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Update On Anna Scher Campaign

The Very Important Troublemakers | 20.03.2004 02:27 | Education | Indymedia | London



Since the removal of JP Steven Dawson by the masses another old witch has taken over as chairperson of the Anna Scher Theatre Board of Directors (PAMILA TAYLOR) "no relation to Liz thank goodness" This person is no Spring Chicken and at the age of 73 isn't it about time she retired?

Unfortunately due to the Royal Mail's closures of post offices Pamila Taylor is unable to walk the hundred or so miles to the next nearest post office to collect her weekly entitlement, maybe some of you nice people out there can do a collection for her to get herself another broom stick which will make travelling for this old witch simpler?

Meanwhile the new classes are going very well for the founder of the Anna Scher Theatre in Barnsbury Road, Islington.

The new location and space is known as the Anna Scher Theatre in Exile anyone wanting to join should contact the office of the old theatre for the address by calling ABBIE on 020 7278 2101 but watch out she's nasty to nice people.
Good Luck to Anna & Co.

This posting has nothing whatsoever to do with the friends of Anna Scher Campaign so don't bother them or we'll make your lives a misery, to everyone else it's time to make your choice either stay at the dying decaying discriminating theatre in Barnsbury Road or have a fresh start at the new improved Anna Scher in Exile theatre.

To all those who betrayed Anna (You know who you are) If you had any decentcy left you'd all walk now.

The Very Important Troublemakers


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20.03.2004 12:47

Who does this 73 year old think she is? Dawson's gone only to be replaced by another idiot who's been saying that Anna Scher should retire, who is this idiot at 73 who's well over pensionable age, shouldn't it be she who resigns? She's no spring chicken is she?
Maybe her local post office has been closed and she can't get along to another one as there isn't any left where she lives.
Pamila Taylor is no better than Ronnie Biggs who's also 73, he robbed a train and she robbed Anna Scher of her rightful position at the theatre she founded so maybe they have something in common other than their age.
Unfortunately Ronnie Biggs is in that shit hole Belmarsh for his crime, while Pamila Taylor and Co continue to get away with their crimes.
Why don't they all do us a favour and resign now and if any of those still teaching at the Barnsbury Theatre had any decentcy they'd to would walk now and GOOD RIDDENCE TO THE LOT OF THEM.


Who Wants To Join The New Anna Scher In Exile Theatre?

20.03.2004 14:37

So who wants to be taught by Anna Scher then? Send your details to and all names, contact numbers will be passed to Anna Scher personally.
A list will be made and will be fair to all on a first come, first served basis.
Then contact the above e,mail address.

Good Luck from the Phantom

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Please put my name on the list.

20.03.2004 15:01

Please put my name on your list, I was on the list of the old theatre since 1999 and when I recently phoned up was informed that my name couldn't be found. I actually went to the theatre in person to put my name on the list in November 1999 and when I told the woman I spoke to recently she was rude to me.
Is this how Anna Scher runs her theatre?

Sheila Holden

Why can't you learn to spell? It's Pamela not Pamila

20.03.2004 15:13

Why is it hard for some to spell properly?


Pamela's an old fogie what do you expect from someone with Parkinsons?
Why doesn't she just give up as from all the post concerning Anna Scher it looks like she has everyone supporting her unlike Pamela Taylor who only has a few scumbags on the board.

A member

Anna Scher isn't responsible for the Barnsbury Road theatre anymore

20.03.2004 16:02

Firstly to Ms Sheila Holden, sorry your being messed about, it's not Anna who's responsible for the waiting lists for the Barnsbury Rd theatre, but Abbie who works in the office, it may have been her who was horrible to you on the phone, never mind she's ugly with a lard ass.
Now to the other post concerning Pamela Taylor well PROCYCLIDINE seems to help those with Parkinsons the problem might be that she's far to gone to help anymore.
She must have a warped mind, must be due to all the mind control substances she used back in the 1960s.
Let's have some stuff to either amuse or abuse these muppets running the theatre in Islington then.....

Dr Feelgood


20.03.2004 22:00

GIVE ANNA HER THEATRE BACK OR ELSE..............I'll make comments about you all at my next show........................................................................


The Board Are Ready To Quit (They Can't Possibly Win)

20.03.2004 22:38

Have been reading several newspapers over the last few months, why are these people continuing to defy everyone connected to the anna scher theatre and the campaign to have the lady re-instated to the place she founded through her own blood and sweat.
This lady Anna Scher worked bloody hard to make a community theatre so that everyone could have a go at it, un-like many of those other places which cost over a thousand a term.
Here's one that'll have you cracking up, I was on a bus going to Euston recently and spotted a school called The Poor School (A theatre school) over a thousand a term to go there so how the fucking hell can they call themselves poor?
How the fuck could any working class parents send their off-spring there?
They couldn't afford it, maybe thats why this lady Anna Scher started her theatre, to give those who couldn't afford over a thousand a term a chance to make something of themselves.
Is it true that those on the board really are elderly or is this just a wind-up?

Paul Murphy

Paul Murphy
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20.03.2004 23:01

Rumour has it that once Andy Smith goes, so will Evelyn Dewar, well I hope it's soon as I'm in the Tuesday class for adults and she constantly critisises peoples performances and plays negatively.
Anna Scher is nothing like that, at least she constructive in her critisism, and she runs a good class.
I've been at the theatre for nearly ten years and I've seen a drop in the way we are taught, especially after Anna became unwell, it's crap nowadays, how members put up with it I will never know?



Pam Dawson Joyce Nettles and the rest of the Back Stabbers

20.03.2004 23:12

We are so "NOT" happy about the Board of Directors of The Anna Scher Theatre.
Do myself and the rest of The Anna Scher Massive a favour by resigning.
We the Members and Ex members of Anna's Theatre are "so" disgusted with your behaviour towards "The One and Only Teacher" that we might...and i mean might! just happen to retaliate against you!! coz we are NOT AT ALL HAPPY that you lot are The Board


Anna...we are behind you all the way...That is your Theatre no matter what anyone says.
We want you back in it Teaching

There are a lot of us getting really Frustrated and Angry by the way you have been treated.

We want you back.

Adam xxx


Who Wants A Bunch Of Old Fogies Anyway On The Board?

20.03.2004 23:46

How come none of these twats on the board of directors are teachers or from an acting background?
Who is this old witch Pamela Taylor anyway?
Once a supposed friend of Anna Scher who stabbed her in the back while she was ill bloody hell, I'm glad I don't have any friends like that.
How are these people elected? Does anyone know? If so can those who know let the rest of us know on this site please?

Regards Martin XXX


who the fuck are all these self-obsessed twats?

22.03.2004 13:13

er.. that's it


Are These The Same People Who Are On The Board Of The Union Chapel?

22.03.2004 21:37

Seems we have the same problem at the Union Chapel right now, some tossers on the board just like those at the Anna Scher theatre, these people have no idea how to run any of these places, they just discriminate against everyone else.
On reading the Islington Tribune (A Free Paper) I noticed on the inside page the Anna Scher theatre story and next to that were the volunteers who run the Sunday drop in centre for the homeless, once the board found out that we actually feed 200 people and not 60 they have decided it's time to close the centre down.
Maybe Irvin Welch can throw his weight in behind our campaign to keep the centre open to help those less fortunate than themselves.
Good luck to Anna Scher and her campainers.




22.03.2004 21:46

Pamela Taylor has been convicted for being a witch and is to be burned at the stake in Bernard Park next week.

Naughty Naughty

Ghandi's way

23.05.2004 03:54

Hi People
Just wanted to say although I agree that anna should be running AST, the way some people here are going about it isn't whats needed and your just making it harder for anna to move forward with it all. with threats and insults your just undermining everything anna stands for. If anyone did lay a hand on any of the staff at AST they'd better come and do it to me first. As for making peoples lives a misery without trying to treaten anyone, your not the only people that can do that so you'd just be opening pandora's box unnessarily
Why not take annas advise to heart and use Ghandi's way of peace to make a point. You dont need to break any laws and dont need to hurt anyone to get your voice heard. Your in show biz for goodness sakes use it.

As for Marks comments about Evelyn, I think it would be a great shame to lose her. Im also in the tuesday class for adults and I think your taking her comments to heart to much. What she has to say has been making sence and shes there to say them. After all if you dont see the problems then how can you ever think about fixing them.

Anyway I hope to hear more positive comments on here in future take care all

Koler erbynn an Jynn gans Kres
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Bollocks To All Religions

19.07.2004 18:37

Update On Anna Scher Campaign
Update On Anna Scher Campaign

Big up Andrew Harries he does a great lesson even Patrick thinks so don't you Patrick?
We know your fed up with the religious bit so stop going to the church and really let Andrew Harries teach you all about being the actor you want to be?

I'm glad Anna's out as they'll be no more favoritism, good riddance and think on this when your in Filthy McNastys

A Friend and member of the new Barnsbury Road Theatre

Ghandi was a twat just like Anna Scher

19.07.2004 18:42

Update on Anna Scher Campaign
Update on Anna Scher Campaign

Ghandi and Anna have one thing in common/there both religious twats so have some of this...

Pam Taylors dog

The Thank God Anna Scher's Gone Theatre...........................

26.01.2005 00:11

Isn't it about time all you attending Anna Scher's theatre in exile wised up and got yourselves into a real acting class? What are you actually learning right now apart from some religious rubbish and why wasn't the rastafarians allowed to come along and explain why ganja is good and a big part of their faith? Anna's classes have gotten worse with everyone paying a fiver so Anna can take trips around the globe to visit her many friends as she doesn't have any real friends over here anymore, they all got rid of her from the board and they formally were her friends and to be perfectly honest having friends like that means you don't need enemies. Do any of you realise that you pay a fiver to do a 2 minute impro and that it? Why don't you all wise up and join a real acting class and not the two mentioned in any article on this site? If your really interested in real classes then email for further information on classes and on joining an agency.

The Whistleblower.

The Whistleblower
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Anna Scher 4EVER!

19.03.2005 21:12

i attend the Anna Scher In Exile class and i am disgusted at the way Anna has been treated by those Bastards at Ast none of them have any Morals or Human Decency, i am proud to tie my ribbon to the tree to show that i support Anna i just wish their was mroe i could do

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