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Guineapigs, grave robbers and .net

bobby | 12.10.2004 21:51 | Animal Liberation | Repression | Technology down, concurrent with big press interest

Just now (22.40, Tuesday 12 Oct) is not available.
It's the site of the Save The Newchurch Guinea Pigs campaign.

For the last 2 days the mainstream media, especialy the Daily Mail, has been covering a story about the body of an old lady being disinterred and this desecration of a grave being blamed on animal rights people since the deceased was related to the owner of the facility which breeds guinea pigs for experiments.

I looked up the campaign web site since i thought they would have something to say on the story and it's suspicious that the site is down.

Its topical too since indymedia's current attack from the FBI and others, but I'm not suggesting a link.

Maybe someone from the Save newchurch guineapigs could post on here if their own site is unavailable?

I did notice that has the same owner as another site which is still up (when i looked about 1800), but i'm not technical enough to draw conclusion from that.



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the site moved ages ago

13.10.2004 09:25

The site got closed down a couple of months ago . . .I'm not sure why, but there was some kind of legal action agaginst it. It was down for a couple of weeks, then went back up at:

- Homepage:


13.10.2004 10:34

So you're not trying to "suggest a link" or "draw any conclusions".

Only it does kind of look like you are...


You're looking at the old SNGP Url

13.10.2004 11:44

Save the Newchurch Guinea Pigs:

The old website was taken down months ago.

Not Chris Hall

thanks for the corrections

13.10.2004 17:14

arp and Not Chris Hall, thanks for the new link.

"." I really wasn't - and now we are all the wiser thanks to the other replies.


It's only a dead body !

13.10.2004 23:29

Goethe has been dug up and even dissected! A dead human body is dead, and is not distressed by what is done to it. For this reason, I can appreciate that Animal Rights activists would think it less shocking than what is done to live animals. This new stunt catches headlines while causing relatively little distress. However, what is so wrong is the distress which Animal Rights activists cause to living people, by this and many other less newsworthy activities. People must come before animals.


Animals - human and otherwise

14.10.2004 20:43

Whether or not you believe humans and non-humans are equal, you have to observe one simple fact. In the campaigns against HLS, Newchurch, Oxford Uni, Wickham, Covance et al, at no point has any vivisector (or related party) been held by animal rights 'extremists' in a tiny cage, with no room to move. Neither, have they been the subjects of invasive surgery, rendering part (or all) of their body painfully crippled without aneasthetic. They ahve not been given increased doses of known toxic substances, and they have not been cut open whilst alive so that animal rights 'terrorists' can observe their corpse.

In fact, not on person has ever been killed by the animal rights movement. And apart from some very rare instances, animal rights activists have not hurt anyone. No arson attack has resulted in injury, no bomb has killed any person. Compared to every other serious social struggle this truly is unique!

Because of this, I would argue, that even amongst most animal rights activists, humans are seen as more important. Otherwise we would offer non-humans the same level of defense as we would a human. If HLS was Auschwiez, we would be in their with guns. So therefore, animals are not being treated as more important than humans, animals are being treated as more important than cars, windows and, as it would now seem, a corpse.

Digging up a grave, whilst in isolation a sick act, is nothing compared to the suffering of countless millions of sentient beings. If you were to watch the video taken inside Newchurch, of tiny guinea pig babies twitching as they die in piles of waste, you would realise that the animal rights movement has been nothing but lenient with what can only be described as moneycentric perverts.


spies alert

26.10.2004 16:13

Human wrongs - Animal rights

So it looks like theve finally found someone accessing the DVLA computers at Swansea. He got 5 months for doing the right thing. Well done youve found one infiltrator, now all that you have to do is find the rest of them. And there will be hundreds of them!

In the meantime time to get on get on the case of a real scumbag. These guys spy on us for money. They are ex filth. And when their (ex) mates pass on information to them they dont get 5 months, just hard cash instead.

The name of the company is Global Open. The boss is Rod Leeming who lives in SE London at 10 Springpark Drive, BR3 6QD. Why not write to them or call round asking them to stop spying on activists? Or better still let the neighbours know that they have a potentioal peeping tom living next door.

Over the next few weeks we will release further details of Rods family and asscicates unless we hear that he has stopped all his peeping activitis.

"digging up someones mum near you"

A.R.M. for the animals

repost this message & pass it on.


guineapigs "graverobbing"

17.11.2004 12:55

im just adding this comment about the Hall family who breed guineapigs for vivisection, and the graverobbing of a member of their family... I think that it is a shame that this has happened to the grave of this woman but i think that this issue is completely overshadowing the key issue here... which is vivisection and the breeding of defenceless creatures for the benefit of human beings. i think that what people seem to forget is that humans are just another animal on this earth, and just because we are more advanced doesnt mean we can kill and torture masses of guineapigs for our benefit. the Hall family must be stopped as soon as possible and the voices of the animal right's campaigners must be heard, but that doesnt mean i think graverobbing is the answer. We need to forget about the dead and move on to look after the living.

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