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Armed pigs might fly

Angry Manc | 29.12.2003 21:31

Dear Tony The Terrorist

I see that the Yank zionist slave war mongers have twisted your arm into scaring the British public again.

Pigs really are going to fly - pigs armed with guns!

Trained by the CIA, funded by Bush's family friends
Trained by the CIA, funded by Bush's family friends

Dear Tony The Terrorist,

I see that the Yank zionist slave war mongers have twisted your arm into scaring the British public again. Fake terror alerts (a threat from "Al Qaeda" hey? Like this one? ) to instill fear into the idiots who absorb zionist media (the "news"papers of CONrad Black, Murdoch etc).

Pigs really are going to fly - pigs armed with guns! Your puppet Bin "Fake" Laden is not terrorizing anyone - you are, in a pathetic attempt to control the nation through fear. We are not dumb Americans living in the false reality of a zionist fantasy - tell Bush to stuff his scaremongering up Barbra Bush's arse.

Funny to see you and that Paul Bremer scumball tripping over yourselves in a vain attempt to cover up the lies that you used to drag us into this illegal attack on Iraq! Where are the WMD? (Not "programmes" - small or "massive") - real, 45 min WMD that threaten our interests (the fake "state" of "israel" does not count)??? Are we to assume you have lost them? At least you know WHAT you are looking for, since the UK and US sold most of them to Saddam. Thanks for making us safer(!).

And how is the investigation into the "suicide"(!) of Dr Kelly (since he was a "middle ranking" official I guess it was no great loss, hey - he couldn't have cleared up anything about the WMD issue, could he?) ...

With so much blood on your hands you could give Macbeth a run for his money in the art of handwashing.

Hope your trial for war crimes and public hanging brighten up the new year.

Yours sincerely,

Angry Manc

Angry Manc
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Paranoid or What !

30.12.2003 09:59

Wow ! I don't mind the odd theory but yours is well out in space. Do you think they are watching you in Tescos as well. What about those CCTV cameras outside Marks and Spencers, Mossad controlled ?

Seriously the Israeli government was not pleased about 9/11, Mossad did not plan or execute it. It was done by Arabs, Saudi born Arabs. Not what you want to hear I know but true.


Isreal and Mossad have very much everything to do with it

30.12.2003 10:29

1st August 2003 and the new Israel Centre opens in a rented building, on Abu Nawaas Street, overlooking The Tigris river, Baghdad. The centre has already started operation, and the first Israeli center operating publicly in Baghdad since its downfall on April 9. The building is very heavily guarded.

Iraqi sources say the centre is affiliated to the Washington-based MEMRI (Middle East Media Research Institute), an Israeli association set up five years ago, with offshoots in London, Berlin and West Jerusalem. "Superficially, the centre follows up Arab newspapers in the Arab world and Europe, particularly London, translates key articles into Hebrew, English, German, French and Italian. "MEMRI receives donations from Jewish and Zionist institutions from all over the world.
Brian Whitaker, of the Guardian writes
" MEMRI is rather a mysterious organization. Its website does not give the names of any people to contact, not even an office address." Its co-founder, president and registered owner of its website, "is an Israeli called Yigal Carmon." "Mr - or rather, Colonel - Carmon spent 22 years in Israeli military intelligence and later served as counter-terrorism adviser to two Israeli prime ministers, Yitzhak Shamir and Yitzhak Rabin." Based on a retrieved now-deleted page from MEMRI's website archives, it seems the names of six people, "three - including Col Carmon - are described as having worked for Israeli intelligence."
According to Whitaker MEMRI's co-founder is "Meyrav Wurmser, who is also director of the center for Middle East policy at the Indianapolis-based Hudson Institute. He noted, in this respect that the "ubiquitous Richard Perle, (former)
chairman of the Pentagon's defense policy board, recently joined Hudson's board of trustees."

Foul Play
Dr. Anwar Abdu Aziz, professor of political sciences in Baghdad University, charged that MEMRI and its offshoots have sinister objectives.
"Israel's underground goals in the Middle East are not a secret; this centre is, in effect, a façade for intelligence and security bodies orchestrated by the Mossad (Israel's intelligence service)."

Since Mossad set up in Baghdad the following have occurred.......

Thursday 7th August 2003
Truck bomb explodes at the Jordanian Embassy killing 19

Saturday 16th August 2003
Two mortar rounds fired at the notorious Abu Ghraib prison, killing three Iraqis and wounding 61

Sunday 17th August 2003
A vital oil pipeline north of Baghdad is blown up for the second time

Sunday 17th August 2003
Saboteurs blow a hole in a giant Baghdad water main, forcing engineers to cut off water to the capital

Wednesday 19th August 2003
Truck bomb explodes levelling UN headquarters and killing at least 20 people, including the top UN envoy in Iraq.

Sunday 24th August 2003
Bomb explodes at the office of Grand Ayatollah Seyed Mohammed Said al Hakim, leading Shia Muslim cleric in the Iraqi holy city of Najaf killing three people and injuring nine.

Friday 29th August 2003
In Najaf a car bomb rips through a crowd of worshippers leaving Iraq's holiest Shiite shrine after Friday prayers, killing at least 85 people - including top cleric -Ayatollah Muhammad Baqir al-Hakim head of the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq

In the light of these events I thought the following article might be of interest....

Baghdad: The hand of Mossad?
Big explosions have changed a lot in the situation in Iraq and that in Palestine. Attacking the UN is a significant message to the international community, while carrying out a suicide bombing has become a fact of daily life in Israel and the occupied territories. But the consequence of both events is similar: a step backwards in the efforts for peace. The big question is, who is benefiting from such operations? Is it true that the Israelis are losing a lot through these suicide operations and the disruption of the truce? And how much will an attack on the UN in Baghdad dishearten the Americans and move US public opinion against the occupation of Iraq?

Sometimes it is difficult to understand why some events should occur and change a positive path into a negative situation leading to bloodshed. It is no longer a matter of resistance; the situation is turning into an open intelligence game regardless of the interests of the parties concerned in this situation. First in Baghdad: who carried out this suicide operation against the UN mission? Is it true that Saddam Hussein’s old guard is able to carry out such an operation?
To answer this question, we should note that it is clear that an operation against an American outpost or convoy can be planned and carried out by a small number of soldiers or militants. It doesn’t need long and complicated planning or specialized expertise. When the target is seen, they fire on it and the operation is done. But filling a truck with a thousand kilograms of explosives and finding someone willing to give up his life for the sake of the deed is rather different. Providing the truck with complex explosives, observing the UN headquarters to analyze the security system of the building and determine its weak points -- all these require a number of specialists and assistants. If Saddam Hussein is still able to conduct such operations amid the Americans’ minute-by-minute pursuit of him, the situation becomes dangerous. This person is not a superman. He cannot even make a phone call or use wireless communication with his presumed units because American technology would be able to track him in a few seconds. A tracking satellite system is covering not only Iraq but many other regions of the world and many leaders and politicians. An Arab diplomat told this magazine that Gulf countries received information in January that when Saddam Hussein felt sure that the Americans were determined to attack him, he organized some loyal units and provided them with weapons and explosives hidden in secret places. They also agreed to transmit instructions and orders through messengers, not wireless networks, in order to avoid interceptions. Experts in the field say that Saddam is having great difficulty keeping ahead of his pursuers, sometimes escaping from a raid with only a few minutes to spare. Their information indicates that he doesn’t stay in the same place more than three hours. So he is not in a position to chair meetings and give instructions for such a large-scale operation.

Thus one is led to the conclusion that the attack on the UN headquarters was a well-planned operation in which Saddam could not have been implicated but which certainly involved operatives from abroad. Some analysts think that Osbat al-Ansar or some other Islamist group may be behind the attack, but none of these factions has declared its responsibility, so there is no lead on which to carry out a search. Members of such groups may penetrate Iraq with the help of neighboring countries. American officials have on many occasions accused Iran and Syria of allowing Islamist elements to slip into Iraqi territory. But observers have many doubts regarding these accusations for the following reasons:

• Syria is not in a position to help militant organizations because it has cooperated fully in the fight against terrorism and provided Washington with data about these very organizations. The American accusations against it are part of the campaign against Damascus in connection with the bilateral relationship between Washington and Syria, and between Washington and Tel Aviv, and do not reflect reality based on facts and evidence.

• Iran has concerns in Iraq, but from a Shiite angle only. The southern regions of Iraq, dominated by the Shiite community, has witnessed very few anti-American operations. The demonstrations against the US presence, in the South as elsewhere, arise from the problems caused by the Pentagon’s failure to plan for the post-war period -- electricity and water shortages, etc. -- and from American misunderstanding of local particularities, especially among Shiites. The Iraqi Shiites opposed the Saddamite regime and suffered from it, but they have not ceased to be loyal Iraqis with deep concerns about the country’s independence and integrity. In the final analysis they are and will remain Iraqi Arabs.
Iran, for its part, is seeking an important role in the Gulf and the Iranian government knows very well that such an ambition can only be achieved through an understanding with Washington. It is thus obvious that Teheran has no interest in sponsoring or encouraging terrorist attacks against US forces or UN installations in Iraq, or in allowing key Islamists to slip into Iraq from its territory.

A situation out of control
This explosion is a turning point in the postwar history of Iraq. The Americans are feeling that matters there are beginning to escape from their control. They now have to regard the Iraqi situation as an ongoing war without time limits. It is also obvious that big players are already established inside Baghdad who are able to cause major disruptions. Some observers speculate that Israeli intelligence may have had a hand in important events taking place in Iraq. More problems for the Americans in Baghdad means closer co-operation with Israeli intelligence to fight against terrorism, whether it is in Iraq or in Israel. Freedom in planning and acting in Iraq is strategic for the Israelis, who are preparing themselves to use Iraq as a channel of trade between themselves and the Gulf states. There are Arab diplomats who shy away from any idea of Israeli complicity, recalling the days when this idea was the fruit of the old conspiracy theory. Moreover, they say, Tel Aviv would not dare to attack a UN facility in Iraq because of the serious problems they might have if the Americans discovered their involvement. But the fact remains that there is no other player on the regional or international level which would have any interest in perpetrating such an explosion, or possess the expertise to carry it out. Certainly the Israelis have never had any love for the UN, and carrying out a terrorist attack against it in Baghdad would have the effect of drawing the Americans even closer to Israel in the context of the ‘war against terror’ and thus more supportive of their actions in Palestine.

An improbable hypothesis? History is full of surprises.


Maybe others !!

30.12.2003 13:51

. . . so you don't think these events could have been carried out by a combination of Islamic extremists with a anti-Western agenda that transends borders combined with previous supporters of the Saddam regime who now have a vested interest in the failure of a free democratic Iraq ?

I'm sure Mossad is in Iraq, I'm sure they were there before the fall of Saddam. Are they attacking US and British soldiers ? No of course not !


face up to the truth or bend over and take your bio-chip like a big boys do

31.12.2003 18:09

"Of course the people don't want war... That is understood. But after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country." - Hermann Goering, Adolf Hitler's Deputy Chief and Luftwaffe Commander, at the Nuremberg trials, 1946.
