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Infiltrators and Saboteurs

Hermes | 13.11.2004 18:01

Co-Intel Pro, BackBiting, and the anti-war movement

I thought I would forward some useful information...

This details about the activities of ConIntelPro. It is very interesting reading.

One of their classic tactics was to infiltrate leftwing groups and sow dissent and division. 'This person is a CIA agent', for example.

I think it important to start thinking about these things, and that these things could be happening again, because the political climate is not so far away form when we were at the peak of the cold war. Left wing groups have already been infiltrated by, for example, the BNP. In the US, we know the FBI infiltrated many antiwar circles. As resistance to imperialist policies grows, these agents will start playing a role by agitating within the movement.

Seriously, I don't know what can be done about it. But people should be aware of manipulation. I think a good defense is a certain moral attitude. There's a great Islamic law ( I'm not a Muslim, but Allah Akbar anyway ). It states that back-biting is one of the biggest sins. You should never gossip about people behind their back. Instead, you should confront them with any problems face to face.
Muslims say it's the one sin Allah cannot forgive. You have to confess what you said about that person, to that person, in the afterlife if need be.

I think everyone in the movement is guilty of this crime. I know I am. But I think if we are going to move forward with greater unity and cohesion, we have to bear a lot of these things in mind.

Anyway, I just found a great webiste full of information about these sort of questions

Here is a good article about the dangers of left-wing and right-wing alliances

Let's keep our eyes and ears open, and our minds sharp...

