Pants on Fire!
The Thinker | 10.02.2004 22:32 | Anti-militarism
After over a decade of crippling sanctions and Desert Storm, Saddam Hussein was ordered to give UN weapons inspectors access to sensitive facilities... he did, and nothing was discovered. The regime also disclosed its weapons programs in an extensive 12,000 page dossier, which named the corporations from the US, UK, Germany, France and China who had supplied them with materials and equipment to develop biological, chemical and nuclear weapons, but this information was censored. Iraq was then given an ultimatum to disarm in accordance with Resolution 1441 or face conflict with the Nations who armed it. In response, they destroyed their remaining al-Samoud 2 missile system and allowed military scientists to be interviewed by the inspectors, a key demand.
Despite this and Scott Ritter’s revelations that Iraq was already neutered, or the general consensus that containment was working, Hussein’s compliance was dismissed by the War Party as a cynical attempt to buy more time, and he was accused of deceit. Bush, Blair, Rumsfeld, Straw, Hoon, Powell, Rice, Cheney, Howard and others, continued to insist that Iraq threatened world stability with weapons of mass destruction and confrontation was paramount because “time was running out!” But if, as President Bush has now stated, it was never claimed that Hussein was an “imminent threat” and as George Tenet said, he only hoped for a nuclear weapon, then why was ‘Shock & Awe’ necessary?
Had Hans Blix and his team been given more time - just one more year, it would have eventually come to light, as it did to David Kay, that Iraq did not possess WMD’s with the capacity to threaten it’s neighbours, (Israel) far less America or Britain, after all, they couldn’t even successfully invade Kuwait! So, war and the ensuing chaos could have been averted by diplomacy and an apology or resignations will not suffice, but with the main protagonist, Saddam Hussein now in custody, the location of any concealed weapons which may supply terrorist networks, should have been coerced from the ‘horse’s mouth’ – the alleged Taliban conscripts in Guantanamo Bay are interrogated for less and unlike the despot of Iraq, denied basic human rights and PoW status.
Since the weapons which could be activated in 45 minutes have failed to materialize, not even in retaliation after the outbreak of war, it is not Iraq who has undermined the ineffectual UN and defied International Law, but the corrupt politicians who engaged our servicemen and women in an illegal invasion of that country, justified by “dramatised” intelligence. Those who attempted to inform the public of this fact, paid with their jobs, or like Dr. David Kelly... their life. To distract people from their flagrant war crimes, the guilty keep the media embroiled in contrived inquiries which evade the real issues and treat critical political decisions as an ongoing “learning process.”
World Leaders who lent their support to the Coalition share collective responsibility for crimes against humanity, namely; the unlawful detention of combatants without trial, the use of depleted uranium and wilful ruination of infrastructure, the plunder of resources and needless death of 10,000 innocent Iraqi civilians and 600 duped troops. If that is not enough to expose our fraudulent democracy and convince the populace to run these pathological liars and murderers out of office before they commit further genocide, what will? These dangerous ‘Dark Forces’ should not be permitted to implement another single domestic policy on our behalf, or given a podium to voice an opinion on any matter concerning global security. And no, the reaction should not be a clamour for World Government as the solution... that is the problem.
Despite this and Scott Ritter’s revelations that Iraq was already neutered, or the general consensus that containment was working, Hussein’s compliance was dismissed by the War Party as a cynical attempt to buy more time, and he was accused of deceit. Bush, Blair, Rumsfeld, Straw, Hoon, Powell, Rice, Cheney, Howard and others, continued to insist that Iraq threatened world stability with weapons of mass destruction and confrontation was paramount because “time was running out!” But if, as President Bush has now stated, it was never claimed that Hussein was an “imminent threat” and as George Tenet said, he only hoped for a nuclear weapon, then why was ‘Shock & Awe’ necessary?
Had Hans Blix and his team been given more time - just one more year, it would have eventually come to light, as it did to David Kay, that Iraq did not possess WMD’s with the capacity to threaten it’s neighbours, (Israel) far less America or Britain, after all, they couldn’t even successfully invade Kuwait! So, war and the ensuing chaos could have been averted by diplomacy and an apology or resignations will not suffice, but with the main protagonist, Saddam Hussein now in custody, the location of any concealed weapons which may supply terrorist networks, should have been coerced from the ‘horse’s mouth’ – the alleged Taliban conscripts in Guantanamo Bay are interrogated for less and unlike the despot of Iraq, denied basic human rights and PoW status.
Since the weapons which could be activated in 45 minutes have failed to materialize, not even in retaliation after the outbreak of war, it is not Iraq who has undermined the ineffectual UN and defied International Law, but the corrupt politicians who engaged our servicemen and women in an illegal invasion of that country, justified by “dramatised” intelligence. Those who attempted to inform the public of this fact, paid with their jobs, or like Dr. David Kelly... their life. To distract people from their flagrant war crimes, the guilty keep the media embroiled in contrived inquiries which evade the real issues and treat critical political decisions as an ongoing “learning process.”
World Leaders who lent their support to the Coalition share collective responsibility for crimes against humanity, namely; the unlawful detention of combatants without trial, the use of depleted uranium and wilful ruination of infrastructure, the plunder of resources and needless death of 10,000 innocent Iraqi civilians and 600 duped troops. If that is not enough to expose our fraudulent democracy and convince the populace to run these pathological liars and murderers out of office before they commit further genocide, what will? These dangerous ‘Dark Forces’ should not be permitted to implement another single domestic policy on our behalf, or given a podium to voice an opinion on any matter concerning global security. And no, the reaction should not be a clamour for World Government as the solution... that is the problem.
The Thinker
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