MR MAYDAY MEYHEM | 26.12.2003 15:57 | Anti-militarism | Indymedia | London | World
Here we are again, another celebration when the shops profit by increaseing their prices, if only we'd waited another day or two, we'd get all our prezzies for half the price of what they were a few days ago.
The only one's who profit are the fat cat trash who each year exploit the nation into buying over expensive toys for our children and other items for our loved ones, which are mostly made overseas where they get away with exploiting workers and pay next to nothing in wages and which by Boxing day when we have no money left in our pockets, we'd get the same stuff for half price or less and that's only if your buying.
Another year when arms traders have been allowed to show off and sell their weapons of death and destruction and just look at all the innocent people who have died or who've been maimed in order to keep the rich and powerful greedy nations of this world in profit?
Another year when the police have yet again stitched up/ fitted up protestors, especially in Greece where several people were not only fitted up by the police but beaten black and blue as well, while we had that tosser over here from America (David Blaine) in his glass box over the Thames on a forced 44 day hunger strike,(Above the Below) friends and loved ones were doing the same seeking justice against the injustice of their treatment in Thessoloniki.
Another year where the royal family have had alot of bad publicity concerning a Royal and his servants and using children with cancer to promote themselves as being nice people because they organised a party, Why don't they hand over most of their over inflated wealth so we can find ways to end cancer, than throw a little party to get more lime light for themselves (Charles & Camilla) trying to get us to believe they really care.
Another year when we have had to watch women and children killed and maimed in Iraq in order for a greedy dictator like George W Bush and his country to profit from the oil in Iraq and coming to the UK when he very much wasn't welcome.
Another year of Tony Blair and his lies and spin (So where are the weapons of mass destruction then) While elderly folk die in the winter's cold and school's and hospitals are under funded, this maniac spends our taxes on a war we are opposed to.
Another year when those twats from the Countryside Alliance have demanded we keep hunting going or else (Fuck Them!) with their little protest at Parliment Square under the banner (Families for Hunting) What a bunch of pillocks they were, but it hasn't all been bad news, Bush got a rather hostile reception when he came on his state visit, all respect must go out to the elderly ladie who scaled the gates at Buckingham Palace in protest to his visit. Surely she should be awarded woman of the year. The Fox Hunting crew got an ear bashing on Parliment Square an even one of our own who passed himself off as one of their supporters and ran amok in the square knocking over tables and insulting many from the Countryside Alliance until the forces opposed to hunting turned up in the early afternoon. What a great march that was opposed to Bush's visit, it's a shame that there are those who'll have us only march from A. to B. yet so many really made it a great protest, it has been noticed that the usual suspects quickly took off once the papers stopped selling (You know who you are.)No wonder his misses didn't see any protestors if she had she'd have died of shock, and we have had a year when far right groups like the B.N.P. have been able to spread their lies and hatred around, and lets remember this, if they didn't have Asylum Seekers to pick on, it would be the Asians or the Afro Caribbeans or anyone else who was different in their eyes, thankfully their has been lots of opposition to these parasites and lets continue this onslaught in 2004.
Due to our continued support and protests we have seen the release from prison of the Thessoloniki prisoners.
Let's face it the Queen's speech was shit on christmas day, she simply is not in touch with the people and she and her family should be dumped in an over crowded, damp, cold flat, living on benefits so they could really learn what it felt like to have little or nothing, and why is it that if a persons dog maims a child or kills another persons pet it is put to sleep yet if your the Princess Royal you get away with it and so does your dog.
In the new year i hope we continue to fight all the wrongs in this world and I'd finally like to send out my thanks to the following organisations for their continued resistance to capitalism.
Indymedia-for providing us with freedom of speech/expression.
The Mayday collective
Movement against the Monarchy
Critical Mass
Class War
All Hunt Sabs
Freedom Press
All the Fairford Protestors
The Metropolitan Police at Tower Hill 2002 (You've made "MAM"s' day)
To everyone involved in social centres
To all the squatters
To all who work at the Foundry(OLD STREET)
To every Anarchist alive massive respect for your continued opposition to authority
To all the bands/Sound Systems and DJ's who support all the above groups I think your the best thing since sliced bread.
To everyone in every Samba Band and anyone I missed out.
Here we are again, another celebration when the shops profit by increaseing their prices, if only we'd waited another day or two, we'd get all our prezzies for half the price of what they were a few days ago.
The only one's who profit are the fat cat trash who each year exploit the nation into buying over expensive toys for our children and other items for our loved ones, which are mostly made overseas where they get away with exploiting workers and pay next to nothing in wages and which by Boxing day when we have no money left in our pockets, we'd get the same stuff for half price or less and that's only if your buying.
Another year when arms traders have been allowed to show off and sell their weapons of death and destruction and just look at all the innocent people who have died or who've been maimed in order to keep the rich and powerful greedy nations of this world in profit?
Another year when the police have yet again stitched up/ fitted up protestors, especially in Greece where several people were not only fitted up by the police but beaten black and blue as well, while we had that tosser over here from America (David Blaine) in his glass box over the Thames on a forced 44 day hunger strike,(Above the Below) friends and loved ones were doing the same seeking justice against the injustice of their treatment in Thessoloniki.
Another year where the royal family have had alot of bad publicity concerning a Royal and his servants and using children with cancer to promote themselves as being nice people because they organised a party, Why don't they hand over most of their over inflated wealth so we can find ways to end cancer, than throw a little party to get more lime light for themselves (Charles & Camilla) trying to get us to believe they really care.
Another year when we have had to watch women and children killed and maimed in Iraq in order for a greedy dictator like George W Bush and his country to profit from the oil in Iraq and coming to the UK when he very much wasn't welcome.
Another year of Tony Blair and his lies and spin (So where are the weapons of mass destruction then) While elderly folk die in the winter's cold and school's and hospitals are under funded, this maniac spends our taxes on a war we are opposed to.
Another year when those twats from the Countryside Alliance have demanded we keep hunting going or else (Fuck Them!) with their little protest at Parliment Square under the banner (Families for Hunting) What a bunch of pillocks they were, but it hasn't all been bad news, Bush got a rather hostile reception when he came on his state visit, all respect must go out to the elderly ladie who scaled the gates at Buckingham Palace in protest to his visit. Surely she should be awarded woman of the year. The Fox Hunting crew got an ear bashing on Parliment Square an even one of our own who passed himself off as one of their supporters and ran amok in the square knocking over tables and insulting many from the Countryside Alliance until the forces opposed to hunting turned up in the early afternoon. What a great march that was opposed to Bush's visit, it's a shame that there are those who'll have us only march from A. to B. yet so many really made it a great protest, it has been noticed that the usual suspects quickly took off once the papers stopped selling (You know who you are.)No wonder his misses didn't see any protestors if she had she'd have died of shock, and we have had a year when far right groups like the B.N.P. have been able to spread their lies and hatred around, and lets remember this, if they didn't have Asylum Seekers to pick on, it would be the Asians or the Afro Caribbeans or anyone else who was different in their eyes, thankfully their has been lots of opposition to these parasites and lets continue this onslaught in 2004.
Due to our continued support and protests we have seen the release from prison of the Thessoloniki prisoners.
Let's face it the Queen's speech was shit on christmas day, she simply is not in touch with the people and she and her family should be dumped in an over crowded, damp, cold flat, living on benefits so they could really learn what it felt like to have little or nothing, and why is it that if a persons dog maims a child or kills another persons pet it is put to sleep yet if your the Princess Royal you get away with it and so does your dog.
In the new year i hope we continue to fight all the wrongs in this world and I'd finally like to send out my thanks to the following organisations for their continued resistance to capitalism.
Indymedia-for providing us with freedom of speech/expression.
The Mayday collective
Movement against the Monarchy
Critical Mass
Class War
All Hunt Sabs
Freedom Press
All the Fairford Protestors
The Metropolitan Police at Tower Hill 2002 (You've made "MAM"s' day)
To everyone involved in social centres
To all the squatters
To all who work at the Foundry(OLD STREET)
To every Anarchist alive massive respect for your continued opposition to authority
To all the bands/Sound Systems and DJ's who support all the above groups I think your the best thing since sliced bread.
To everyone in every Samba Band and anyone I missed out.
Hide the following 7 comments
All Power mad Rich Scum Are Shit!
26.12.2003 16:41
Nice one for giving a big shout to all the Bands/Sound Systems and DJ's people forget to give them a shout and lets remember if it wasn't for people bringing their stuff to do gigs to assist benefits, there wouldn't be any gig at all, so I agree massive respect to them all, it true this year has been crap with all the bad things that have happened, so what they caught Saddam and look how he looked, he's finished and everyone knows it, all we're doing now is ridding Iraq of one evil dictator to be ruled over by a whole nation of dictators-AMERICA and it's sqinty eyed leader, George W Bush.
It says somwhere never to trust somone with their eyes to close together and Bush is that very man, take a look at the most evil man alive today, if this fucker continues, he'll destroy the world and another thing the Queen supposedly our head of state using our public money to entertain such a wanker from America against the wishes of so many people, 14,000 cops came out to protect that parasite Bush and not one gave a toss for any victims of crime on that day, 14,000 can go on to the streets for one, but can't afford to patrol the streets for the rest of us, and they expect us to fork out for the bill on that day, we want to do some protesting about that in the new year and get the Monarch to pay the bill instead.
The Notorious Heckler
No Duty is More Important than that of Returning Thanks
26.12.2003 17:10
To everyone else many of you know us from playing the Hob Goblin Holloway Road, you know we're great thats why we fill the place up every time, unfortunetly we're booked up New Years Eve otherwise we'd have done the gig in Hackney Wick, at least they'd have given us a few beers and £50 quid. Shame on you.
The Queen's speech was awful just like last years too.
Roger from the Band (The Space Chickens)
Kill the all (and not who you think...)
26.12.2003 18:00
Mad Ted
Sad Sack!
26.12.2003 18:26
It's the old 'all musicans are wasters' line again.
Grow up and concentrate on the REAL enemies in our society - the militaristic royal family being one of them (I say the word 'family' in the loosest definition of it).
And as for the waster who was making a fast buck from a squat party, may their soul rot for all eternity, as that's the only fate they deserve for such cynical profiteering.
It does seems to me that it was actually the band that made a bigger (and better)contributon to the community that night, rather than the person who exploited their good intentions.
Not Loyal to Royal
The Space Chickens Are Not A Pop Band
26.12.2003 19:28
Micky D
The Queen and all her inbreds should be strung up
26.12.2003 20:09
NOW THEN............
The Queen made her crap speech on Christmas Day supporting the scum sent out to kill and maim innocent civilians, how many kids lost their mothers and fathers, how many kids did you lot kill in Iraq, right you've got Saddam, now fuckoff and let the people run their own country, they don't need you Brits or the fucking Yanks now.
The Queen and her sponging family are nothing worth watching on the television, there a waste of tax payers money and parasites and the sooner we're rid of the likes of them the better it will be and we don't want a fucking President either, we want to run our own affairs locally and turn the likes of Buck House into a home for our elderly folk no matter which race, colour or creed they are.
Elderly people are dying due to the cold weather and these parasites couldn't give a fuck, and we shouldn't give a fuck about them.
We should increase tourism by taking the royals to Tower Hill, placing them in stocks and let the people have a fun day out throwing rotten frut and veg at them.
The Queen talking about respecting other people's religions, what a load of bollocks, the head of the church of England and the protestant church, respecting other people's beliefs, who's she trying to kid? The Royal Family are the biggest bunch of jokers on this planet, getting bad publicity for one thing, trying to cover it up, and then using a bunch of kids with cancer to give themselves publicity by throwing a party while the Queen supposedly at the same time was in hospital with her knee op going on putting out a story claiming she might have cancer, I hope you do have cancer you old hag and die a lingering death, so who's coming to the new years eve MAM gig then? You'll get the chance to slag off the cops, may even get to sue them at a later date if they decide to hold you against your will, this party is gonna kick and we'll be back in action in the new year.
So all you royal scum beware 2004 for you lot is gonna be tough, now do us all a favour and HURRY UP AND DIE!
Pop as in Popular or peoples (music)
27.12.2003 00:02
Music should be a form of popular expression we need to reclaim the music !
if Roger and the spring chickens have something worthwhile to say then good luck to 'em...
pop / folk /our music should be blasting out from the vanguard of the revolution but it is unlikely to that while it's controlled by U no who ...