Deaths in Iraq - an aplogy
Jake Duncan | 22.04.2004 12:52
I waited a day before postng this message in the hope that at least one person would have the guts to say "OK we were wrong about the Iraqi situation" but no not a word, not a single mention of the terrible events in Basra.
The fallacy of there being some sort of 'Iraqi resistance' has now been shown to be utterly untrue. As many people have tried to make clear in previous postings with comments and links to reputable news broadcast organisations the so called Iraqi resistance is no more than a loose alliance of Saddam loylists with no place to run and foreign Islamic extremists, backed by Iran, seeking to impose a strict Muslim state on the Iraqi people.
The bombings in Basra did not target UK Forces, they did not target the Romanian Forces, they targeted two groups.
Firstly the new Iraqi police service, which in Basra had done so much to build a new relationship with the people in the post Saddam period. The day before Iraqi Police units had been cheered by a crowd as an Iranian born terrorist had been arrested.
Secondly, childen from a local school, a school which had bravely put forward the idea that young girls should look beyond the home and marriage toward jobs and careers in Industry and Medicine, a school which had recently started to introduce a limited amount of mixed classes. A school which had been the recipiant of a British Army repair unit who had fixed plumbing.
These bombers are not fighting for a better Iraq, they are not fighting to improve the lives of ordinary people. They are fighting to save their own corrupt worthless skins and to impose a religious control system on the people by force.
Those on IndyMedia who have in the past defended these child murdering scum should now stand up and admit their error.
The fallacy of there being some sort of 'Iraqi resistance' has now been shown to be utterly untrue. As many people have tried to make clear in previous postings with comments and links to reputable news broadcast organisations the so called Iraqi resistance is no more than a loose alliance of Saddam loylists with no place to run and foreign Islamic extremists, backed by Iran, seeking to impose a strict Muslim state on the Iraqi people.
The bombings in Basra did not target UK Forces, they did not target the Romanian Forces, they targeted two groups.
Firstly the new Iraqi police service, which in Basra had done so much to build a new relationship with the people in the post Saddam period. The day before Iraqi Police units had been cheered by a crowd as an Iranian born terrorist had been arrested.
Secondly, childen from a local school, a school which had bravely put forward the idea that young girls should look beyond the home and marriage toward jobs and careers in Industry and Medicine, a school which had recently started to introduce a limited amount of mixed classes. A school which had been the recipiant of a British Army repair unit who had fixed plumbing.
These bombers are not fighting for a better Iraq, they are not fighting to improve the lives of ordinary people. They are fighting to save their own corrupt worthless skins and to impose a religious control system on the people by force.
Those on IndyMedia who have in the past defended these child murdering scum should now stand up and admit their error.
Jake Duncan
Hide the following 19 comments
22.04.2004 13:37
Do you mean the bombers Bush and Blair? or are bombs dropped from the air just fine and dandy?
You may have missed the little fact that over 700 people were killed by the US marines in falluja this week, where is the moral outrage about that?
We got it wrong
22.04.2004 13:47
Apologies are due.
MI5 educating the general public
22.04.2004 14:30
or don't you have time to educate, only time to spread disinformation, lies, and unfounded rumours.
That is what MI5 do best,
isn't it?
two groups
22.04.2004 14:54
Robert Fisk subscribes to this basic thesis. According to journalist Dahr Jamail (do a search) Iraqis (rightly or wrongly) blame the CIA for the car bomb attacks, presumably remembering Lebanon.
Just because some individuals carry out atrocities autonomously does not discredit the concept of resistance. Otherwise the very existance of Hamas would justify oppressing Palestinians, or the existance of the National Front would justify bombing london.
"child murdering scum"
22.04.2004 16:00
Why not start with you Jake Duncan? You support child murdering scum, don't you?
reply to free the peeps
22.04.2004 16:12
could it be the neo-liberal right wing british and american secret services? I would not it passed them especially in their election years.
I don't know and neither do you.
tekno anarchist
The Fog of War
22.04.2004 17:43
I also note currently in Iraq there are 20,000 private militia personal or “ civilian contractors” as the Pentagon prefers. These mercenaries employed by coalition forces are known to conduct operations of strategic financial importance for their clients, unfortunately this sometimes includes ‘taking out’ other private outfits for competitive advantage. Nothing personal its just business you understand.
What was I thinking ?
22.04.2004 19:23
The comments on here where what I feared but hoped would not see. All the things I have said are easily checked, make the effort. Find out what is really happening in Iraq away from your cosy Left wing view where Capitalism and Globalisation cause every problem.
The people of Iraq need our help, not your hatred of the tools that have bought them freedom from a sadistic ruler. Those of us working for Iraq and its people will continue to repair power plants, fix drains, set up a police force and help them to use their talents, their rescources and their new freedom to build a new free Iraq.
What will your contribution be, another empty demo, another wasted rant at your latest meeting of other journeymen.
People like you are what Iraq and the developing world do not need.
You still owe the people of Basra an apology - have the guts to give it.
Jake Duncan
examples, please
22.04.2004 20:31
murdering scum should now stand up and admit their error."
Some examples of people who did this would be good. I know of
no anarchist, for example, who defended the "Iraqi Resistance".
They did, however, oppose the child murdering scum who invaded
Iraq and killed over 10,000 civilians (who knows how many
hundreds in the last month). Just as they opposed Saddam --
unlike, say, the US and Uk states which happily supported and
armed him in the 1980s. Just as they oppose the current
occupation and its killing of civilians (including children)
in Fallajah.
So will our poster admit his error in defending the imperialist
invasion and occupation of Iraq and the civilian deaths it caused?
Or do dead civilians only count when "the enemy" kills them?
I didn't .......
22.04.2004 20:45
I did point out that it is Jake Duncan who seems to support "child murdering scum" and suggest he gets the ball rolling by apologising for the kids murdered by the scum he supports.
He failed to do so.
Typical imperialist - do as I say, not as I do.
Who's interest ??
22.04.2004 21:53
Funny how Al Quaeda or who ever, always seems to do the right thing at the right time. almost as if GW
was pulling the strings.
Poor old jake really taken in by it all is it really possible to be that gullible and wade in bad mouthing IMC.
Maybe you should stick to the corporate press , the daily mail tells it like it is !!!
Apart from seriously taking the piss the real objective is Iran and that means the situations got to get worse,
hence the car bombs and other serious attacks against civilians ..
Hot Wire
Playing the political game
23.04.2004 07:07
I think that the loose but well organised operation that is Al Qaeda is behind the Basra bombs, clever though.
1. The initial violence after the attack was against the British troops, who tried to help casualties, not unexpected - if we didnt invade then this would not have happened, remember that Osama et al were not welcome in Iraq before the invasion.
2.The Madrid bombs precipitated the withdrawl of Spanish troops, is Al Qaeda not dropping a little hint here, to the British public and the armed forces, get out or it may be you next?
The more anarchy and unrest that can be stirred up in Iraq then the more Al Qaeda will be able to operate, possibly with the assistance of local Iraqis keen to get the occupiers out.
I hate the killings, as a result of all parties involved, it should never have happened and must end.
UN in US out (and that includes bloody Haliburton and the rest of the parasites, dont forget to get down to the Iraqi 'procurement'?! conference:
Jake is right
23.04.2004 13:42
The establishment of a hard line Islamic state is their aim, we must fight this.
For info on the real situation check our web site below
Louise Sanderson in Bristol
No Jake Duncanson – YOU CHECK YOUR FACTS.
23.04.2004 17:32
23.04.2004 18:21
Stick to the script
23.04.2004 18:35
Try to re-write your article so it critises Israel that's always a good start.
Eyewitness reports
23.04.2004 18:49
...eyewitness reports to get an idea of what is happening.
A facile post
23.04.2004 20:04
There is no reason deny the possiblity of 'foreign' insurgents - from Afghanistan to Iran - in the same way there is no reason to deny the possibility of 'foreign' agents - from US to Israel.
The only measure of any act should be 'means motive and method'. Emoting sentiments of 'I told you so' and 'no you're wrong because you hate us/them/me' gets you no where nearer understanding the events being played out in the ME and the players involved.
The facts, tedious as they are, involve a certain logic and pattern impossible to ignore - unless ones pride, income or political kudos depends on it - and only too familiar, give or take a technology or two and the requisit resources, to any who have studied the history of the crusades onwards.
Imperial intervention is always acompanied by the suffering of the local population who get squeezed inbetween a heartless machine with no recognician of the local 'way' and a ruthless resistance, who's 'way' is always in stark contrast to that predicted.
Under international law - and as if that ment something (perhaps once a dream it was) - strictly speaking the forces of the UK and US have acted illegally and have committed many grave war crimes. Also, strictly speaking, the forces of the insugents have committed war crimes as well - just far less of them, and, debatably, only on their own soil.
Whatever the nascent feeling for the suffering - and eventual relief of such - of the Iraqi people that those who did not oppose the war had (and those that did not support the war would do better to believe that such, nieve and earnest sentiments were genuine) should have shifted by now, in those who are honest with themselves, to bloody outrage at both the arrogance and incompetence of the regiem change game.
The only viable alternative to the bloodbath - followed by the seizure of power by those ruthless enough to hold on to it - is the immediate withdrawal of frontline troops, the recall of all troops and the turning over of executive power to a temporary UN sanctioned and selected task force. Further, that The US and the UK foot the bill - as well as coming clean with their outstanding debts.
It goes without saying that this should be augmented with the vigerous and comprehensive prosecution of those responsible for the mess and/or eger to profit from it (one thinks of halliburton et al).
did you serve
20.11.2005 14:06
if so are you a young soldier ?