Burned Falluja 'contractors' were torturers
Prajña | 10.05.2004 23:04
Reading Faiza's blog (
http://afamilyinbaghdad.blogspot.com/) I ran across a suggestion that the 'contractors' who were draged through the streets in Falluja had been responsible for torturing Iraqi prisoners. Her posting follows:

I want to stop for a moment at the incident of killing 4 Americans at Falluja.
Now we know that they weren't civilian contractors. They were working for a
private security firm; a firm that trains men to perform assassinations and
engage in fighting and similar actions.
I remember now a comment made by my neighbor that I didn't believe at the
time. Now it surfaces into my brain again. After the Falluja incident I
called her and we talked about different things. She works for the ministry
of health and I know that those working at government offices know some
secrets the regular citizen finds about much later. I told her how amazed I
was and that I refuse such acts of killing and burning people in the
streets. She said: Don't be amazed Um-Raed, they were involved in torturing
and mistreating Iraqis in prisons.
I said: what prisons?
She said: You didn't hear about it?
I told her I didn't and then changed the subject because I didn't believe
Now we know that they weren't civilian contractors. They were working for a
private security firm; a firm that trains men to perform assassinations and
engage in fighting and similar actions.
I remember now a comment made by my neighbor that I didn't believe at the
time. Now it surfaces into my brain again. After the Falluja incident I
called her and we talked about different things. She works for the ministry
of health and I know that those working at government offices know some
secrets the regular citizen finds about much later. I told her how amazed I
was and that I refuse such acts of killing and burning people in the
streets. She said: Don't be amazed Um-Raed, they were involved in torturing
and mistreating Iraqis in prisons.
I said: what prisons?
She said: You didn't hear about it?
I told her I didn't and then changed the subject because I didn't believe
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