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Claire Short's REVELations

Brian B | 26.02.2004 21:34 | Analysis

Clare Short's revelations of British bugging of Kofi Annan.

Clare Short claims that Britain spied on the UN secretary general, Kofi Annan, ahead of the Iraq war.
Wow. Unbelievable (or not!).
Tony Blair's refusal to confirm or deny the claims and description of the Clare Short's revelation as 'irresponsible' seems to be an acceptance of the truth of the claim.

Once again proving that the Bliar government:
-Has shamed the nation in the eyes of the rest of the world.
-Hates the values of peace that the United Nations is supposed to represent and did anything it could to ensure that moves towards peace failed.
-Hates the people of Iraq so much that it would do anything to them to gain control over it's soil and people.

Lordy Hutton's 'inquiry':
-Proved that the Bliar government hated Dr Kelly because of his revelations even though he supported the war.
-Proved that the Bliar government was ABSOLUTELY responsible for the naming of Dr David Kelly.
-Was used by the Bliar government used the 'inquiry' to attack the BBC in order to put up a smokescreen over i) the governments lies that took us into war and occupation.
and ii) the whole involvement that the government had in the affairs surrounding Dr David Kelly's death.
-Was a WHITEWASH from beginning to end.

Iraq war proved that the Bliar government:
-Hates the people of Iraq.
-Hates the British people.
-Has no respect for the personnel in the armed forces.
-Has no concern for the effects that depleted uranium will have.
-Is prepared to support the use of cluster bombs against civilians.,12956,1156694,00.html

Brian B


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i think you are missing the point, brian

27.02.2004 03:06

Whats all this repeated use of the word "hate" ?

Don't you see that your implication that our leaders are motivated by emotion is absolutely inappropriate.
What we have here is calm calculations of (perceived) national and party interest, and of risks of exposure and manipulability of public opinion.

I think Blair has decided that the US has the power and the will to dominate the world through force over the next century, and that there is nothing we can do to stop it. He has decided it is safer for the UK to go along for the ride, hanging to the coat-tails. Morals are not involved.

You may object.
I may object.

But you see, we have not been elected into power. I am not going to stand at the next election. Are you ?

Nevertheless, just like you, I am going to continue screeching
"this is wrong"
"somebody ought to do something about it"

Lets hope some gutsier person will somehow provide us with something worthwhile we can vote for.

But lets try to see that what is going on is not just a matter of "hate". Might be simpler if it were.


Freddie I agree, but the whole point is not yet uncovered

27.02.2004 11:00

Well Freddie, I feel that you are not quite covering the fact that there is a significant corporate interst motivating our political leaders. Firstly many of the main US leaders are and were sitting proudly of the boards of big oil companies. ie vice president Dick Chaney. Where did George W Bush's family make their money? was it oil? yes i beleive it was. What resource does Iraq have to offer most suited to American and British interests? is it oil? yes.

So as you said it is not just about hate of the Iraqi people. As you have seen Blair has not thought twice about their interest, in fact not thought once about them.

The worsening of the situation in Kosovo, the unjustified war in Afghanistan and the injustified war in Iraq are decisions that the Government have ludicrously escaped punishment. On top of this we have seen the Hutten disgrace, bugging of the UN and the outragious continuation of the Private Finance Initiative (started by the conservatives) that is acting in corporate interests rather than the peoples. ie Sye Bridge

mail e-mail:

Paul - I absolutely agree

27.02.2004 13:40

I absolutely agree with everything you say.
What we can do about it is another matter. :-(

Except keep raising our voices, and going on the occasional demonstration.
And emailng MP's every now and again.



27.02.2004 22:34

"Don't you see that your implication that our leaders are motivated by emotion is absolutely inappropriate."

I never said it was all about hatred but I can see your point that I was focussing on that. I believe emotions are very much a part of it so I don't think it is innappropriate to mention them - greed for power (more of it or hanging onto that which they already have), anger towards enemies etc.

"What we have here is calm calculations of (perceived) national and party interest, and of risks of exposure and manipulability of public opinion."

I don't think it is was in the national interest to go to war. The lack of any proof of WMD's proves that. The party interests cannot be defined because New Labor seem to have abandoned the previous principles the party was based on. At the moment they are defining the party as they go along so they could define anything to be in the party's interests, but they have chosen WAR, and following the US.

"Morals are not involved."

No not for Blair & Co. because they have none (or rather are choosing to ignore them).

"But you see, we have not been elected into power. I am not going to stand at the next election. Are you ?"

We still have the right to ciriticize those in power! Everyone has their chosen profession -mine isn't politics, and it would not be easy for some people to re-train into another profession.

Brian B

Katherine Dun and Clare short both broke the official secrets act!

28.02.2004 16:47

People should realise that both Katherine Dun and Clare Short broke the official secrets acts and are therefore guilty of a very series crime. Breaking the official secrets act shouldn't be taken lightly as it puts the lives of people who work in the security services of MI5 and MI6 at risk, aswell as risking blowing important spying operations to protect national security.


Lives of folks at MI5 MI6 at risk !!!

29.02.2004 10:53

if it were possible to get all the folks from MI5 and MI6 together in one building for a bit of a knees up and then nuke the place, I'd be up for it, how about a whip round ? my fiver's on the bar !!!!
These people are responsible for un told suffering around the world and they have been at it for years.
looking after british interests abroad is all about dodgy arms deals and other big business rip offs ...
There main role is to combine with the organized crime gangs that deliver the arms and collect the smack
bring it back to europe sell it and recycle the loot. Same people also deal with other nasties like toxic waste disposal, what a quaint expession, which is also in the hands of for example the Italian mafia .
When it come to Intelligence MI5 and 6 are very similar to the Mafia devious and without scruples they prtect their corporate bosses and their fast bucks earnt at the expense , well on this occasion 50.000 Iraqies ..
