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Fascist driven out of Hulme Asda

squatticus | 03.09.2004 10:35

BNP activist Joe Finnon was working in Asda in racially-harmonious Hulme - until we raised the alarm.

Joe Finnon has left Hulme Asda, local anti-fascists have learned.

WP and friends leafleted the store to warn fellow workers on 19th August.

(See: )

Yesterday, whilst one of the leafleters was getting his groceries, he was approached by an evidently chuffed member of staff. The Asda worker announced that on the day following the leafleting, Finnon had been called in by management - that was the last time he had been seen on the premises.

Have Asda sent him to the freezer to sleep with the fish-fingers? Who knows. But if not, and he tries to return to the University of Manchester in September, he'd better realise students and staff will in no way tolerate a Nazi in their midst.




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See also

04.09.2004 00:09

A couple of related articles found via google:


Socialist Unity Network

A security assessment

Andy Newman

My professional expertise is in security. It is not often that this is useful in my private life. However the infiltration of the SWP for a year by two BNP members (Joe Finnon and Diane Stoker) should give us all cause for self examination. The most important thing to say is that this is an attack on the whole left, and we must stand in solidarity with the SWP comrades. Now is not the time for point scoring. The last thing we need now is for the SWP to feel that this is being used a stick to beat them by the rest of the left. The SWP are our comrades and we must stand together.


Weekly Worker 542 Thursday September 2 2004

BNP infiltrates SWP

Two leading members of the Socialist Workers Party’s youth wing in Manchester have revealed themselves to be members of the far-right British National Party, employed to gather information on the British left. Joe Finnon, 21, and Diane Stoker, 19, both originally from the north east, joined the SWP at Manchester University freshers’ fair last September with the sole purpose of supplying misleading information about far-right activists in Burnley and relaying information back to the BNP, it emerged last month.



04.09.2004 00:20

BNP infiltrate Socialist Workers Party

John Nicholson

Two young students attending University in Manchester for the last year, one from Sunderland the other from South Shields, have recently been exposed as BNP "spies". In their time in Manchester these two have successfully "infiltrated" a series of campaigns, from the Manchester Social Forum to the Stop the War Coalition, Respect and the Socialist Workers Party. They have reported back to the BNP throughout the course of their activities and now have been outed, on various websites of opposing political persuasion and in the Morning Star.

still googlin...

Not the Manchester Social Forum they didn't

04.09.2004 09:15

never seen any sign of them there. i was involved in the social forum from its start until
very recently and i had never met them until i saw them outside M & S on the picket. They didn't attend any SF meetings, never did any actions with us and I wouldn't have known who they were except for that one meeting outside M & S.

don't think that counts as successful inflitration meself.


hierarchy and inflitration

04.09.2004 09:25

I think the reason why they could not inflitrate Manchester Social Forum was because of its non-hierarchical nature. There are no defined positions of authority for people to move into. Respect and the SWP were push overs because a facist can become student organiser or take over any other role. This weakness is one of the reasons why, in Manchester, we argued against setting up these positions within the Stop the War Coalition. We lost and the break with Stop the War led to the beginning of Manchester Social Forum.

I think its important to point this out. Because the googled comment from John Nicholson makes the SWP, Respect and Manchester Social Forum sound implicity like similar organisations with the same weaknesses. This is not the case.

me again


04.09.2004 12:35

Is there any truth to the crazy rumour that a couple of Italians infiltrated the Social Forum/anti-war movement in Manchester (and London), code named: Abbotoloni & Costello.


two points

04.09.2004 13:10

1. Dear 'me'. Stop trying to score cheap political points. Having a completely non-hierarchical structure did not prevent London Greenpeace being so infiltrated that at one point in the anti-McDonalds campaign there were more cops and spooks in the meetings than anyone else (check out McLibel if you don't believe what someone from the 'hierarchical' side of the fence is telling you. You could actually argue the precise opposite about the SWP if you wanted, which is that its very loose membership criteria, compared to most communist and socialist groups, makes it easier to get into. We are all possible targets for this kind of stuff and we should all be vigilant.

2. If the BNP-SWPers went to the picket of M&S they were among the only SWPers who did! SWP support for this long-running protest has been pitiful.


whoa there, you touchy communists

04.09.2004 21:05

first yep H. its full of Italians. We love them.

Hey Communist. re "scoring cheap political points" , don't know what happened to London Greenpeace but I suspect they had positions such as secretary, etc. that were formalised to some extent and therefore could be infiltrated, Manchester Social Forum doesn't and hasn't been inflitrated by anyone. Miss the point, why don't cha?

No intention to score anything (could you be trying to score cheap sneery political points here? cause it won't work, i'm not arsed one way or another frankly, just saying what i've seen).

jesus. communists can be so touchy.

and yes, the SWP do have easy entry, so what? I'm talking about hierarchical structure here. Its not how you get in, its how you get into power that matters.

I agree that the first SWP's I saw on the picket were the BNP-SWPers.



no, honestly

04.09.2004 23:17

London Greenpeace were so anti-hierarchical it was untrue. They would die with shame if you suggested anyone in it was ever the holder of a formal title.

Sorry if I sounded touchy but I honestly don't get why or how being non-hierarchical makes an organisation harder to infiltrate. All you need to do in something without an organised structure is hang around a lot and volunteer for lots of things.

Anyway this is all beside the point. The SWP can be slagged for lots of things (including not supporting the M&S pickets and running 'Unite against fascism' which encouraged people to vote Labour to keep out the BNP) but the fact that they were the target for infiltration by fascists actually proves more that they were considered (wrongly in my view and probably yours but we weren't doing the infiltration) to be some sort of threat.

Every type of anti-establishment outfit, of every variant of hierarchical or otherwise, communist, anarchist, national liberationist, you name it, has had some attempts at infiltration. Now here's a really cheap political point - if your organisation is truly the only one ever to not have suffered such attention from any quarter - maybe its cos nobody thought there was anything worth finding out or disrupting. Didn't want to say that but it is the logical conclusion of what you are saying...

touchy communist

you and me

04.09.2004 23:26

1. London Greenpeace were so anti-hierarchical it was untrue. They would die with shame if you suggested anyone in it was ever the holder of a formal title.

Sorry if I sounded touchy but I honestly don't get why or how being non-hierarchical makes an organisation harder to infiltrate. All you need to do in something without an organised structure is hang around a lot and volunteer for lots of things. It takes a while to win people’s confidence in the same way it takes a while to be elected to some position of responsibility, but the net result is the same.

Anyway this is all beside the point. The SWP can be slagged for lots of things (including not supporting the M&S pickets and running 'Unite against fascism' which encouraged people to vote Labour to keep out the BNP) but the fact that they were the target for infiltration by fascists actually proves more that they were considered (wrongly in my view and probably yours but we weren't doing the infiltration) to be some sort of threat.

Every type of anti-establishment outfit, of every variant of hierarchical or otherwise, communist, anarchist, national liberationist, you name it, has had some attempts at infiltration. Now here's a really cheap political point - if your organisation is truly the only one ever to not have suffered such attention from any quarter - maybe its cos nobody thought there was anything worth finding out or disrupting. Didn't want to say that but it is the logical conclusion of what you are saying...

2. And nothing. This was me scoring a cheap political point off the SWP...

touchy communist


04.09.2004 23:55

'me' says: "Manchester Social Forum ... hasn't been inflitrated by anyone". How can you be so categoric?

What about the Italian, whose has also infiltrated the ISM, code named "Abbotoloni" and aledgedly works for both SISMI and MOSSAD? And the other one in London.

Are these just silly scare stories.



05.09.2004 00:21

Oops: allegedly not "aledgedly".



07.09.2004 16:46

Go on then H. Where did you get your info from? Do tell.

Unsuccessful Mossad spy

(Dont Mention the Italians)

08.09.2004 00:32

FAO: Failed M. agent

A man in a pub near Piccadilly told me. He was dressed in a blue/black suit and wearing a bowler hat, and went by the name of Harty, or it might have been Hardy. He was overweight with puffed-up, rosy cheeks, and thin black slicked-back hair. I had only been out of prison for 3 days so my first pint made me a little cloudy headed and euphoric, and severely blunted my cool tell-it-how-it-is logic.

However, I do remember he snapped on to politics quickly, and I ended up explaining Tony Blair's 'Third Way'. Blair looks in the mirror each morning, I told him, and says three times:"What would Maggie Do?". Anyhow, I just didn't believe him in the end, despite all the stuff he new about Manchester (and the Italians), and about me; and besides all the coincidences. He came out with so much, I couldn't keep up.

I came round to thinking he was a smart but sad bloke, who told such terribly bad jokes he should have been locked up(or at least taken in for questioning by the cops and ruffed up a little). His partner, Lorrelle (I think), had left him, hence he was just chatting me up.

One other thing I remember is that he was meant to meet someone called Stan in the pub, but he hadn't showed by the time I left. I was stood up too, by the sister of the Dutch bloke I had just shared a cell with for two months. I was meant to pass on some important messages to her that Vincent couldn't write in letters because the cops read them, and we weren't allowed to use the phones.

There could have been some simple explanation: like Harty was a friend of Vincent’s and was sussing me out you know, in case I was cop - Vincent was a big time smuggler, you see. I may have told Vincent most of the stuff that Harty said to me. What gets me it that I didn't ask a few direct questions; I just played along. Don't know if it was the booze, just having got my freedom, or paranoa. Who knows, but that's one half plausible explanation, and there are probably others too.

Although I never heard from Vince again (he ignored my letters) which was very odd because we got very close. Talking about me being a cop, Vince could have been a plant to get info out of me and other prisoners. You sing like a choir boy when you're inside.

So do you or does anyone else know this Hardy, bloke. If not, take it as complete bollux unless you have any other proof. I dont really know what he was banging on about, if anything at all, and I really dont want to know. And in any case, I tell you one thing, for certain, it's impossible to get any sort of proof in these cases, where someone is suspected as being a spy/agent. I did not ever intend to mention this, and will no more. So it's best forgotten about. It's best for everyone, really!

Keep Schtum


Failed organisation

08.09.2004 12:05

Yep touchy communist. There never was anything worth finding out about or disrupting. We learned how to plait belly button fluff and make potato prints when we should have been out there enlightening those pesky masses and leading them to revolution.

You know it makes sense.


Re: me

09.09.2004 09:57

wow, you are into cheap political point scoring indeed, me, though you would protest ;-)

Yes, London Greenpeace (v. non-hierarchical etc) at one point had more corporate spooks than activists in meetings, and they got info and 'power' by, er, getting involved, and, um, offering to do things. Oh how our non-hierarchical structures stand up to 'the authorities'!! (having said that, the cops did admit they found it very hard to infiltrate anti-roads stuff in the 90s, but that wasn't simply to do with hierarchy).



Tell us bout the road protest

09.09.2004 11:50

Go on then. Tell us why the cops couldn't sly into the road protesters.


never said i wasn't

09.09.2004 11:54

I reckon we're all pretty good at cheap political point scoring, anarchists, communists, swp/bnp activists, whoever.

but that wasn't the intention of the original comment, regardless.


just want to point out

09.09.2004 21:46

that H or H(anarchist) isn't me because a few people seem to think these comments about Italian spys are being made by me.

and i'll surprise everyone by saying, nice one squatticus et al for getting that bastard out of ASDA.



I'm not from Manchester and dont know heather

09.09.2004 22:55

I dont know/have never of heather. I am sorry if you are getting gyp.

What most likely happened is that a bloke names Harty who I had bever met before, tried to recruit me as an agent in London. I went a long with it initially. He said I'd be working with three others: an Italian London, another in Manchester, and a Jewish bloke (he accidently or deliberately let drop one of their christian names). He said, I'd become the forth member of the team.

I had joked a bit with my cell mate (I'd just been released from prison)about becoming an informer/agent who may have passed this information on.

I asked what they wanted me to do. He said, they were interested in any info about the far left, but specifically mentioned the ISM, including names & addresses, meeting places. I was offered $2000 per week, with 1 months notice for every year I worked.

At the time I didn't take this seriously. Even if I had done I would never have said yes. But looking back it was probably genuine. I think this bloke Harty was so brazen, because the whole story sounds like complete bollocks; nobody would believe it.


no worries

09.09.2004 23:09

thanks H. like you say, its complete bollocks noone would ever believe it. if i am you and you are me and me is me or someone else and touchy communist is an anarchist and @anarchist is probably Tony Cliff.. and then theres these blokes and the ISM and its all too much


i think my rats an undercover chicken



10.09.2004 23:48




11.09.2004 20:26

It's really pathetic that sections of the British left mobalise just to protest against BNP members (who are disgusting racists but are an insignificant few) and then do nothing to support the only regular anti-imperialist demonstration when it comes under attack from organized fascist zionists. I am talking about the picket of Marks and Spencer in Manchester which has existed every Saturday since the start of the intifada in support of the Palestinian people. This week (11th Sept) where were Workers' Power, CPGB, SWP et al when 100 of these dispicable supporters of apartheid descended on the peaceful picket to "kick them off the streets"? The left's inactivity and refusal to support the picket amount to sectarianism pure and simple. If people really want to fight fascism then they should join the picket and defeat these racists where they pose the most threat. I will certainly be joining the protest this coming Saturday at 12 oclock. Join me. Support the Palestinian people. Defend the right to protest. Shame on those who refuse.



11.09.2004 21:03

yes i personally totally agree with Palestinian...yes most of us donot find the SWP appealing (i dont!) among other groups BUT...we have to look at the bigger picture: people are dying and suffering, some of them decided to show solidarity by having a picket and they have to face some nasty fascists in the process - it's not about insignificant parties it is about human rights , the right to protest, and the right to live in peace! People ahould look at the bigger picture and support the M&S Picket.

people not political parties


15.09.2004 11:15

Just a short point to clarify the precence of one SWP member on the M&S Picket who turned out to be a member of the BNP as well. She, Diane, appeared on only one Picket, the one that was attacked by Zionists on 24 July and she was with another member of the SWP who WAS NOT her fellow BNP infiltrator. Towards the end of the Picket other SWP members came down from their stall on Market St. It is an important point to clarify when this one BNP/SWP member actually appeared on the Picket and with whom, as the Zionists are continually attempting to smear the Pickets as 'anti-semitic' and supported by fascists.

mail e-mail:


12.12.2004 00:31

excellent! now if only they would get rid of the trots...

henry fowler