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Deaths in Iraq - an aplogy

Jake Duncan | 22.04.2004 12:52

Basra - what did it tell us ?

I waited a day before postng this message in the hope that at least one person would have the guts to say "OK we were wrong about the Iraqi situation" but no not a word, not a single mention of the terrible events in Basra.

The fallacy of there being some sort of 'Iraqi resistance' has now been shown to be utterly untrue. As many people have tried to make clear in previous postings with comments and links to reputable news broadcast organisations the so called Iraqi resistance is no more than a loose alliance of Saddam loylists with no place to run and foreign Islamic extremists, backed by Iran, seeking to impose a strict Muslim state on the Iraqi people.

The bombings in Basra did not target UK Forces, they did not target the Romanian Forces, they targeted two groups.
Firstly the new Iraqi police service, which in Basra had done so much to build a new relationship with the people in the post Saddam period. The day before Iraqi Police units had been cheered by a crowd as an Iranian born terrorist had been arrested.

Secondly, childen from a local school, a school which had bravely put forward the idea that young girls should look beyond the home and marriage toward jobs and careers in Industry and Medicine, a school which had recently started to introduce a limited amount of mixed classes. A school which had been the recipiant of a British Army repair unit who had fixed plumbing.

These bombers are not fighting for a better Iraq, they are not fighting to improve the lives of ordinary people. They are fighting to save their own corrupt worthless skins and to impose a religious control system on the people by force.

Those on IndyMedia who have in the past defended these child murdering scum should now stand up and admit their error.

Jake Duncan


Display the following 19 comments

  1. Er — Sonic
  2. We got it wrong — Sam
  3. MI5 educating the general public — un
  4. two groups — Tom
  5. "child murdering scum" — freethepeeps
  6. reply to free the peeps — tekno anarchist
  7. The Fog of War — golgi
  8. What was I thinking ? — Jake Duncan
  9. examples, please — anarcho
  10. I didn't ....... — freethepeeps
  11. Who's interest ?? — Hot Wire
  12. Playing the political game — Phill
  13. Jake is right — Louise Sanderson in Bristol
  14. No Jake Duncanson – YOU CHECK YOUR FACTS. — Haidar
  15. Liar — T
  16. Stick to the script — Batman
  17. Eyewitness reports — mark
  18. A facile post — jackslucid
  19. did you serve — andrew