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“Oh look, another Hutton Whitewash. We paid for your war with our education”

Mark Wood | 28.01.2004 15:49 | Analysis | London | World

“Oh look, a another Hutton Whitewash. We paid for your war with our education”

So the hutton report was a whitewash and let Blair off the hook, as most of us have come to expect from the establishment looking after its own.
Don't trust the Sun, especially after Blair's faustion deal with Murdock before Blair came to power and Murdock got his media deals.

“Oh look, a another Hutton Whitewash. We paid for your war with our education”

So the hutton report was a whitewash and let Blair off the hook, as most of us have come to expect from the establishment looking after its own.
Don't trust the Sun, especially after Blair's faustion deal with Murdock before Blair came to power and Murdock got his media deals.

As regard to the recent education fiasco, Bradley and Brown are New Labours Trojan horse's sent in to foster a channel for rebellion, only to betray them not only at the last moment, but in a multiple strategy, first Bradley with his compromises, leading to agreement with the government, and then Browns devastating change of direction at the end, all planned from the beginning, just look at the connections, PPS to agriculture, voting record, Bradley's dissent in parliamentary history is minuscule.
Enough said, they are both a pair of scoundrels, who sold down the original ideas that are the inspiration for what we now call the Labour Movement, down the river!

What’s the difference between CNN, FOX, SKY, BBC, New Labour, and the Tory’s?
Answer NONE! they all put the vested interests first, and all conspire against the population, giving our collective wealth, to the highest bidder.

What G.W.Bush and T.Blair, have done is both immoral and illegal, may future generations judge them for their actions, and learn a valuable lesson for the sake of humanity it self.

Bush and Blair the evil pair! And Hutton just repeats history and sold us all down the river just like he did before with Ireland.

We will not forget or forgive you for this destruction of democracy, and vow to join with others to expose this terrible state of affairs.

“We paid for your war with our education, WE DONT TRUST ANY OF YOU ANY MORE”

Mark Wood.
Wellington, Shropshire.

Mark Wood
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