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Claire Short's REVELations

Brian B | 26.02.2004 21:34 | Analysis

Clare Short's revelations of British bugging of Kofi Annan.

Clare Short claims that Britain spied on the UN secretary general, Kofi Annan, ahead of the Iraq war.
Wow. Unbelievable (or not!).
Tony Blair's refusal to confirm or deny the claims and description of the Clare Short's revelation as 'irresponsible' seems to be an acceptance of the truth of the claim.

Once again proving that the Bliar government:
-Has shamed the nation in the eyes of the rest of the world.
-Hates the values of peace that the United Nations is supposed to represent and did anything it could to ensure that moves towards peace failed.
-Hates the people of Iraq so much that it would do anything to them to gain control over it's soil and people.

Lordy Hutton's 'inquiry':
-Proved that the Bliar government hated Dr Kelly because of his revelations even though he supported the war.
-Proved that the Bliar government was ABSOLUTELY responsible for the naming of Dr David Kelly.
-Was used by the Bliar government used the 'inquiry' to attack the BBC in order to put up a smokescreen over i) the governments lies that took us into war and occupation.
and ii) the whole involvement that the government had in the affairs surrounding Dr David Kelly's death.
-Was a WHITEWASH from beginning to end.

Iraq war proved that the Bliar government:
-Hates the people of Iraq.
-Hates the British people.
-Has no respect for the personnel in the armed forces.
-Has no concern for the effects that depleted uranium will have.
-Is prepared to support the use of cluster bombs against civilians.,12956,1156694,00.html

Brian B
