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Pictures of Resistance to the Fascist Pigs Le Pen and Griffin!

Re-Sista! | 27.04.2004 05:51 | Anti-racism

Some pictures showing the inspiring and heroic peoples resistance to Le Pen and Griffin, the archetypal fascist pigs, plus some related graphics!

Le Pen aint smilin' now!
Le Pen aint smilin' now!

He's gonna hoo!
He's gonna hoo!

Ohh he is very upset...ooh, you naughty anti-fascists of Angleterre!
Ohh he is very upset...ooh, you naughty anti-fascists of Angleterre!

Griffins pissed off too!
Griffins pissed off too!

Hey Nazi! you are rubbish (and so's your car!)
Hey Nazi! you are rubbish (and so's your car!)

Fascist Pigs Together!
Fascist Pigs Together!

Fascist Pigs Together 2
Fascist Pigs Together 2

Says it all!
Says it all!

Le Pen notoriously called the Nazi Holocaust 'a mere detail of history'.
Le Pen notoriously called the Nazi Holocaust 'a mere detail of history'.

Cant hear you coz your mouths full of shit!
Cant hear you coz your mouths full of shit!

Hey Nazi! No Passaran!
Hey Nazi! No Passaran!

And the crowds chanted: " Hitler, Griffin and Le Pen: - Nazi Scum! Never Again!"



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Thats is so brave isn't it attacking a 75 year old man!

27.04.2004 08:00

Your behaviour was disgusting, you showed how brave you were by trying to attack a 75 year old man! Not only that but when those images are shown onFrench TV it will make out the British to be nothing more than a bunch of thugs and hooligans which doesn't do much for the British image abroad does it?


Sod off Disgusted!

27.04.2004 08:16

You are pathetic!!


What does it matter how old Le Pen is?

27.04.2004 08:51

The simple fact is that Le Pen is a fascist and continues to be a fascist. His age does not matter. Whether he is 19 or 90, it is his views that are of importance and for which he needs to be held accoutable for. As long as he actively stirs up hate and racism, then he needs to be fought.

What 'disguisted' is actually saying, is that it is okay for people over a certain age to get away with holding fascist views, and actively promote them. Not in my book!


Disgusted you are disgusting!

27.04.2004 09:58

Well done to everyone able to resist this visit from Le Penn!

As for disgusting and his comments about 'Britain's reputation abroad' I think the action of the British government (its international adventures in Afghanistan and Iraq, its treatement of asylum seakers, its continued indiscriminate sale of arms, its lying to the world about the threat posed by Sadam's non-existent weapons of mass destruction, its backing of the introduction of repressive 'anti-terrorist' legislation world wide and here in Britain, its history of colonialism and imperialism - I could go on...) have given 'Britain' a bad enough reputation.

Fuck England!
For a world without Borders, States, Le Penn or Griffin!
Smash Fascism! Smash Capitalism!
On to the Streets on 1st of May!
