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Pictures of Resistance to the Fascist Pigs Le Pen and Griffin!

Re-Sista! | 27.04.2004 05:51 | Anti-racism

Some pictures showing the inspiring and heroic peoples resistance to Le Pen and Griffin, the archetypal fascist pigs, plus some related graphics!

Le Pen aint smilin' now!
Le Pen aint smilin' now!

He's gonna hoo!
He's gonna hoo!

Ohh he is very upset...ooh, you naughty anti-fascists of Angleterre!
Ohh he is very upset...ooh, you naughty anti-fascists of Angleterre!

Griffins pissed off too!
Griffins pissed off too!

Hey Nazi! you are rubbish (and so's your car!)
Hey Nazi! you are rubbish (and so's your car!)

Fascist Pigs Together!
Fascist Pigs Together!

Fascist Pigs Together 2
Fascist Pigs Together 2

Says it all!
Says it all!

Le Pen notoriously called the Nazi Holocaust 'a mere detail of history'.
Le Pen notoriously called the Nazi Holocaust 'a mere detail of history'.

Cant hear you coz your mouths full of shit!
Cant hear you coz your mouths full of shit!

Hey Nazi! No Passaran!
Hey Nazi! No Passaran!

And the crowds chanted: " Hitler, Griffin and Le Pen: - Nazi Scum! Never Again!"

