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Poland-Anarchist in trouble!

ABC Bialystok | 17.12.2004 18:10 | Repression


Poland-Anarchist in trouble

Patryk Cichon, anti-fascist from Stalowa Wola and animator of RASH (Red&Anarchist Skinheads) had been sentenced to 3 years of jail fro alleged assault and robbery.
It is clearfro us that all case had been based on his political beliefs from the very beginning. Patryk is well know anti-fascist and anarchist, notorious among nazi-bonehead scum in his city fro his uncompromising and militant stand against them in the past. Boneheads managed to convince few of their friends to testify against Patryk and his friend in alleged case of assault and robbery. As it appeared later, his friend had very good alibi and was aquitted, so Patryk ended up as superman sentenced for beating 4 people on his own so badly, that he was even able to take their wallets afterwards!
Patryk appealed this decision and another trial will take place on the beginning of 2005. Adding to that he has 300 euro fine to pay for assault on police officer (average 2 monthly wages in Poland). We cant really do much to help him with his trial but we can support him financially in this hard moment. It is necessary to show our solidarity to people who dared to stand against nazi menace and show them that they are not alone!
If you want to help Patryk you can send some money to his bank account- every little bit counts!

22 1020 4939 0000 0402 0008 9284 Patryk Cichon´ PKO BP SA ODDZIAL 1 W STALOWEJ WOLI

You can also order benefit CD with anti-fascist oi bands writing to:
CD includes bands:
Los Fastidios, Non Servium, Chaos Urbano, Brigada Flores Magon, Guardia Negra, Stage Bottles, Les Partisans, Klasse Kriminale, Indaptats, Pilseners, Reazione, Erode, F.F.D., Curasabun Oi!.

Anarchist Black Cross Bialystok
ANTIFA Bialystok

ABC Bialystok
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Polish Anti-Fa Need Our Support

18.12.2004 00:58

The tactics of the Polish state have been always based on fitting up Polish anti-fa who have a really hard time in Poland. There is a lot of racism towards Polish and Ukranian, Slovakian, Eastern European basically Roma and also now towards Muslims in Poland. This June the Polsih government expelled Ahmed Amar, a Yemeni Imam and Doctor of Law at Poznan University for being a 'security threat'. He had been lecturing about the role of Poland in occupying Iraq. His expulsion was accompanied by Islamophobic propaganda media coverage which tapped into the already mounting levels of Ismaophobia in Poland. Poland announced its first ever national security alert earlier this year and is seen as a major target for attack due to its Strategic Military relationship with the US plus its buying Israeli weapons and its logistical support for Israel's war against the Palestinian people. Late this November Polish army Chief of Staff, Gen. Czeslaw Piatas is thought to have 'present(ed)lessons his army has learned from its participation in the war in Iraq and in peace keeping forces' Polish arms dealer Bumar also signed a $236m arms deal with the Iraqi puppet ministry of defence to supply helicopters, machineguns and ironically Ambulances. Im suprised they didnt include gravestones too

Anyway, the Polish war against Iraq, the repression being wrecked on people there has its paralells too. As with any state at war, it has to police its own population harder to prevent any disobedience against its plans overseas. So much as it stake. Religious and ethnic tensions are deliberately exacerbated and played up to create as much internal fear and ascociation of the victims of a war (muslims in Iraq) as perpetrators, as terrorists, as people to be feared and therefore repressed. We can see it here with the UK government's revival of internment.

The Polish state jailed Tomek Wilkoszewski, a popular and committed anti-fascist in 1996 for defending himself against a fascist attack. This was a political decison to criminalise street resistance and community defence against fascist attacks.

The situation with Patryk follows the same logic. Polish antifa need as much support as possible. The racist attacks of the Polish government and its contribution to the cultivation of fascism in Iraq and Palestine, have an impact on people in Poland and a felt effect on the streets of Poland. The wars Poland is supporting empower the Right within Poland and give rise to divisive and destructive racist and Islamophobic politics there.

No Pasaran!!!

Polish Troops Out of Iraq!
Solidarity with Polish @ntifa!
x x x


well well

18.12.2004 16:36

Well, nice coment. I just would like to add that website about Tomasz Wilkoszewski si not very good one, there are lots of lies in it, trying to portrait his case as one of innocent victim of nazi attacks, whereas Tomek was not a complying victim, but decided to take matters in his own hands and defend himself. On the websirte you can read lots of bullshit stories how he got "rehabilitated" in prison etc. and all the time avoiding any notion of militant anti-fascist resistance to nazi menace in which he as involved in attempt to portray him as poor, innocent student.
If innocent deserv our support, guilty deserve it even more- Tomek should have got medal for killing this nazi scum.

Antifa Hooligans