alor | 26.07.2004 05:39
"How Israel created the myth of Al-Qaeda", by Seymour Hersh, a New Yorker journalist. http://sydney.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=42775
The following article by Seymour Hirsh is quite thought provoking. Who knows, thirty years from now when 'classified information' is released a future generation might learn the truth of the matter. In the meantime, in these days of government and media 'spin-doctoring', propaganda, outright lies, half-truths, and censorship, we report on it for the record.
It has been said that truth is stranger than fiction… has Seymour Hersh uncovered some facts, some truths, which to most would appear 'fiction'?
Could this be partly the reason why New Zealand's Prime Minister Helen Clarke was so angry and upset about the Israelis infiltrating her land -- and the subsequent jailing of the two Israeli spies?
Seymour Hersh writes:
"These Israeli citizens came into Iraq disguised as Arab or Kurdish civilians, businessmen. Maybe "contractors"? Under contract with the Pentagon's neocon office? Your tax dollars at work? How much of their work is blamed on Abu Musab al-Zarqawi? How much of Israel's terrorism is blamed on "Al-Qaeda"?
I have investigated the development of the "mujahideen" and here is my conclusion
In the 80s, Israel supervised the recruitment of Arab Afghan "mujahideen" supposedly to fight against Russia. They became cannon fodder and refugees before they ended up in Guantanamo. Their real purpose was to help Israel create a useful myth: Al-Qaeda! The Arab mujahideen were rather harmless as recent revelations from Guantanamo have shown. Israeli and Jewish-American intelligence specialists were trusted by the CIA -- Israelis being "allies" and experts on the Middle East -- to recruit the Arab "mujahideen" to be used by the US against Russia. Israelis disguised as Arab or Pakistani missionaries (tablighis) even ran the recruitment centres. Israelis playing Muslim missionaries (tablighis) were caught in India and Israel rushed to retrieve them.
The Arab "mujahideen" themselves were inefficient and almost useless. I have heard from the relatives of many who died in vain in clumsy incidents in Afghanistan. All the Zionists wanted was a story, a myth that would enable them to create another myth: "Al-Qaeda." The Zionists needed this myth as an excuse for their long-term plans for the "war on terror," a war to destabilze the Middle East and pit the world against Muslims.
Neither Bin Laden nor the Arab refugees he took care of were of any military significance. The Afghans themselves were the real efficient mujahideen because they knew the territory and the tribal structure. The Afghans actually saw the Arabs as nuisance. Arabs say "nothing comes out of a pot except what's in it." When the neocon liars speak about Arab/Islamic terrorism and Al-Qaeda, they are in fact talking about what they themselves are doing. They are talking about Israeli covert activities. No Arabs are involved. Israeli commandos move around using forged or stolen Arab ID's and -- if necessary -- they wear masks to hide their real identities, such as in beheading videos. Israelis continue to fake whatever it takes to prove that the "war on terror," i.e. the war on Arabs has to continue.
Listen to them more carefully. Zionists in our midst have been telling us the truth all along. Just replace "Arab" with "Israeli," replace "Al-Qaeda" with "Mossad," etc."
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