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Fascist driven out of Hulme Asda

squatticus | 03.09.2004 10:35

BNP activist Joe Finnon was working in Asda in racially-harmonious Hulme - until we raised the alarm.

Joe Finnon has left Hulme Asda, local anti-fascists have learned.

WP and friends leafleted the store to warn fellow workers on 19th August.

(See: )

Yesterday, whilst one of the leafleters was getting his groceries, he was approached by an evidently chuffed member of staff. The Asda worker announced that on the day following the leafleting, Finnon had been called in by management - that was the last time he had been seen on the premises.

Have Asda sent him to the freezer to sleep with the fish-fingers? Who knows. But if not, and he tries to return to the University of Manchester in September, he'd better realise students and staff will in no way tolerate a Nazi in their midst.




Display the following 25 comments

  1. See also — googlin
  2. and — still googlin...
  3. Not the Manchester Social Forum they didn't — me
  4. hierarchy and inflitration — me again
  5. Infiltration — H.
  6. two points — communist
  7. whoa there, you touchy communists — me
  8. no, honestly — touchy communist
  9. you and me — touchy communist
  10. Unconvinced — H.
  11. Correction — H.
  12. Italians — Unsuccessful Mossad spy
  13. (Dont Mention the Italians) — H.
  14. Failed organisation — me
  15. Re: me — @narchist
  16. Tell us bout the road protest — Hanarchist.
  17. never said i wasn't — me
  18. just want to point out — heather
  19. I'm not from Manchester and dont know heather — H.
  20. no worries — heather
  21. Whoareyoucallingafuckinganarchist? — Verytouchycommunist
  22. anti-fascist? — palestinian
  23. yes! — people not political parties
  24. Clarification — bob
  25. parz1fal — henry fowler