, including SFBAVEG, and Event Calendar at

East Bay Animal Advocates

All-volunteer grassroots animal advocacy organization focused on farmed animal issues and holding frequent events throughout the East Bay (


The Empathy Project

Offers free presentations about animal and environmental issues to schools and community groups in the S.F. Bay Area. A project of Protecting Animals, USA, headquartered in Chicago, IL.
Farm Sanctuary — West

The nation’s largest farm animal rescue and protection organization. Operates two shelters — a 175-acre farm in upstate New York and a 300-acre farm in Orland, California. The shelters rescue, rehabilitate and provide lifelong care for hundreds of animals.
Freedom for Animals

All-volunteer Bay Area organization founded in January 2003 that advocates on behalf of animals, currently working on anti-fur Neiman Carcass campaign and offers vegetarian starter kit.
The Fund for Animals

Founded in 1967, with a local office in S.F., works around the country on advocacy campaigns and animal care facilities such as the
Black Beauty Ranch at

In Defense of Animals

Based in Mill Valley, California, and dedicated to ending the exploitation and abuse of animals by defending their rights, welfare and habitats.

Airing documentaries, interviews and investigations, VegVideo shows the extent of mistreatment that occures inside factory farms and the alternative of a compassionate vegetarian diet.
Viva! USA

A national advocacy organization based in Davis, CA focused on promoting vegetarianism/veganism and increasing protections for farmed animals. Interviewed recently for television news report on California's mega-dairies at

National Organizations
American Anti-Vivisection Society

Animal advocacy and educational organization dedicated to ending experimentation on animals in research, testing, and education.
Animal Liberation Front (ALF)

Dedicated to ending experimentation on animals in research, testing, and education, often through illegal, guerilla direct actions. Their new Press office at


Animal Rights Media Online Repository. Created in order to allow Animal Rights related media to be stored in one central location, making life easier for those who wish to create materials for campaigning.
Center on Animal Liberation Affairs

CALA strives to advance the study, research, and dialogue of the principles and practices of animal rights and animal liberation. Engages in critical examinations and philosophical dialogue through an online journal, research databases, a speaker’s bureau, and conferences on animal liberation issues. Provides resources in exploring elements of other social justice struggles.
also: Terrorists or Freedom Fighters? Reflections on the Liberation of Animals at


Educates people about the powerful effects our food choices have on the environment, our health and all life on Earth, and encourages a shift toward a healthy, plant-based diet.
League for Earth and Animal Protection

Founded in 1992 and based in Los Angeles, this organization seeks to end the abuse and exploitation of all animals in the areas of food production, fur farms, vivisection labs, entertainment, shelters, medical research, product testing, et al.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)

The largest animal rights group in the United States and across the globe. Founded in 1980 on the simple premise that animals are not ours to use for food, clothing, entertainment, experimentation, or for any other reason.

Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM)

Doctors and laypersons working together to promote health and preventive medicine, conduct clinical research, and encourage higher standards for ethics and effectiveness in research.
Stop Animal Exploitation NOW!

Founded in 1996 to force an end to the abuse of animals in laboratories. First major event was a news conference that revealed the suffering endured by dogs, rabbits, and primates in 9 laboratories across the United States. Investigations have revealed abuses within laboratories from Boston to California and from Florida to Washington.
also: Inside the Laboratories of UC Davis at

Stop Huntington Animal Cruelty (SHAC)

An international campaign to close Huntingdon Life Sciences. Begun in England in 1999. SHAC USA reports on grassroots activists who organize outreach events, speaking events, publicity stunts, and protests.

Student Animal Rights Alliance

Dedicated to youth mobilization, education, and leadership development to build a strong & diverse youth movement for animal protection. Sponsors national and regional conferences with young activists from all over the country.
Vegan Outreach

Dedicated to reducing animal suffering by promoting a vegan lifestyle. Works to promote veganism through the widespread distribution of illustrated booklets and a vegan starter kit.
IMCs with Active Animal Categories and News Sites
Portland IMC:

San Francisco Bay Area IMC:
Animal Liberation – news and events at Indybay

San Diego IMC:

United Kingdom IMC:


Animal advocacy media watch that looks at animal issues in the media and facilitates one-click responses to the relevant media outlets. Compliles news stories from multiple sources nationally.
Vegetarianism and Veganism
Compassionate Cooks

Empowers people to make informed food choices and debunks myths about vegetarianism through cooking classes, nutrition workshops, and supermarket tours. Gives people the tools and resources they need (including
new DVD at

PCRM's Guide to Health and Nutrition

Learn how leading killers in the Western world — heart disease, cancer, and stroke — can often be prevented — and even treated — with dietary and lifestyle measures.
PETA's Free Vegetarian Starter Kit

This guide is packed with info, tips, and recipes to help you establish eating habits that you’ll feel great about for yourself, the animals, and the planet.

Information on the many reasons to choose a vegetarian diet, how-tos, eats, FAQs, videos and famous vegetarians.
Ultimate Guide to Vegetarian Living in the Bay Area

A comprehensive and searchable database of Bay Area vegetarian and vegan restaurants, farmer's markets, and veg-owned business and services in the San Francisco Bay Area. Review your favorite restaurants. Create & print your own custom guide. Advertise your veg-owned business for free!

Home base for all things vegetarian in and around SF, includes veg-friendly restaurants, health food stores, veg caterers, cooking classes, local organizations and email lists, event calendars, and lots more.
Vegetarian and Animal Activist Communities
Bay Area Animal Rights Network (BAARN)

Email network of individuals and organizations working on behalf of animals and animal rights.
Bay Area Vegetarians

Maintains the free and very informative SFBAVeg mailing list and more.
San Francisco Vegetarian Society

Working in the Bay Area for over 30 years promoting a vegetarian diet as a healthful and humane way of life. Hosts potlucks and other veggie friendly events.
Offline Reading
Animal Liberation: A New Ethics for Our Treatment of Animals by Peter Singer (New York Review, 2000, orig. 1975)

Known to some as the Animal Rights Bible, this is the book that inspired a worldwide movement. This edition has been revised to acknowledge the animal rights movement, which was nonexistent at the publication of the first edition.
Diet For A New America: How Your Food Choices Affect Your Health, Happiness And The Future Of Life On Earth by John Robbins (HJ Kramer, 1998, orig. 1989)

A would-be ice cream magnate factually breaks down the extraordinary amounts of waste and the intense harm to our environment caused by modern factory farming. This book has launched thousands of environmentally-conscious vegetarians.
Animal Ingredients A-Z, Third Edition by E.G. Smith Collective (AK Press, 2004)

As well as a comprehensive listing of animal ingredients that every vegetarian and vegan needs to know, this easy to navigate guide contains supplemental information on vegan nutrition, food alternatives and contact information for animal advocacy groups.
AK Press Distribution (Oakland)

AK Press has more Vegetarian and Animal Rights books than you can shake a stick at. They are a worker run anarchist collective with the goal of making available titles that are published by independent presses, not the corporate giants, titles with which you can make a positive change in the world.
Animal Times magazine (PETA)

The magazine that speaks up for animals. Whether you're a student, an activist, a stay-at-home parent or a busy entrepreneur, we've got tons of ideas and inspiration to help you get active for animals, including heartwarming rescue stories, investigative reports, easy animal-friendly recipes and stories about how caring people like you are making a difference for animals in their own communities.
Bite Back magazine

Free militant, direct action quarterly publication of animal liberationists and their supporters. Reports on the national and international actions of groups like the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) and others.
E: The Environmental Magazine

Now in its 15th year, E/The Environmental Magazine is a bimonthly “clearinghouse” of information, news and resources for people concerned about the environment who want to know “What can I do?” to make a difference. E is chock full of everything environmental — from recycling to rainforests, and from the global village to our own backyards.
Herbivore magazine

Started in the Spring of 2003 with the idea that there was exciting, vital culture coming out of the vegetarian community. Our goal is to map it with humor, sensitivity and passion. Our focus is on the art, music, humor, fashion, politics, activism and personalities coming out of the loose community of people who choose not to eat animals.
No Compromise magazine

The Bay Area's militant, direct action quarterly publication of grassroots animal liberationists and their supporters. Reports on the national actions of groups like the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) and Stop Huntington Animal Cruelty (SHAC).
Satya magazine

Monthly publication focusing on vegetarianism, environmentalism, animal advocacy, and social justice. In Sanskrit, "satya" means "truth," and formed the basis of Mohandas Gandhi’s Satyagraha or "truth action" movement for Indian self-sufficiency. Satya Magazine is committed to continuing Gandhi’s legacy by increasing dialogue among activists from diverse backgrounds and engaging readers in ways to integrate compassion into their daily lives.
VegNews Magazine

Since beginning publication in 2000, VegNews has become the most talked about vegetarian magazine. The premier magazine to focus on a vegetarian lifestyle, VegNews offers its over 100,000 readers up-to-date information on living a compassionate and healthy lifestyle.
friend of animals
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