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Livingstone should have been asked for help with anti-Dsei protests

Rockwell | 14.09.2003 12:40 | London

Ken Livingstone the mayor of London said he was dead against the arms fair at Excel so why wasn't he approached to help out with organising the protests against it. He could have been asked to help fund the protests with council money and advertise the protests on the Tottally London website.

Ken Livingstone was once one of he most active people on the left in the seventies and eighties and is now in a very powerfull position as mayor of Greater London so it should have been obvious that he should have been approached for help to build for the anti-Dsei protests.



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14.09.2003 12:51

why didn't you ask him then?



14.09.2003 12:54

hes a twat, and wouldnt have helped with the protests. we wanted to destroy dsei, not have a wanky protest.


Di I not suggest other means?`

14.09.2003 19:07


I guess you are not happy about the way things went. Me too.

Of course Red Ken, who is the only MP ever to have taken on the secret state openly in the pigsty and against all odds keeps on existing without the usual fall that will be assigned to his questioning kind should have been approached.

Also it is now clear however much the SWP can be annoying they do call the numbers in if it is numbers you are after. There is no way they cannot be not approached for protests of huge imporatnce like the death fair.

Anyway where the fuck was CAAT? Why were they so quiet?

Also I wonder how many really pay atention to your sensible call to spread the news through leaflets far and wide.

Also the way you cut short my earlier suggestions on how to protest against the death fair is no precedent for any such efforts to be effective. Non egotistic cooperative efforts are needed badly.


Ken- Red?

16.09.2003 13:32

"the Mayor formerly known as Red Ken" was approached with a petition and verbally. The The sum total of the
contribution he felt able to make was to refuse to put up traffic signs
pointing towards Excel. MAYBE he'd have blocked funding for the cop
operation and forced Spearhead to find the money if he'd had the powers???
look through the list of groups allegedly supporting Disarm DSEi. Well-known
SWP-controlled National Stop the War for one. IF those groups had actually
mobilised to shut the Arms Fair down it COULD have happened.
(The opposition was also supported by London Green Party, I believe.)
The truth is, closing an obscenity like this in the end depends on people putting
their bodies where their mouths claim to be


Turnaround Livingstone

18.09.2003 19:29

Ken livingstone is no more than a coppers nark who smears protesters such as reclaim the streets and other anti capitalists as criminal thugs, remember 2 years ago during the media frenzy when he attacked the may day demonstrators and advised people not to turn up to protest and was shown on tv afterwards in the police control room watching the policing of the event, this guy is no friend of the anti capitalist milieu although no doubt the trots and their labour mates still worship him but why should we.

To read more on this whining coppers nark just go to the Notes From The Borderland website(not quite complete) or write to BM Box 4769 London WC1N 3XX

John sessions
mail e-mail:

Get a life, Get a grip

19.05.2004 06:12

I've just been flicking through your comments after stumbling onto this inane piece of drivel and I fail to understand the way you people think. Do you really think that closing down an arms exhibition is going to stop anything at all. Close it down, it will just move to another location, nothing will change, and this isn't the only show in the world is it. Perhaps you forget that there are events in the Middle East (Dubai and Abu Dhabi) and in China.

Why don't you go over there and demonstrate, lets see how long you stay out of jail.

I'm sure that when you all stop living in wonderland you will realise that arms and war are a part of life, so go and choke on your tofu and get a life

Yeah Whatever