alor | 26.07.2004 05:39
"How Israel created the myth of Al-Qaeda", by Seymour Hersh, a New Yorker journalist. http://sydney.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=42775
The following article by Seymour Hirsh is quite thought provoking. Who knows, thirty years from now when 'classified information' is released a future generation might learn the truth of the matter. In the meantime, in these days of government and media 'spin-doctoring', propaganda, outright lies, half-truths, and censorship, we report on it for the record.
It has been said that truth is stranger than fiction… has Seymour Hersh uncovered some facts, some truths, which to most would appear 'fiction'?
Could this be partly the reason why New Zealand's Prime Minister Helen Clarke was so angry and upset about the Israelis infiltrating her land -- and the subsequent jailing of the two Israeli spies?
Seymour Hersh writes:
"These Israeli citizens came into Iraq disguised as Arab or Kurdish civilians, businessmen. Maybe "contractors"? Under contract with the Pentagon's neocon office? Your tax dollars at work? How much of their work is blamed on Abu Musab al-Zarqawi? How much of Israel's terrorism is blamed on "Al-Qaeda"?
I have investigated the development of the "mujahideen" and here is my conclusion
In the 80s, Israel supervised the recruitment of Arab Afghan "mujahideen" supposedly to fight against Russia. They became cannon fodder and refugees before they ended up in Guantanamo. Their real purpose was to help Israel create a useful myth: Al-Qaeda! The Arab mujahideen were rather harmless as recent revelations from Guantanamo have shown. Israeli and Jewish-American intelligence specialists were trusted by the CIA -- Israelis being "allies" and experts on the Middle East -- to recruit the Arab "mujahideen" to be used by the US against Russia. Israelis disguised as Arab or Pakistani missionaries (tablighis) even ran the recruitment centres. Israelis playing Muslim missionaries (tablighis) were caught in India and Israel rushed to retrieve them.
The Arab "mujahideen" themselves were inefficient and almost useless. I have heard from the relatives of many who died in vain in clumsy incidents in Afghanistan. All the Zionists wanted was a story, a myth that would enable them to create another myth: "Al-Qaeda." The Zionists needed this myth as an excuse for their long-term plans for the "war on terror," a war to destabilze the Middle East and pit the world against Muslims.
Neither Bin Laden nor the Arab refugees he took care of were of any military significance. The Afghans themselves were the real efficient mujahideen because they knew the territory and the tribal structure. The Afghans actually saw the Arabs as nuisance. Arabs say "nothing comes out of a pot except what's in it." When the neocon liars speak about Arab/Islamic terrorism and Al-Qaeda, they are in fact talking about what they themselves are doing. They are talking about Israeli covert activities. No Arabs are involved. Israeli commandos move around using forged or stolen Arab ID's and -- if necessary -- they wear masks to hide their real identities, such as in beheading videos. Israelis continue to fake whatever it takes to prove that the "war on terror," i.e. the war on Arabs has to continue.
Listen to them more carefully. Zionists in our midst have been telling us the truth all along. Just replace "Arab" with "Israeli," replace "Al-Qaeda" with "Mossad," etc."
Hide the following 16 comments
Yet more dodgy conspiracy bullshit on IMC
26.07.2004 10:41
ohhhhhhhh fuck. I can hardly wait.
The REALITY of Israel's behaviour is shocking enough, without loonies making shit up.
26.07.2004 10:48
What's next? Why Israel causes earthquakes in Iran?
Your article is rubbish full of nonsense
take this shit down
26.07.2004 11:05
This aint a website for you to post your anti semitic shit
this aint a website for you to post jewish consiracy theories.
FUCK OFF you fucking NAZI
Zion 1
so ...
26.07.2004 12:05
Lets try this one question at a time:
Does mossad exist?
e-mail: jackslucid@hotmail.com
26.07.2004 12:16
Oy Vey!!!
26.07.2004 13:42
Sieg Heil and God is great!!!
Ali Hitler
26.07.2004 14:09
Mossad does dodgy stuff all over the world, it's true, but I think there are enough pissed off people out there who want to attack the US, without having to make everything under the control of the US and Israel.
What is happening is a conflict. To believe the zionists control everything, on both sides, completely misses the reality of the situation. It then completely alienates everybody, making constructive dialogue impossible, and it psychologically builds up the zionists to be more than they are, which is simply a spectrum of social and political thought, that exists alongside Islamacism, Capitalism, Socialism...
They wield a great deal of power, as do all the other groups, but it has a core essence, a beginning in history, and limits.
Zionism exists because of and through anti-semitism. It is the child of anti-semitism. To simply throw anger and hatred at it only makes it stronger. It is built on the belief that Jews cannot live as a minority in another country without conflict and persecution. It is the same ideology of the fascists who said to the Jews 'you cannot live in our countries without causing conflict and persecution'. It is shrugging the shoulders and saying 'OK, you don't want us, therefore we'll leave', and in many instances Nazism and Zionism collaborated in Germany to get the Jews out of Germany.
Taken to it's highest level, you have Fortress Israel, where the Jews do not believe anyone in the world will accept them, and they surround themselves with walls, and guard their tiny state with one of the largest armies in the world, and nuclear weapons. In the long term, this only leads to perpetual conflict, and further isolation and self-degradation by the Jewish people.
To defeat zionism a road of understanding and reconciliation needs to be taken, because ultimately a solution to the middle-east problem involves the Jews and the Palestinians living together in one state. To start resurrecting spectres like 'The Jews control the world', is racist, hardens the Jewish heart, and leads them to put more faith in nationalism to protect them, however misplaced such faith is.
Zionism and anti-semitism are so intertwined, they are like two sides of the same coin. Feed one, and it feeds the other. In essence it is about the division of people, the seperateness of mankind, the superiority and inferiority of races. Both are fuelled by the historic hatred of Jews. Therefore, the only solution is to come to terms with that dark past, build bridges of understanding, and transform these irrational motivating forces into something more positive.
Maybe I went off on one a bit there, but articles that appear and simply mis-inform and spread hatred goes completely against that purpose.
In fact, I've just found evidence this article is NOT by Seymour Hersh
Follow the thread of discussion
The article cites Seymour Hersh, and has not been written by him
The following is the article Seymour Hersh in fact wrote:-
in which he follows Mossad activities in Kurdistan. In many ways the truth is more chilling than the conspiracy theory. Reality is harder, and more cutting.
american viewpoint.
26.07.2004 15:36
Most zionists think israel is entitled to exist. Many israelis are now leaving, most sensible people know the mossad motto; war by deception.
In america, awareness is growing, and many internet groups are naming and shaming israeli and mossad operatives.
Check it out, and direct your comments, if you will.
Or perhaps a little enlightenment as to the reality of the twin towers attack, which for millions of people is without any doubt another step in the war to create terror.
Chheck it out, oyve, mashuga, lacheim, the scabby rabbi strikes again!
Jewish conspiracies
26.07.2004 16:12
I find it very disappointing that people still come out with this garbage as it is a form of anti-Semitism. The Mossad conspiracy stories originate from the far right. They manifested themselves after the establishment of the state of Israel. When the term Zionism is used in this case it is not used to refer to the political manifestation of Jewish settlement and development in the land of Israel.
Its origin is the “protocols of the learned elders of Zion” an anti Jewish forgery that emerged from eastern Europe that argued that there is a Jewish conspiracy to dominate the world. After 1948 this thinking resurfaced in several forms, one being that of ZOG, the Zionist Occupied Government. ZOG thinking is not related to Israel’s occupation of the West Bank and Gaza but rather, the occupation of Western governments where law makers are influenced by Jews who lurk in the shadows coercing policies that will help bring the Jews to a position of secret world hegemony.
Another manifestation of the “protocols of the learned elders of Zion” feeds from the simplicity of the connection between Israel’s secret service and the fear of a Jewish secret society. The existences of the Mossad has served as a tool to expound Jewish conspiracy thinking. Unfortunately, this particular form of Jewish conspiracy thinking has been emerging in the Arab Middle East and Iran (but not developed in this region, for the most part this form of anti Semitism was a western import that coincided with western Imperialism). It directly puts Israel in the firing line and offers a scapegoat to all the ills of the region, but also is used by far right wing groups such as some factions of the Ku Klux Klan as a means to apportion attacks against Jewish supporters of Israel. In other words, an excuse to attack Jews.
Zion 1
Bringing out the best in both sides
26.07.2004 21:46
It makes me wonder who the fuck these types might be and it comes down to just two
choices maybe they really don't know what is going on or they are in bad faith.
Cos if your close to israel or israeli activities you know that something seriously dodgy is
going down and has been for a very long time.
But of course it all lies made up by nazi bastards who want all jews dead, people are getting
tired of being called a fascist. The cold war was an excuse to make a pile making everyones
favourite weapons.When the cold war ended they needed a quick replacement.
The U.S already had some serious connections in Afghanistan and Mossad has them everywhere
else, don't you think that they would lend a hand to crank up the good old war on terror, you know
it make sense .
luca here
damn you, zionist 1 - you know too much!
26.07.2004 23:46
ali hitler
Does Ali Hitler know?
27.07.2004 00:35
Zionists are just fromtmen
27.07.2004 00:36
It's not so much the race as the ill-intent
abu ali
27.07.2004 01:36
abu ali hitler
27.07.2004 17:54
The israeli government, like many other governments, is a pawn of US imperial interests interests, thats as far as it goes.
No. Helen is not a poodler like Bliar & Asnar etc.
28.07.2004 11:59
It is an infringement on NZ sovereignty, and puts NZ passport holdes at risk if these docs. become standard MOSSAD issue.
In addition, NZ PM is not an poodler like Bliar and the ozzy bloke whatsisname, and NZ has a proper democracy with PR , unlike USUK.
Ingrid Paris