Armed pigs might fly
Angry Manc | 29.12.2003 21:31
Dear Tony The Terrorist
I see that the Yank zionist slave war mongers have twisted your arm into scaring the British public again.
Pigs really are going to fly - pigs armed with guns!
I see that the Yank zionist slave war mongers have twisted your arm into scaring the British public again.
Pigs really are going to fly - pigs armed with guns!
Dear Tony The Terrorist,
I see that the Yank zionist slave war mongers have twisted your arm into scaring the British public again. Fake terror alerts (a threat from "Al Qaeda" hey? Like this one? ) to instill fear into the idiots who absorb zionist media (the "news"papers of CONrad Black, Murdoch etc).
Pigs really are going to fly - pigs armed with guns! Your puppet Bin "Fake" Laden is not terrorizing anyone - you are, in a pathetic attempt to control the nation through fear. We are not dumb Americans living in the false reality of a zionist fantasy - tell Bush to stuff his scaremongering up Barbra Bush's arse.
Funny to see you and that Paul Bremer scumball tripping over yourselves in a vain attempt to cover up the lies that you used to drag us into this illegal attack on Iraq! Where are the WMD? (Not "programmes" - small or "massive") - real, 45 min WMD that threaten our interests (the fake "state" of "israel" does not count)??? Are we to assume you have lost them? At least you know WHAT you are looking for, since the UK and US sold most of them to Saddam. Thanks for making us safer(!).
And how is the investigation into the "suicide"(!) of Dr Kelly (since he was a "middle ranking" official I guess it was no great loss, hey - he couldn't have cleared up anything about the WMD issue, could he?) ...
With so much blood on your hands you could give Macbeth a run for his money in the art of handwashing.
Hope your trial for war crimes and public hanging brighten up the new year.
Yours sincerely,
Angry Manc
I see that the Yank zionist slave war mongers have twisted your arm into scaring the British public again. Fake terror alerts (a threat from "Al Qaeda" hey? Like this one?

Pigs really are going to fly - pigs armed with guns! Your puppet Bin "Fake" Laden is not terrorizing anyone - you are, in a pathetic attempt to control the nation through fear. We are not dumb Americans living in the false reality of a zionist fantasy - tell Bush to stuff his scaremongering up Barbra Bush's arse.
Funny to see you and that Paul Bremer scumball tripping over yourselves in a vain attempt to cover up the lies that you used to drag us into this illegal attack on Iraq! Where are the WMD? (Not "programmes" - small or "massive") - real, 45 min WMD that threaten our interests (the fake "state" of "israel" does not count)??? Are we to assume you have lost them? At least you know WHAT you are looking for, since the UK and US sold most of them to Saddam. Thanks for making us safer(!).
And how is the investigation into the "suicide"(!) of Dr Kelly (since he was a "middle ranking" official I guess it was no great loss, hey - he couldn't have cleared up anything about the WMD issue, could he?) ...
With so much blood on your hands you could give Macbeth a run for his money in the art of handwashing.
Hope your trial for war crimes and public hanging brighten up the new year.
Yours sincerely,
Angry Manc
Angry Manc
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