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Infiltrators and Saboteurs

Hermes | 13.11.2004 18:01

Co-Intel Pro, BackBiting, and the anti-war movement

I thought I would forward some useful information...

This details about the activities of ConIntelPro. It is very interesting reading.

One of their classic tactics was to infiltrate leftwing groups and sow dissent and division. 'This person is a CIA agent', for example.

I think it important to start thinking about these things, and that these things could be happening again, because the political climate is not so far away form when we were at the peak of the cold war. Left wing groups have already been infiltrated by, for example, the BNP. In the US, we know the FBI infiltrated many antiwar circles. As resistance to imperialist policies grows, these agents will start playing a role by agitating within the movement.

Seriously, I don't know what can be done about it. But people should be aware of manipulation. I think a good defense is a certain moral attitude. There's a great Islamic law ( I'm not a Muslim, but Allah Akbar anyway ). It states that back-biting is one of the biggest sins. You should never gossip about people behind their back. Instead, you should confront them with any problems face to face.
Muslims say it's the one sin Allah cannot forgive. You have to confess what you said about that person, to that person, in the afterlife if need be.

I think everyone in the movement is guilty of this crime. I know I am. But I think if we are going to move forward with greater unity and cohesion, we have to bear a lot of these things in mind.

Anyway, I just found a great webiste full of information about these sort of questions

Here is a good article about the dangers of left-wing and right-wing alliances

Let's keep our eyes and ears open, and our minds sharp...



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Great in confront them face to face, then they deny all...

13.11.2004 21:15

...knoledge of what you are talking about and say that you are mentally ill. This, believe you me, is a cery common tacked when trying to sort out 'situation's'. But these sort of head games are very common in senario's...if fact inherent to the way that peoples reality is made it seems.

The 'I must win' thing.


King Amdo.

King Amdo

A few cops riot with black bloc - promising. All the cops riot - victory!

13.11.2004 21:46

I don’t know how active spies/informers are on the left. Perhaps you only find out years later. The government did announce the doubling of the size of MI5 last year. And then there’s the new national police force, the european wide policing and intelligence gathering, and the the special branches acting locally that link to MI5.

If your not breaking the law or planning to there should be little to worry about. But you may want to limit the amount of information the government might like to collect about you.

There is basic security that can minimise the effects of spies, surveillance, infiltration, agent provocateurs, etc. I am sure there will be courses and sessions on this during the preparation for the G8, or at other gatherings, and would be facilitated by activists experienced and knowledgeable in this field. Potential damage can easily be minimised, and the bonus is far greater damage will be done to the state by bollocksing the effectiveness of its intelligence machine.

This ’basic security’ is easily carried out common sense stuff and not a recipe for developing clinical paranoia, or creating restrictive hassle. A few things I would suggest are:

For example, how can you tell the difference between an agent disrupting a meeting and someone who might be unfortunately experiencing mental health problems? You don’t have to, you deal with them in the same way. If this is at a planning meeting before an action something must be done, so the action does not get called off. Some people have a good nose for those who are acting, which is how an informer/spy works.

Another example, if cops do go black bloc and try to kicks off riots they are acting against their own interests in the long term. Any short term negative propaganda used to justify repression leads to further radicalisation. Also a riot shows the police have lost control of people - their function is to maintain order. Police = control; black bloc = you are not controlling us. So we should not get hot under the collar about rioting cops. In fact, if they can be encouraged to riot, great. 1000 coppers rioting, would be wonderful. All the cops rioting is revolution.

And another. For sensitive meetings mobile phones and all other electronic devices should be put in a box and left in another room, or out of the way and sound proofed. But don't leave them outside the back door - they might get robbed.

Spy’s have been a part of government for many centuries. Weaken their ability to collect information, and operate at will, and you weaken that government. There is a lot to be gained in finding out about them too. If one becomes known, it is better to keep an eye on it, because revelation will just lead to a replacement that is not known.


Educated, I wonder ?

14.11.2004 16:39

I don't think it really make any difference at all if the right puppets infiltrate the left puppets(dreams)
sure it a nightmare for jerkers like Herpes and co as he seems to have been dragged as a "goodie" and therefore he writes a whole load of bollox about the "baddies" who the fuck is the so called "left" ? in the UK
I guess most of the council tenents are pretty much right wing and they therefore vote Neo Labour.
The self elected spokes people of the left are a bunch of radical chic types that all had a good education and
have benfited from the fact that we didn't have a war for 50 years .
When the shit hits the fan the yuppy types will find it hard to live with out their chelsea tractors and we will see if the radical chic leftie types have got the bottle to actually fight for social justice they have certianly got the
knack of hijacking social forums with their vote rigging and back room dealing.
It's big bad wolf politix and the tories are the wolf and after long years of Thatcher lefty red riding hat runs straight into the arms of Phoney baloney and the new charlatans ..

fight the right puppet but watch your back and don't fucked over by the left puppet
I would prefer to refer to Rich and Poor , Have and Have not .

not my cuppa tea

elitist? us?

15.11.2004 14:03

"in the UK I guess most of the council tenents are pretty much right wing and they therefore vote Neo Labour"

tell me, is anyone anywhere pure enough to be part of your movement?



15.11.2004 19:46

Hi again Herpes,

Although I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion you are some sort of right-wing conspiracy nut, or at worst someone from MI5, I will talk to you anyway, because I like argument. Can you offer me any of your own beliefs, rather than simply spouting out hatred.
I'm thinking maybe you're a big fan of David Icke.

'who the fuck is the so called "left" ? in the UK '

Good question, although at the moment I am in Venezuela.
But the left in the UK is pretty fragmented, and is failing to address the people in council flats in the way that, for example, the BNP is. But the BNP offer easy answers, that the left cannot give, because in reality things are complicated, not simple. The BNP offer similar criticisms of the system like the left, but then scapegoat it all on one group, whether the immigrants, or the Jews, or the world conspiracy.

'he seems to have been dragged as a "goodie" and therefore he writes a whole load of bollox about the "baddies"'

No, that is your world-view. I don't believe in baddies. I believe that greed and power can make people behave terribly. But I am not a conspiracist. For example, when I criticise zionism, I am careful to distinguish between zionism and judaism, and to point out that zionism is simply old-fashioned nationalism playing itself out again in yet another form and disguise. An illness that we are all susceptible to, not just the Jews, not just the Germans, not just the US. Ultimately, I think the evil lies in the terrible misuse of power strucures, which are largely centred in the US, but not limited to it. If it wasn't the US it would be Europe. Maybe next it will be China.

'The self elected spokes people of the left are a bunch of radical chic types that all had a good education'

Well, that exact argument was used against the Jews in Germany. A populist critique of the 'educated socialists', used to rally the working class behind a fascist ideology. How can these educated types be speaking for the working class. Well, with your argument, you say that the far-right speaks for the working class, to quote
'I guess most of the council tenents are pretty much right wing'

Well, how come that would be the case in England. It is certainly not the case in Venezuela. Here, the people in the poorest areas are extremely progressive, and keen to get educated. Actually, I think you'll find most people on council estates just don't bother voting. No one is appealing to them, and their concerns. The BNP is making some progress, but it has hardly mobilised the mass of the working class. Not in the way that left-wing radicalism is getting a grip over Latin America. I think there can be lessons learned from here, about how to mobilise people in the UK.

'fight the right puppet but watch your back and don't fucked over by the left puppet
I would prefer to refer to Rich and Poor , Have and Have not .'

Well, then your ideology is based on hatred and envy, rather than compassion. There will always be some people with more something than somebody else. You would cut everybody down to your level. But everybody should be raised up to at least a minimum level. And that means the greedy and powerful giving up wealth. And it also means the systematic education of everybody, that word you seem to hate. And it also means an understanding that the world is not black and white, there is no US and THEM, that ultimately the revolution is for everybody. It is a revolution against ideas, not against people. It is a revolution against greed and hatred. It is a revolution against elitism, against nationalism, against racism. So we should also fight these vices within ourselves, as well as in their obvious representatives in the power structures of the world.

Anyway, all my love
