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Demonstration against assault on Fallujah tonight!! (Tuesday 9th)

(richarddirecttv) | 09.11.2004 10:18 | Oxford

Vigil tonight - Tuesday, November 9th, at 6 PM on Cornmarket Street.

Dear Friends,

American ground forces, supported by the Black Watch and aided by an
intense aerial bombardment, launched a horrific ground assault on the
Iraqi city of Fallujah under the cover of darkness Monday evening.
Initial reports indicate an attack of horrible brutality and a
bombardment of the "shock and awe" magnitude not seen since the
initial attack on Baghdad.

The courageous people of Fallujah appear determined fight this illegal
and immoral assault on and continued occupation of their city by all
means at their disposal and at whatever personal cost. Past experience
has shown them that the US forces care little about civilian
casualties, but that is the price many are willing to pay to overcome
imperial domination by the Americans. Oxford must support them in
their resistance by opposing this unconscionable act of aggression and
by continuing to press the British government for an immediate
withdrawal of its troops from Iraq, an act which would further weaken
the Bush Administration's standing in the world.

We must register our objection to this latest round of American-led
brutality now!

The Oxford Stop the War Coalition is calling a vigil for Tuesday, Nov.
9, at 6 PM on Cornmarket Street. Please join us in our support of the
people of Fallujah and opposition to the continued occupation of Iraq.
Bring candles, posters, etc.

And please spread the word so that everyone can come out and show
their strong support for the Iraqi people.

See you on Cornmarket tomorrow (Tuesday) at 6 PM.



Oxford Stop the War Coalition



Hide the following 9 comments


09.11.2004 11:26

Maybe the Stop the War Coallition proposes to leave Fallujah on the hands of foreign terrorists and jeopardise free elections in January?
it seems so...


Foreign terrorists

09.11.2004 11:56

Do you mean US terrorists? Or British terrorists?

I agree, we shouldn't leave Fallujah in the hands of either one.


trite slogans

09.11.2004 13:32

I'm not sure if the first poster who salutes the 'resistance' speaks for all the antiwar peple in Oxford, i am sure he doesnt. The reasons there is resistance is imo, very complex and cannot be reduced down to the trite slogans used here. However, the US are also doing their best to increase the rebellion

the guardian,2763,1346831,00.html

'Residents said a US air strike had destroyed a clinic that had been receiving casualties after US and Iraqi forces seized Falluja's main hospital yesterday.

Sami al-Jumaili, a doctor at the hospital who escaped arrest when it was taken by US troops, said the city was running out of medical supplies and only a few clinics remained open.

"There is not a single surgeon in Falluja. We had one ambulance hit by US fire and a doctor wounded," he told Reuters. "There are scores of injured civilians in their homes whom we can't move. A 13-year-old child just died in my hands."'


Beslan murderers

09.11.2004 15:49

I think he meant the international terrorists that took part in the Beslan Massacre
killing hundreds of children, and not by accident


Oh, I see.

09.11.2004 16:01

So he doesn't want to leave Falluja in the hands of that tiny splinter group of Chechen nationalists then.

Well, neither do I.

I also wasn't aware that the US hadn't really meant to drop tons of radioactive-encased ordinance and cluster bombs all over civilian areas, and that this was really just an unfortunate accident.

Thanks for clearing all that up.


John, you don't understand

09.11.2004 17:31

All terrorists in the world are part of one big scary conspiracy. So those nationalists in Chechenya who murdered all those kids are really part of the same giant spooky gang. Remember those World Trade Centre attacks on Sept. 11? Yep, same evildoers.

They fly all over the world, doing some evil here, some evil there, then they all fly back home to Syria. Or Cuba. Or, erm, France I think.

They may also be responsible for global warming. Bastards.

It's all right here, in the Daily Mail:

Mr. Richardson

While the US is in Fallujah...

09.11.2004 20:13

This just in from Al Jazeera. It needs longer to see the significance, but while the US is fighting to take the city of Fallujah, the Iraqi resistance has taken the city of Ramadi.
Attacks have generally increased all over the country. It is following the classic pattern of a successful resistance. Squash one spot, and several more spring up. Are the US adequately watching their back out there? I don't think so, not with the amount of troops they have.
Well respected, conservative militiary analysts are calling the action in Fallujah a militiary mistake ( not just a moral one ), and I think we will see the consequences in the next few days.

Ramadi fighting

In a separate development, anti-US fighters took control of the centre of the Iraqi city of Ramadi after 24 hours of clashes with US forces, an AFP correspondent has said.

The US military could not immediately be contacted for comment.

Five US troops were wounded in
clashes in Ramadi

US forces withdrew Tuesday around 2:00pm (1100 GMT) from Ramadi's main streets to their bases east and west of the city, the correspondent said.


Indymedia comments

12.11.2004 01:57

I suggest that Indymedia close down this comments page and get on with the really omportant business of reporting the 'alternative' news. Comments of the low level type displayed to date are a useless diversion and show Indymedia and the real message in a really bad light. One even wonders if this is deliberate subterfuge?

penelope newsome

What indymedia does and does not do

19.11.2004 09:14

Thanks for your comment, Penelope. I thought I would reply properly as a member of oxford imc collective. I know that some people find frustrating the "flame wars" that sometimes happen in the comments under news postings. Indymedia is however completely committed to an "open publishing" system, which means minimal editorial control. That means that unlike a left newspaper with an editorial line, anyone can post any genuine news and comment on it without interference from a self-appointed group of editors. The criteria for hiding a posting are tightly defined in the "editorial guidelines" (see the top of the homepage), and none of the comments here violate those guidelines. In fact, I feel that the, in my opinion, reactionary and misguided comment which kicked off this discussion has been effectively and wittily answered in the subsequent comments, and more relevant news has been added.
As for indymedia's job being to report alternative news, it would be better to say it is the job of the imc collective to FACILITATE the reporting of alternative news. Indymedia is not a team of journalists, in fact has no membership at all. You, therefore, are a reporter as much as any of "us". It is much your job to report news as anyone. So please feel free to do so! The task of the editorial collective is mainly to administer the site to make this reporting possible. We also plan how to develop the site, and orgainse screenings and outreach. If anyone would like to join the oxford collective, please send a mail to
