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2005: End of the Apartheid

Yakoub Islam/Sami Aldeeb | 26.12.2004 10:43

Message to the Members of the Swiss and Israeli Parliament and Government from Dr. Sami Aldeeb, Chairman of the Association for One Democratic State in Palestine/Israel

2005: End of the Apartheid

Message to the Members of the Swiss and Israeli Parliament and Government

Jews used to say: "Next year in Jerusalem".

Our wish for 2005 is the following: "Next year is the last year of apartheid in Palestine/Israel". Do whatever you can to make this dream a reality.

Our Association, which has more than 500 members inside and outside Palestine/Israel, is convinced that the only solution which can lead to peace is the creation of one Democratic State in Palestine/Israel, with equal rights for all, regardless of their religion, and the right of the Palestinian Refugees to return home. Any partition of the country will encourage violence and fundamentalism.

Join our Association! Peace needs you.

Dr. Sami Aldeeb
Chairman: Association for One Democratic State in Palestine/Israel

Posted by Yakoub Islam
Member: Association for One Democratic State in Palestine/Israel

Yakoub Islam/Sami Aldeeb
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Display the following 4 comments

  1. not representative — zion 1
  2. ONLY THE RIGHTIOUS.... — King Amdo
  3. . — zion 1
  4. . — zion 1