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Ron Biggs. | 30.06.2004 09:22

All-Law-Wi now runs Iraq...YEPEEEEEE.

He has even moved into the guesthouse of Saddam's palace.

To succeed, however, he will have to be even more ferocious than Saddam.

Saddam had the advantage of taking over a ruling party.

Allawi will have to start from scratch and then some.

He will need all the help he can get.

Rumsfeld will have to be dispatched again (as with Saddam) to sell some WMD.

To learn about rape and torture all he need to do is to go up the road to Abu Ghraib where we have them already in place.

The Swiss bank accounts have been opened already so that's no problem.

The only fly in the ointment is that the people of Iraq are stubborn and will not be ruled by a lackey.

The Ottoman Empire could not do it and they were Muslims.

The British Empire also failed.

After lots of slaughter Bush and Blair will fail.

Iraq will then break up into it's constituent parts.

The Kurds will, at last, have their long awaited independent state stretching through Iran, Iraq, Syria and Turkey.

Southern Iraq will go to Iran.

Dispite Bush's attempt to keep Turkey out of The EU (by ordering Chirac to let them in) we must hurry-up their membership.

It may not suit The American Enterprise Institute and The Psychopath of Sabra but we must have them in soon as that region is about to blow up.

There are too many failed states there.

Agganistan, Iraq, Israel-Dimona, Saudi and Lebannon.

We must try and help.

Even now, every village in Iraq is a Valley Forge with a Saladin instead of a Washington.

The Perpatrators of the Massacres to come (Bush nad Blair) must be brought to justice.

As Allawi lets freedom reign down on the people of Iraq from C-130ies we should be charging Blair and Straw before the ICC.


Ron Biggs.


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30.06.2004 09:53

When will you people \realise how wrong you were ?

Why not swallow you pride and admit the people of Iraq are liberated and free.

You and I both know you were wrong, be a man and admit it.


Dear Sam

30.06.2004 10:24

If you think that this is about wrong and right for the peace movement then you really are not looking after what is best for the Iraqi people.

They are not free yet; but workig together even more now Iraqis will be free to own their own county, laws and determin which life they want to live. Not dictated by you, me or any other.

If you are honest you would know that the "sovereignty" is not complete at all. Do your research yourself.

This is just one simple example and there are more.
Prisoner 27075 learns limits of sovereignty
By Nicolas Pelham in Baghdad
Published: June 28 2004 19:57 | Last Updated: June 28 2004 19:57

Iyad Akmush Kanum, 23, learnt the limits of sovereignty on Monday when US prosecutors refused to uphold an Iraqi judges' order acquitting him of attempted murder of coalition troops.

US prosecutors said that he was being returned to the controversial Abu Ghraib prison because under the Geneva Conventions they were not bound by Iraqi law.

Read more at:

This is what Amnesty had to say about issues like this a month ago:
Amnesty is saying:

"Yet if, as the UN resolution [1546] proclaims, occupation effectively ends with the handover, then international humanitarian law requires that all prisoners of war, detainees and internees must be released by the occupying powers."

"Any further detentions by the US and other members of the multinational force after the handover would be unlawful,"

"They may only be re-arrested by the Iraqi authorities if there are grounds under Iraqi law, consistent with international standards, to detain them."


A mistake

30.06.2004 10:49

Dear Nadia,

I'm sorry Nadia but this is an issue which has been hijacked by the anti-American lobby in the UK when to be lunt anyone can see the good that has been done in Iraq.

Every one of the predictions of the anti war movement has been proved wrong. From the length of the war, to the casualities, to the fighting effectivness of the Iraqi army, to the reaction of the ordinary Iraqi people (not the camera hogging extremists).

Yes things that are wrong have gone on, mistreatment has taken place. But the US judicial system has worked quickly to bring those responsible to justice.

I don't know if Bush's motives were oil, regime change, WMD, or because his Dad asked him. I do know the Iraqi people have seen the overthrow of a dreadful dictator and for that alone I am happy. The majority of the Iraqi people are happy and those who claim to care for them should do more than the usual harping on about US Imperialism. I spent the 80's listening to that crap and it was wrong then and its wrong now.


Don't be stupid Uncle Sam

30.06.2004 11:36


a) You don't have to be "anti-American" (a meaningless phrase anyway) to oppose cynical and illegal wars of aggression.

b) If "anyone can see the good that has been done in Iraq" then how come an awful lot of people - millions - don't agree with your blinkered analysis?

c) "Every one of the predictions of the anti war movement has been proved wrong" - bullshit; quite the opposite in fact.

"From the length of the war" - so you think the war is over, do you? Silly boy.

"to the casualities" - We said tens of thousands of civilian casualties -there have been tens of thousands of civilian casualties. We never said (although pro-war liars claimed we did) that the Iraqi army was well 'ard (it was obviously knackered) and as to your dismissal of the huge and multifarious resistance to the attack as "camera hogging extremists" - well that sums up your blinkered attitude as much as anything. Idiot.

"Yes things that are wrong have gone on, mistreatment has taken place. But the US judicial system has worked quickly to bring those responsible to justice" - those responsible are Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld et al. They have NOT been brought to justice.

"The majority of the Iraqi people are happy" - proof please? Or are you only counting the ones who have not been killed/maimed/tortured over the last year? Idiot.

And as for this shit:

"and those who claim to care for them should do more than the usual harping on about US Imperialism. I spent the 80's listening to that crap and it was wrong then and its wrong now."

You're entitled to your own opinion and you're entitled to be as ignorant of the world as you want - but you're talking through your moronic arse, 'mate'.

Get well soon.

Exposing Uncle Scam

Sam Sense

30.06.2004 12:38

Iraq currently is not better off then it was under Saddam. Killings, bombings and disorder reign and life for millions is in a pretty poor state.

What you are seeing is the price of freedom. Freedom that the Coalition has made possible. Freedom from a dictators secret police and restrictive (to say the least) social and economic policy that have kept the Iraqi people down for decades. The Iraqi people are free - and with freedom comes responsibility, a responsibility that has as yet not been met by the government. It must be given the opportunity and support to do so.

Coalition troops are attempting to provide such support. Yes it is a bad situation that sees foreign troops attempting to keep domestic peace (and i could point to the recent NATO summit that has signalled an attempt to change this situation, and get the nations security run by, and for the nations people), yet at the minute this is the best anyone can do.

Yes, the current ruling authority isn't entirely sovereign you are correct. It is however a far better position then rule under Saddam. If we want peace restored in Iraq - then bring back Saddam! On the face of it he has the best track record for bringing a degree of stability to a nation divided by conflict. If however you place any importance on freedom whatsoever then surely you must realise that now, despite the immediate conditions in iraq being worse of - Iraq has a future now - something it never had under Saddam.



30.06.2004 13:40

What strikes me the most is that when ever the discussions about Iraq is done from the pro-war perspective nowadays it is discussed as if 2 years ago that it was the ”freeing the Iraqi people” that was on the agenda – and Iraqis all know very well that was not the issue at all. So please have some respect for the Iraqis. Please.


Sam, one question

30.06.2004 13:49

You claim the vast majority of Iraqis support your view. If so, why did a recent poll (carried out by the US-backed IGC) show that only 2% view US/UK troops as liberators, while 92% view them as occupiers?

And why aren't Iraqis allowed free elections? (okay, two questions)


CPA poll published 2 weeks ago

30.06.2004 14:32

This is a poll done by CPA put together 2 weeks ago. Have a look at it, take your time and reflect.



30.06.2004 15:33

Only 10% of those interviewed had faith in the Coalition forces in May 2004!

Get the troops out now! Let Iraqis decide their own future. If you don't believe that is possible, you are simply racist!


Wow, Nadia!

30.06.2004 15:35

A poll carried out by the occupation forces "shows" that Iraqis luuuurve the occupation?

Whoda thunk it??!!

Now bugger off and find some INDEPENDENT proof, rather than pro-war propaganda.


Dear Sam and Karic

30.06.2004 15:44

Iraq is still under occupation. The US is planning to build military bases to house thousands of US soldiers to insure Iraq is fulfilling their geopolitical needs. The Iraqi people are as likely to except that as the US people would except an Arab army in the US. Iraq is on fire you idiots. My family that live in Iraq fear for there lives every day. Your sanctimonious shit about suffering for freedom is obscene. You would never except the fear that my family have to deal with on a day to day bases. But don't mind yourself. Iraq will be free - as the Iraqi people will drive out the imperialists like they have done for hundreds of years.


Iran is next

30.06.2004 21:24

Oh and the lucky Iranians who survive will soon be liberated too. Oh I bet they just can't wait !!!



01.07.2004 13:54

Whoever you are, that attitude of yours is not helping Iraqis in anyway, if that is what you want. If you had checked out the pull and all of it of course, you would have been quite surprised. To make a long CPA pull short IRAQIS SAID "US GET OUT OF IRAQ".


Whoops - my bad

01.07.2004 15:52

Went running of half-cocked there, but I hope that I'm a big enough ForFucksSake to admit my mistakes (unlike Bush & Blair!).

Sorry Nads!
